"Ah! Forgive me, we don't eat people. We've never eaten people As soon as he heard that he was going to be shot, the old man immediately cried and howled, as if he had been wronged.

"This Did the commander-in-chief really eat people? " Wang Bin asked with some doubts.

"Remember, don't let them go alone. Don't let go of anything." Li Yuanhong ordered.

Seeing that Li Yuanhong didn't kill them, Wang Bin ordered the soldiers to take them down. After those people were taken away, Wang Bin came to Li Yuanhong, bent down and asked, "commander in chief, how do you know that the other party is a cannibal?"

"A lot of cannibals have been caught in the base before. Once these cannibals become addicted to human flesh, they are very difficult to give up. Therefore, if they mingle with human society, they will pose a great threat to the base. So I've had people study the characteristics of cannibals. Because of cannibalism, these cannibals become a bit like the legendary vampires. Their eyes become a little red, their fingernails become sharp, and their teeth on both sides become sharp, which makes it easier for their teeth to bite into human blood vessels and suck blood Li Yuanhong said.

"I see. Why don't you kill them all of a sudden?" Wang Bin asked.

"Who said I would not kill them, but it suddenly occurred to me that if these people still have accomplices, it would be more harmful to stay. So I want to find out where their nests are, so as to eliminate the harm forever."

"It's still thoughtful of commander Li." Wang Bin flattered Li Yuanhong very much.

"You can arrange it, do it like this, and then you wait for the signal from the guard. We must not let these animals harm people." Li Yuanhong told Wang Bin.

"Yes, I'll arrange it." Wang Bin turned and went out.

Li Yuanhong turned to the guard and said, "can you do it alone?" Li Yuanhong asked.

"No problem, although these people are all evolutors, even powers, but the level is too low." Guard road.

"Well, as long as you are sure, but be careful."

"Brother Li, don't worry. I'll go out and prepare." Guard road.

"Well, go!" Li Yuanhong nodded and the guard went out.

Li Yuanhong lowered his head and began to study the map. Just now I learned from those cannibals that the sense of smell of zombies has improved. The survivors in Sichuan base are deadly temptations to zombies. It is estimated that at this time, the gathering place in Sichuan Province has been surrounded by zombies. He must find a way to contact the gathering place and let them feedback the situation in the base as soon as possible, However, since the last time the chief gave his information, the commander Han had no news, so Li Yuanhong was very worried that the base would not be captured by zombies.

"Fat man, come here." Li Yuanhong called to the walkie talkie.

After a while, Lu came in with his big belly.

"What can I do for you, brother Li?"

"Tomorrow, you will search southwest according to this route and try to find out where the base is. We need to find the location of Sichuan base as soon as possible, and try to contact them." Li Yuanhong said.

"Don't worry, brother Li, and make sure to finish the task." The fat man Lu paid a salute, which was not a very standard military ceremony.

"By the way, when searching, don't go to Chongqing city." Li Yuanhong ordered.

"Ah?" Lu Pang doesn't understand why, and looks at Li Yuanhong in doubt.

"The terrain of Chongqing mountain city is too complex. It's easy to be ambushed if you fly in. You can avoid it. Don't put yourself in danger." Li Yuanhong said.

"I see!" Lufei didn't care. He answered casually, then he saluted him and walked out of the room.

Li Yuanhong was busy looking at the map and didn't notice Lu's manner.

Early the next morning, Lufei flew southwest with a wingman. As Li Yuanhong supervised his takeoff, Lufei honestly bypassed Chongqing city and headed southwest.

And then the guard came back.

"Well, have those people's nests been found?" Li Yuanhong asked.

"Yes, and these guys are killing people. The places they live in are almost full of human bones." Said the guard, his eyes glowing.

"What did you do with those guys?" Li Yuanhong's eyes flashed with killing intention and asked calmly.

"We cut off their heads and throw them into the zombie pile. Their heads are inserted directly in front of their holes to warn those who dare to eat." Guard road.

"It's cheaper for them. Do they miss the net?" Li Yuanhong said.

"No, it seems that there are no more powerful survivors around here, so they are not afraid that someone will attack their nest while they are not. And when we followed them to their nests, we didn't see any other survivors along the way. They probably did harm to them Guard road.

"Since there are no other leakers, that's good. Let Wang Bin send people to search further places to see if there are other survivors. We have established a base here, and we should put the search for survivors on the agenda as soon as possible." Li Yuanhong ordered."Yes The guard agreed.

At this time, Wang Bin came in: "report to the commander-in-chief, we have set the bait on the second bridge, do you need to check it?"

