With this bullet shooting down the first zombie, Li Yuanhong fired several bullets in succession. These bullets cooperated with the soldiers' shooting, and instantly shot the shadowy zombie who was chasing him to the spot.

When Li Yuanhong was ready to change the cartridge clip, the remaining shadow zombies turned around and ran away, and they retreated shamelessly. Li Yuanhong's face became more gloomy when he saw this. Li Yuanhong was not afraid of the zombies' rampage. This shows that zombies are still dominated by their nature, that is, they have no wisdom. But this kind of zombies who know how to retreat is a big problem, because they have wisdom, and the battle will be even more serious With more flexibility, this zombie will be harder to deal with.

The scouts quickly withdrew from the team and reported to Li yuanhonghui: "report to the commander-in-chief, the zombies in front of us are surrounded in a fan shape. If we did not conduct forward investigation, these zombies will not attack us yet. They are circling to our flanks on both sides. Just now they found us, and then they launched an attack on us from the front."

After listening to the report, Li Yuanhong knew that the zombie wanted to encircle himself in a roundabout way. Fortunately, after receiving the report, he immediately withdrew the logistics forces that had hindered the army's operations. In this way, he could let go of his own hands and feet when a fight broke out.

"Order the troops to withdraw gradually and air support from the rear aircraft combat forces." Li Yuanhong immediately ordered.

With Li Yuanhong's order, the troops slowly withdrew. At this time, the distant horizon finally appeared a dark figure, and the zombies group finally appeared. At this time, signs of zombie activities also appeared on the horizon on both sides. However, the zombies on both sides did not immediately surround themselves, but still kept circling behind Li Yuanhong's side. These zombies wanted to completely kill Li Yuanhong's troops surrounded them and ate them in one bite.

Seeing this, Li Yuanhong immediately ordered the troops to speed up their retreat and absolutely could not give the zombies a chance to surround themselves.

The two sides then launched a speed race on the wasteland. Even though Li Yuanhong raised the speed of the tank to two-thirds of the full speed, he still let the troops of the zombies approach slowly.

The main reason why Li Yuanhong didn't let the tank run at full power was that Li Yuanhong had to pay attention to attacking the zombies at any time. In this way, the turret of the tank should always point to the corpse group, thus limiting the speed of the tank.

Finally, the zombie team entered into the tank's firing, so Li Yuanhong ordered: "the tank should retreat while firing, pay attention to the firing rhythm, two shells per minute, do not affect the speed."

As the order was given, the first round of shells of the tank came out of the hall in an instant, and soon the shells exploded in the zombies. However, due to the lack of firepower density, the shells were also in the corpses, which blew up a small gap, but soon this gap was filled by the zombies coming from behind.

With the continuous dropping of shells, the front attack of the zombies group was finally restrained. The distance between the zombies and the tanks reached a relative balance. However, the zombies on both sides were still pressing towards Li Yuanhong. If Li Yuanhong didn't think of a way, the zombies on both sides would soon block their own back.

At this time, the sky was filled with the roar of aircraft, and the air force support arrived. Because it was too far away from the metropolis, the plane could not arrive in a few minutes. After less than half an hour, the plane appeared, which was fast.

"Brother Li, we are here. How do we attack next?"

Li Yuanhong's walkie talkie suddenly heard the voice of the fat man. Obviously, Lu Pang was the leader of the team.

"Your flying brigade is only responsible for the corpse groups on both sides. The front corpse group is not under your control. Remember, don't let the corpses on both sides surround us!"

"Yes, I understand!" After receiving the order, Lu pangzi immediately separated the aircraft brigade from the left and right and flew to the corpses on both sides of Li Yuanhong.

Then there was a violent explosion in the corpse groups on both sides. It must be said that the power of the micro missile of the plane was really huge. Soon those zombies running in the front were annihilated. In less than five minutes, the vanguards of the zombies on both sides disappeared. Although Li Yuanhong did not know how many zombies died in this attack, Li Yuanhong knew that the zombies wanted to surround themselves again It's impossible.

However, the plane was not good at this point. Although the bombing was fierce, the duration was too short. Within 10 minutes, the ammunition of these planes ran out. So Lu said "sorry" to Li Yuanhong in the air, and then he shook his wings and flew away.

However, the temporary danger has been removed, and Li Yuanhong is no longer afraid. Now the zombies want to play by themselves. It is just that they also want to fly kites for the zombies. This strategy has not been used for a long time. Moreover, Li Yuanhong has set a huge trap for the corpses. Once he can introduce the corpses into his enclosure, it will be impossible to tell who will pit them.

However, at this time, Li Yuanhong was also very risky. The plane had just flown away, that is to say, in nearly an hour, Li Yuanhong could not get any support. Second, if there is any accident within this hour, he may be surrounded by zombies.

As the troops retreated and the artillery fired rhythmically, the front zombie team could not cross the distance of three kilometers. However, the corpse groups on both sides had just been attacked. Although they are still trying to encircle Li Yuanhong's rear, this plan can hardly be realized in a short time.

