When Li Yuanhong returned to the base, he immediately began to prepare for a trip to Heilongjiang. When he heard the news of the dragon, he didn't hurry up. He had no chance of winning against Crusoe. An "average" Crusoe would have no fight back. In case of two "two kinds", he would not have to do it. He should find a place to cat up.

Li Yuanhong first ran to the old man Bai to go back to the cave man's submarine that he had come to last time. This is a good diving thing. He went to Heilong lake and was expected to dive again.

Then let Lu pangzi make supplies and fly directly to the upper reaches of Heilongjiang.

"Brother Li, what are we doing here?" The fat man didn't know the purpose of Li Yuanhong's trip, so he asked quickly when he was free.

"Find the dragon!" Li Yuanhong replied.

"Dragon? Is there really a dragon in the world The fat man asked in surprise.

"Even the demons like Crusoe have appeared. There is nothing impossible for the dragon to appear." Li Yuanhong said something without being angry.

"Oh! Where are we going now Lu asked again.

"To the black dragon pool!"

"Where is the black dragon pool?" Lu asked again.

"The black dragon pool is in..." Li Yuanhong was stunned by this question. He didn't know where the black dragon pool was. Nasia only said about the upper reaches of Heilongjiang River, but didn't say where it was. He forgot to ask specifically at that time.

"In All in all, just swim up along the Heilongjiang River! " Li Yuanhong gave the fat man a look.

"Oh, good!" Fat Lu saw that Li Yuanhong was a little angry today, so he didn't dare to ask.

In fact, Li Yuanhong also scratched his head. After returning to the base, Li Yuanhong also checked the map. Heilongjiang is very long, but he didn't find a place called Heilongtan along the way. So Li Yuanhong is very angry now. Why didn't he ask more questions at that time.

The airship went up along the Heilongjiang River, and soon Mohe was not far away. Maybe you can ask the snow wolf of Mohe. Maybe this northeast person has heard of Heilongtan.

"Fat man, let's go to Mohe to have a rest first." Li Yuanhong said.

"Mohe? OK, it's time for me to watch the snow scenery. It's time to change my vision! Or I wonder if I'll be snow blind! " Lu chubby laughed at himself.

"You're a poor mouth!" Li Yuanhong didn't say much. The snow scene is beautiful at first, but if you stare at it for a day, you will feel tired.

The airship soon arrived at Mohe. When Li Yuanhong got off the airship, he was not a snow wolf.

"Who are you? And the snow wolf Li Yuanhong looks at his uncle in surprise.

"Oh, chief commander Li, my name is KuMan. You forget that snow wolf has been transferred to Harbin city!" The uncle replied politely to my question.

As soon as I slapped my head, I didn't care about the personnel transfer now. This matter has long been forgotten by myself.

"Uncle KuMan, I'm in a hurry. I'm disturbing you!" Li Yuanhong apologized.

"Ha ha ha, what did commander Li say? If you hadn't come here, we would still be the home of zombies. Now our life has almost recovered. We don't have to hide and suffer from hunger and cold any more. If you can come, we won't have time to be happy!" Uncle KuMan said happily.

"Uncle KuMan, we'll talk about it in detail." Li Yuanhong was moved by Uncle KuMan's enthusiasm, so he walked into the City Office of Mohe side by side with uncle KuMan.

Li Yuanhong listened to uncle KuMan's report on the recovery of Mohe this year, as well as various difficulties, especially the protection of people's livelihood and mutant animals.

For some difficulties, Li Yuanhong gave some instructions according to their priorities, especially when it was related to the survival plan. Li Yuanhong specially arranged for the fat man to report to the authorities, and asked the general office of the black province to speed up the handling.

After spending most of the day in various government affairs, Li Yuanhong realized that it was no easier to deal with government affairs in an office than to lead soldiers to war. Just listening to the report made Li Yuanhong dizzy and brain distended.

In the evening, the banquet was put on. Li Yuanhong saw that the table was full of rare game. It was obvious that these things could not be consumed by ordinary people.

Looking at a table of dishes, Li Yuanhong said bitterly, "Uncle KuMan, are these things beyond the standard?"

However, Li Yuanhong has regulations on official meals. When he wants to eat delicious food, he can only go to the city where the corpses are guarded by himself. This is the reason why Lu Pang is so keen on attacking the city.

"Commander Li, don't worry. This meal is absolutely in line with the regulations. We rely on the mountain here, and the game is like that in your big city..." Uncle KuMan didn't know how to describe it.

"Like a beauty in the city!" The young people who accompany us.

"You know how beautiful women are. Can you make a difference?" Uncle KuMan turned his head and taught.

"Ha ha, uncle KuMan, I know what you mean. It's good if it doesn't exceed the standard. Although I'm the commander-in-chief, I can't eat beyond the standard. Otherwise, everyone will look up to me and the order we've built up will be destroyed? You say no"I understand. Don't worry, commander-in-chief. We have some local chickens and deer here. We can't use any money. They are absolutely cheap." Uncle KuMan has a strong northeast dialect.

Since uncle KuMan said this, Li Yuanhong would be more polite, that would be false. So people drank freely, especially Lu Pang, who threw off his cheek. According to the northeast dialect, it was called "open your stomach to make a strong creation.".

