With the cry of the human officer, these survivors boarded these old trains one after another, but the carriage was not the passenger compartment, but the carriage of the big box for pulling goods. It was absolutely no problem for a carriage to hold four or five hundred people. So a thousand people were divided into two compartments and got on the train. At the same time, many people came out from the waiting room of the railway station Some of them boarded the other carriages. The train had twenty such carriages, which meant that the train would carry 10000 people.

When all the survivors got on the train, the officer called out to the station, "we're going to leave!"

The giant zombie in the railway station let out a roar. Hearing the roar, the officer quickly ran to several cars in front of the truck. One of the cars in front was a dining car, and the other two were ordinary passenger cars. These two passenger cars were for soldiers. Finally, there was a luxury car. The commander got into the car.

When he got on the train, and then at an order, the train moved slowly and quickly left the station. Those zombies scattered on the railway track have made way for the road. The sound of corpse roar is an order, which is to let the zombies get out of the way.

When the train left the railway station, a figure suddenly moved from a train box to the top of the train. Then there was a twinkling and it reached the roof of the railway station. This figure was Li Yuanhong.

He took more than 20 members of the team to join the survivors. Originally, Li Yuanhong wanted to take all the 1000 people with him, but later he thought, no, the team of 1000 people is all very advanced evolutors, so many evolutors are bound to attract the other party's attention, while 20 people, mixed in the team of 1000 people, if not carefully screened by the other party, could hardly be found.

Therefore, Li Yuanhong made a military vehicle and went all the way to the military camp. In the camp, Li Yuanhong resisted and was pulled to the railway station. When he saw the giant zombie, Li Yuanhong almost chose to do it, but Li Yuanhong resisted. Because here, not only have their own, but also those ordinary survivors, as long as they do it themselves, these untrained civilians are bound to suffer.

When the people were pointed to the carriage and boarded the train, Li Yuanhong found that there were a large number of survivors from the railway station behind him. Li Yuanhong secretly congratulated himself that he had not done anything, otherwise, it would have been more than 1000 people involved.

"Guard, I'll go out later. You'll be in charge here. After the train leaves the city for a long time, you will hijack the train. Try to find a way to catch the leading officer. Maybe we can get some information from him."

"Ah? What are you doing, brother Li? Are you too dangerous? " Asked the guard, worried.

"Don't worry, if I want to run alone, no one can stop me." Li Yuanhong said with a smile, and then took out the weapons and equipment of 20 people from the space, and even a machine gun robot.

"These weapons will be used by you to hijack the train, as well as this communication device. Once the hijacking is successful, contact commander Xiao as soon as possible and ask them to take you away. Then wait for my news. Once I have dealt with it, you will attack from the outside immediately." Li Yuanhong continued to command in a low voice.

"Well, brother Li, you should be more careful." Another word from the guard.

Li Yuanhong didn't say anything more. He quickly put on the magic armor, and then from the other end of the train compartment, he opened the cabin door, clasped his hands on the upper eaves of the door, and then turned up one by one, directly to the roof of the train station.

At this time, the railway station is a bit empty because it has just sent away the survivors. The location of the giant zombie is obvious.

In fact, the giant didn't want to stay here. The railway station was not well located. It was too close to the edge of the city. Once someone attacked, he would soon come here. However, the man of the Western Empire took the token of the Lord Skeleton Knight. He had to supervise and send those damned human beings to the train. In case of emergency, he could only Sit down here. Fortunately, this human has almost finished sending, in a short time, he can return to his nest and stay safe.

At this time, the giant zombie did not notice that there was a man staring at him on his head.

Li Yuanhong has been staring at the giant zombie. He sees that there are many guards around him, but he doesn't know the nature of the giant zombie. If he attacks rashly, he will surely be in danger. But if he gives up the attack, it will be difficult to find an attack opportunity.

When he was in trouble, Li Yuanhong began to search for his own space, hoping to find something useful to attract the zombie guards away. Li Yuanhong looked at it and suddenly saw a spider robot and a dragonfly robot. These two robots can attack quietly. They can just use these two kinds of robots to set a trap for the zombies here. Then he is trying to separate the giant zombie from the enemy, and then he can sneak attack the giant zombie.

Li Yuanhong said he would do what he wanted. He quickly ordered the micro spider to set traps at each entrance and exit. Then he ran to a hidden place and put down a robot. As long as Li Yuanhong gave an order, the robot could launch an attack.

After setting up the trap, Li Yuanhong takes out the dragonfly reconnaissance plane, then controls the reconnaissance plane and flies silently to the corpse group.Although the sound of the dragonfly reconnaissance plane is very low, when it is less than 100 meters away from the giant zombie, the giant zombie suddenly looks up at the reconnaissance plane. At this moment, Li Yuanhong suddenly presses the missile launch button on the reconnaissance plane, and the micro missile carried by the reconnaissance plane runs directly to the giant zombie.