"Well, let's see how it works." Li Yuanhong stood up. Today is the time to examine the plan of covering the zombie with empty hands formulated the day before yesterday. If the zombie can be killed by himself at a very small cost, Li Yuanhong will never let go of this good thing.

Soon, Li Yuanhong got on the gunboat and drove to the second bridge on the Yangtze River. Not far below the bridge, the ship stopped. Li Yuanhong asked Wang Bin, "how are you going to lure zombies?"

"In the battle group the day before yesterday, I found that the zombies here were more sensitive to the smell of blood and sound, so I prepared a double bait on this bridge. The first one was a large fireworks array, which not only made a loud noise, but also lasted a long time, which was enough to lead the zombies to the battle group. The second one was the blood bottle array. In the middle of the bridge, there was a row of blood bottles. Once the corpse group approached the bridge, I would like to draw the corpses, The blood bottle will crack, and it will be difficult for the zombie not to go crazy Wang Bin said.

"Well, are there any other settings?"

"Once the zombies are brought in, we have the kind of high-pressure water guns on both our gunboats, and then we will use them to wash the zombies down the bridge, so that we can get rid of the zombies on the bridge with almost no bullets." Wang Bin continued.

"Ha ha ha, you have a good idea. Let's see what effect your arrangement can have." Li Yuanhong said happily.

With Wang Bin's order, fireworks were detonated, and a string of fireworks were detonated in the air, making all kinds of sounds, especially the piercing sound and strong piercing monkey. The sound was far away. So most of Chongqing was boiling, and the zombies poured into the street, and their heads turned to the direction of the fireworks. All of a sudden, those numb and ugly faces became incomparable one by one Excited, began to gallop toward the bridge, but many zombies took the wrong route and fell directly from the road on the roof, so the army of disabled zombies increased sharply at this moment.

This is not over, crazy zombies rush to the end of the bridge, and suddenly smell the bloody smell that they haven't seen for a long time, which stimulates them even more. So they reach the peak of madness. At that time, they crowd each other and rush to the center of the bridge.

However, on both sides of the bridge, there are search gunboats. They aim fire-fighting high-pressure water guns on the bridge and spray them continuously. These zombies are like competitors who have to break through layers of water guns to seize their beloved fresh blood food. However, many of the participating zombies did not break through and were directly washed into the river by huge water pressure.

When those who managed to get to the center of the bridge through the obstacles, they found that there was no meat, only blood, but the zombies still went crazy to snatch. For a time, the bridge was full of zombies, and it became a graveyard for zombies. Many disabled zombies were directly trampled under the feet of the corpses and never got up again. They became the cornerstone of the road of blood and mud.

Just as the zombies were crowding each other, Li Yuanhong was stunned by the sound of airplanes breaking through the sky. Li Yuanhong had told the fat people not to fly from Chongqing. Were the two planes passing through the city?

Li Yuanhong just wanted to pick up the walkie talkie to contact the plane. Li Yuanhong was afraid that the man on the plane was Lu Pang. Now there are ape corpses in the city. These zombies have strong bounce power. Once the plane flies too low, it is likely that the plane will be attacked by these ape corpses.

When the sound of the plane came into the city, a pair of scarlet eyes immediately began to pay attention to the two planes, and his eyes shot hatred. Moreover, he began to roar, and those ape corpses around him scattered one after another, and did not know what to do. In just a dozen seconds, those ape corpses disappeared in the buildings.

At this time, the plane crossed the highest point of the city and began to dive towards the bridge. The speed also began to slow down. The missile shelters on both sides of the plane were opened, which was to attack the corpses on the bridge.

However, the accident happened suddenly. From the buildings where there was no zombie, there was a high voice of corpse throat. Then many ape corpses appeared under and above the plane. These ape corpses were staring at the two planes, especially the ape corpses on the floor above the aircraft. They started to accelerate the run-up, and then the high-rise team jumped up to the plane, and then the two flew I didn't know that there were ape corpses falling from the sky behind them.

"Get out of the way, there are ape corpses attacking you Li Yuanhong noticed the trend of the ape corpse, and had no time to confirm whether the two planes were the planes of the fat man. He immediately issued a warning, hoping to attract the attention of the plane.

At this time, the two planes were still focusing on the zombies on the bridge in front of them. They did not notice the sudden situation behind them until Li Yuanhong's warning was issued. At this time, the plane was flying at a low speed, and it must be too late to accelerate suddenly. Therefore, two planes made an emergency turn to avoid it. However, one plane did not dodge and was still caught by the ape corpse falling from the sky. So the plane fell down rapidly. Finally, there was a roar in the city, accompanied by the firelight, and the plane fell down.

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