After three rounds of wine and five flavors of food, some of them were red. Only Li Yuanhong had not changed his color. Li Yuanhong saw that everyone had finished drinking, so he asked Uncle KuMan, "Uncle KuMan, have you heard of the black dragon pool?"

"Black dragon pool?" Uncle KuMan may have drunk too much, and his mind was a bit dull. After thinking for a long time, he suddenly patted his thigh: "Oh, I remember. When my father was alive, he told me one thing. He once went fishing in the river. As a result, the boat was overturned by a big wave. Fortunately, my father has a good water quality and barely swam ashore. As a result, he found that he has never been to a place On the edge of the deep pool that I have never been to, there is a stone tablet on the edge of the deep pool, which says "black dragon pool."

"Uncle KuMan, do you know where the black dragon pool is?" Li Yuanhong asked eagerly.

"I don't know the specific location. My father is afraid of where I'm going to swim, so he didn't tell me, but I still know the general location. My father often told me about the management, and my father accidentally revealed that the place was in a fork in the river north of here in Heilongjiang Province." Said uncle KuMan.

"Uncle KuMan, why don't we know this place?" Asked the young man next to him.

"You know, it's broken. My grandfather came into it by chance. My grandfather said that it was dangerous. The bottom of the pool was connected with the big river, and the water was very deep. After several times of exploration, we didn't get to the bottom of it. Moreover, there were a lot of keel, which scared my father at that time." Uncle KuMan said with a smile.

Li Yuanhong listened quietly and knew that the place uncle KuMan said was the place he was looking for.

Early the next morning, Li Yuanhong flew to Heilongjiang in accordance with uncle KuMan's direction. After a short flight, he saw a chain of ice and silver winding between the mountains and forests. Li Yuanhong knew that this was Heilongjiang.

Looking along the Heilongjiang River, we soon found a tributary, which should be the branch of the river in Uncle KuMan's mouth, so we flew up the branch. Within a short distance, the river came to an end, but there was no pool here.

"Brother Li, are we wrong?" Lu asked suspiciously.

"It should be here, but it's not the end. Another part of the river should be underground." Li Yuanhong said.


"Well, didn't you hear uncle KuMan say yesterday that he swam into the pool through the underground river?"

"Oh, I drank too much yesterday. I didn't hear that." Lu fat man said embarrassed.

Li Yuanhong was speechless after hearing this. It's strange that the fat man Lu didn't drink too much when he saw that he was dead.

"Let's fly a little further ahead and see if we can find it." Li Yuanhong ordered.

So the airship flew forward not far, only saw a cross arm kilometer high mountain appeared in front of us, and the cliff was steep, ordinary people could not climb at all.

Seeing this, the fat man Lu said: "brother Li, there are mountains in front of us. There won't be any pond. We'd better go to other places to look for it."

Li Yuanhong hesitated for a moment and then said, "Lu fatty, you said that the black dragon pool is near Heilongjiang Province. Why does no one know?"

"It must be too hidden."

"What is covert? Is it blocked by woods or in some cave? "

"This How can I know that. " Lu said embarrassed.

"I think people can't know, the best way is to make people can't reach it. Do you think people can't reach the mountain peak?" Li Yuanhong looked at the straight mountain road in front of him.

"Brother Li, if you say so, it's really possible." Lu also looked at the mountain.

So the airship flew up a thousand kilometers of mountains, and then the unexpected scenery appeared.

Surrounded by mountains, a pool of deep water is in it, and the mountains on both sides are like knives. These mountains are like walls to protect the pool water. No wonder no one can find this pool.

Li Yuanhong quickly ordered people to drop the airship. When Li Yuanhong got out of the airship, he was shocked.

I can see that the Bank of this pool is full of withered white bones, but these white bones are not human bones, but the legendary dragon bones. Look at these bones, there are no less than a hundred. These white bones have been dried up in the wind and sun, and some of them have turned into powder. As a result, the whole pool was pale, in sharp contrast to the dark water.

Li Yuanhong was looking around, and Lu suddenly pointed out, "brother Li, there is a stone tablet over there!"

Li Yuanhong followed Lu Pang Zi's direction and saw a word-of-mouth. He walked forward and saw three big characters engraved on the tablet: black dragon pond.

Li Yuanhong looked at a few characters, which were not carved by modern people, because they were traditional characters. Since the cultural reform of Taizu ye, traditional Chinese characters had not been used in mainland China, so the reputation should be at least in the period of the Republic of China.Li Yuanhong turned to the back of the tablet and saw the inscription. It was written in classical Chinese, which further confirmed Li Yuanhong's conjecture.

The main idea of the inscription is: during the reign of Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty, a general of the Qing Dynasty went to war with Russia with his army. Although he won the battle, he signed the Treaty of nebuchu. He felt that it was unfair. The old Kangxi lost his ancestral land and insulted his ancestors. In a fit of anger, he returned to the field and traveled around the country. One day, a strong wind suddenly rose, and a green dragon fell from the sky and fell into the Heilongjiang River, So he went along the direction and finally climbed into the mountain. When he saw the black pool, he saw that the edge of the pool was full of keel. The green dragon had been dead for a long time. The Wu Fu lamented that the falling dragon was an ominous omen, so he didn't intend to make a public announcement about it, but he didn't want to leave in silence. Therefore, he carved a monument as a memorial.

There is no name left in the inscription, only the title of Wufu. The date is the spring of the 30th year of Kangxi.

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