However, the giant zombie suddenly opened the barrier, which was a water shield. When the missile was ejected on the water shield, a burst of halo broke out. The explosion force only slightly scattered the water shield, and did not cause much waves.

Seeing that the attack failed, Li Yuanhong immediately controlled the plane to fly out. However, the giant zombie who was attacked would not let go of the little thing who dared to disturb him. So a water arrow shot at the plane. Li Yuanhong also wanted to control the plane to avoid the water arrow. However, the Zombie did not launch a water arrow, but a rain of water arrows hit the small plane He was shot at once and fell to the ground.

Seeing that the plane attack didn't work, Li Yuanhong immediately mobilized the machine gun robot and came out of the hiding place. As soon as he emerged, he fired machine gun at the zombies who were standing guard.

These zombies just heard the explosion from the station, but they didn't see the fire. They didn't know what happened in the railway station. So they all looked at the station. To their surprise, the robots came up with a machine gun. These unresponsive zombies were cut in two by the bullets of the robots.

There were not many zombies on the platform, only dozens of them. After these dozens of zombies were killed, Li Yuanhong manipulated the robot to stand at the entrance of the station and began to shoot the zombies in the waiting hall wildly. For a moment, bullets were flying wildly on the wall, and dust and smoke shrouded the whole entrance.

The giant zombie was attacked just now. Although the small plane was knocked down, the giant zombie understood that it was definitely not attacking its own body, and there were people behind to control the plane. When he heard the gunfire on the platform and the scene was very chaotic, he decided that the attacker was on the platform, so the giant zombie led the corpse group to the platform and rushed to the platform.

When Li Yuanhong saw that the giant zombie was still following his bodyguard, he had to wait. However, Li Yuanhong began to let the machine gun robot fire and retreat to prevent being attacked by the magic of the corpse group. Although the machine gun robot has magic lines to protect it, it can't hold a large number of corpses. Once he blows up his own robot, there is no second place in his own space There's a machine gun robot.

As the robot retreated slowly, those zombies were also led to the front door. When the first zombie stepped into the door, it was directly discarded by the trap set by the spider robot. However, the fire power of the machine gun robot did not stop, so the zombies did not realize that the fallen zombies were caused by traps, and they still swarmed to the door.

Due to the narrow entrance and the blockade of machine guns and robots, although there are tens of thousands of zombies in the hall, they just can't rush out. At this time, some zombies begin to rush out from other exits. However, whenever these zombies cross the gate, they are somehow divided by something.

At this time, the zombie noticed that there was a mechanism on the gate. One of the two fat zombies turned into King Kong to guard the zombie and rushed to the door. The two big guys hit each other hard, and the whole door frame collapsed. This not only widened the door frame, but also destroyed the traps set on the door frame.

Li Yuanhong saw that the zombies had destroyed the gate, so it was no longer realistic to rely on a machine gun robot to stop the zombies. So he ordered the robots to continue to retreat far away and try to lure the zombies in the station to the distance. In this way, the number of zombies around the giant Zombies would be reduced, which would be conducive to his own sneak attack.

Sure enough, the giant zombie saw that the machine gun robot had hurt his own people and wanted to escape. Naturally, he would not let go. So he ordered the zombies under his command to pursue, especially those zombies who were good at speed, and quickly chased the robots.

With the pursuit of the zombies, the whole group of corpses has been lengthened, and the guards around the giant zombies have been reduced. Seeing that the time is ripe, Li Yuanhong flies down to the zombie giant zombies one by one, and then opens the black hole space. In an instant, the suction of the black hole pulls half the bodies of giant zombies into the space.

Li Yuanhong didn't open the black hole at the beginning. First of all, Li Yuanhong didn't know the properties of the giant zombie. As the level of the giant zombie increased, its volume also increased. In this way, when the black hole absorbed the giant zombie, the black hole suction would be blocked for a period of time. Once the giant zombie had the ability to resist suction, he put the black hole close to him, that was to send Death.

However, when he saw the giant zombie using water protection magic, Li Yuanhong knew that the giant zombie should have no magic against black holes, so he launched an attack at this time.

Most of the body of the zombie has been sucked into the black hole. At this time, the giant zombie still wants to struggle. However, when the giant zombie wants to pull several zombies on his back, several lightning grenades explode in front of him. The electric light quickly covers the body of the giant zombie, making him paralyzed. Then, with a sad cry, the giant Zombie's body is sucked into the endless void, Without the block of giant Zombie's huge body, the attraction of the black hole sends out a strong gravity, which drags the zombies around who still want to fight against gravity into the black hole.

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