However, Li Yuanhong's team is still surrounded by three sides, and the corpse groups on both sides are slowly approaching his own team. He has no choice but to let the tanks on both sides specially probe out the machine guns and spray the zombies within 500 meters. However, the bullets fall down on the zombies, making a "jingling" sound, accompanied by bursts of sparks. It turns out that these zombies wear With armor, the bullet's lethality to them is significantly reduced."Hello, commander Xiao, how is your arrangement?" Li Yuanhong picked up the walkie talkie and asked commander Xiao, who arranged the position behind him.

"I'll be ready soon. You can speed up your retreat!" Commander Xiao's voice came from the walkie talkie.

Li Yuanhong said in his heart that if he could speed up, he would have accelerated, but these sticky corpses would not give him the chance to speed up.

"Commander in chief, the zombies on both sides are too close. What shall we do?" At this time, commander Zhang was a little flustered. Seeing that the zombies on both sides were less than 500 meters, he did not know how to win.

"What's the panic? Then the tankers throw grenades into the corpses on both sides!" Li Yuanhong said angrily.

"Yes Although Zhang was calm on the surface, his voice trembled.

Soon, many grenades were thrown out of the tanks on both sides. Many zombies close to the tank were directly blown to the ground by these grenades. However, the corpse group was still far away from the tank, and the effect of the grenade was not good. Only the nearby zombies were blown up, which made the soldiers feel less flustered.

In fact, the crisis is still far from being solved. As a large number of grenades have been thrown out in advance, the subsequent grenade attacks have been somewhat behind. After all, each person has only five grenades on hand. After all, most people have no grenades on them. Even if there are grenades, they dare not throw them out easily.

Just as the zombies on both sides were approaching again, a violent explosion broke out in the corpse groups on both sides. It turned out that Li Yuanhong had already withdrawn from commander Xiao's troops at this time, and commander Xiao had ordered people to support Li Yuanhong's troops with firepower.

The artillery fire raged in the corpse groups on both sides, so that the zombies who just wanted to approach the human corps were immediately blocked by new artillery fire.

"Step back, we're going to get out of trouble soon!" Li Yuanhong yelled to the soldiers.

As soon as the reinforcements arrived, the soldiers were greatly invigorated. At this time, the firing rate of the tanks was also significantly increased. The zombies in the distance who followed Li Yuanhong's motorcade were not approaching, but were driven away for a certain distance by increased artillery fire.

When Li Yuanhong led the motorcade into the defensive circle arranged by commander Xiao, Li Yuanhong secretly breathed a sigh of relief. His more than 1000 people could only be regarded as the vanguard. The real large force was led by commander Xiao. Commander Xiao's team and Li Yuanhong's team gathered for nearly 60 kilometers. The reason why they were so far away was to prevent the troops from being surrounded by the whole. Li Yuanhong knew that he had great ability to escape, Therefore, a small group of troops can flexibly escape in case of danger, but it is difficult for large units to launch counterattack once they are attacked.

But now there is a certain distance between the two. Once the forward meets the situation and withdraws, the rear troops can be arranged in advance, so as to avoid confusion in the rear.

But today this one hour escape, also let Li Yuan enough of the soul, several times in distress, fortunately, finally came to safety.

At this time, commander Xiao's tanks and artillery groups opened fire, and the zombies were finally suppressed by the dense artillery fire. However, the zombies' attack surface was very wide, and the tank coverage was not large. At the edge of the artillery fire, a large number of zombies still rushed through the smoke of the artillery fire and rushed to the human position.

When these zombies rushed to less than 200 meters away from the human position, a lot of machine gun robots suddenly appeared between the tanks. With the rotation of the wheel machine gun, the roaring machine gun bullets flew away like water to the corpse group. Soon, these zombies were cut in two by the furious machine gun bullets. The armor, which could not be penetrated by ordinary bullets, was easily torn open by the revolver gun.

The two sides were in a standoff for a while. Although human weapons prevented the zombies from moving forward, the zombies were wearing armor. In fact, the casualties were not very large, and human ammunition was rapidly consumed. At the rear of the corpses, zombies were organizing a new offensive. These zombies were wearing heavier armor, and these zombies were wearing heavier armor They all carry huge wooden baskets behind them, which contain shells, a special kind of shells. Obviously, this is a long-range weapon made by the Western Empire for zombies.

With the help of the front corpse group, those fat zombies came to the place less than 500 meters away from the human position. They took out the black bomb from the basket behind, and then pulled the iron ring on it and threw it at the human position fiercely.

At this time, Li Yuanhong was observing the movement of zombies with binoculars inside the defense circle. Li Yuanhong did not think that zombies would attack this skill. Even if they were protected by armor, they would never do such stupid things.

At this time, he suddenly saw a lot of black pimples flying in the enemy's array. Although Li Yuanhong didn't know what it was, it was definitely not a good thing. So he quickly called out to the walkie talkie, "all units should pay attention to protection. The enemy has unknown weapons to attack!"

Before Li Yuanhong's voice dropped, he heard a violent explosion outside the defense circle. Several machine gun robots were blown up to the sky, and several tanks were also blasted to the ground. It can be seen that the black pimple is a bomb, a bomb for zombies, and a powerful bomb.

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