The bullets suddenly shot out, which made the zombies have no long-range barrier, so these zombies began to launch a crazy attack on human beings. Fortunately, Li Yuanhong built a fortification ahead of time. Most of these zombies rushed to the front of the fortification and were stopped by the fortification. They could only dance with their hands empty, but could not hurt human beings.

This fortification is 1.45 meters, which is convenient for human attack and defense. Li Yuanhong and a dozen soldiers took out their swords and began to attack the zombies outside the fortification.

"Guard, don't worry about the ordinary zombies. As long as they don't climb into the fortifications, we don't care about them. We focus on those long tongued zombies. Be careful of their tongue attacks." Li Yuanhong ordered.

"Understand!" The guard wielded a knife and killed a zombie who was climbing up the fortification.

For a while, the battle became white hot, and many zombies climbed onto the fortifications, making ten soldiers into the mode of crazy cutting and killing, but it was still difficult to stop the crazy attack of zombies. Moreover, those long tongued zombies made sneak attacks in the corpse group from time to time. Within 10 minutes, more than half of the soldiers were injured.

During this period, Li Yuanhong almost got hit. Fortunately, his real eyes improved his visual sense. He found the long tongue zombie that attacked him by a tiny margin. Then Li Yuanhong sidetracked the long tongue attack and cut off the Zombie's tongue with a knife.

"Hold on, everyone. Our reinforcements will be here soon." Knowing that this is the most dangerous time, Li Yuanhong must not let go, so he encouraged everyone.

Li Yuanhong's words played a role. Some soldiers who were already exhausted began to wave their swords wildly and began to kill the approaching zombies.

However, the defense of more than a dozen people was too weak. Soon, several soldiers were injured, and even the guards were attacked by a long tongued zombie on the shoulder. Under this situation, the human defense circle was in danger.

At this time, two dark shadows appeared in the sky. They were airships. Li Yuanhong felt the shadow in the sky. After repelling the attack of two zombies, Li Yuanhong took time to look at the sky, and then excitedly called out: "kill us all, our reinforcements are coming!"

With that, Li Yuanhong activated the magic of the speed necklace. Suddenly, the people in the defense circle felt light and seemed to have strength again, so they began to fight crazily against the zombies.

At this time, gunfire rang out from the airship, and the zombies outside the defense circle were shot one after another, especially those with long tongued zombies. Soon, the zombies in the periphery were cleaned up, and there were no follow-up zombies. Li Yuanhong and Li Yuanhong quickly cleaned up the zombies that had climbed into the fortifications, but at this time, everyone was injured, including Li Yuanhong, who was also attacked and stabbed by the long tongued zombie The abdomen, fortunately the wound is not deep, no big problem.

They beat back the zombie attack, and quickly took out the red life potion, because although there are airships blocking the zombie, it does not mean that everyone is safe. Now only when they return to the airship can they be considered completely safe.

At this time, there was an airship in the sky to block, and the zombies that rushed up could only be counted by one bit. Therefore, Li Yuanhong and they were not in such a hurry to kill the zombies. Moreover, in the sky, an airship lowered its height and lowered the basket.

"Guard, arrange for serious injury to evacuate first!" Li Yuanhong said as he killed the zombie.

"Yes The guard quickly arranged for two seriously wounded soldiers to mount the basket.

With the basket picking up people again and again, there are fewer and fewer people in the defense circle, which makes the defense more difficult. Fortunately, the gunfire on the airship is more intensive, which makes the number of zombies encircled more scarce.

Li Yuanhong and the guards finally boarded the basket. At this time, more than 100 corpses of zombies had fallen in the defensive circle. Moreover, Li Yuanhong and the guards added several wounds.

Returning to the airship, Li Yuanhong finally breathed a sigh of relief, and then ordered, "let's go back!"

The airship stopped shooting, leaving only the zombies still roaring on the roof.

After flying back to the base, Li Yuanhong dealt with the injuries simply. In fact, Li Yuanhong was only injured by skin injuries. Unlike the soldiers who were seriously injured, one of them was directly pierced into the chest by a long tongue zombie, which almost attacked the heart. Several others were bitten off by zombies, and their bones were exposed. I'm afraid these soldiers will have to rest for several months Fighting again.

The first thing li Yuanhong did when he came back was to have a meeting.

There was no sound in the meeting. Even Li Yuanhong himself came back with injuries. Their force was not as good as that of Li Yuanhong. It was even more difficult to imagine the result.

Looking at the crowd, Li Yuanhong suddenly burst into laughter: "ha ha ha, I didn't expect that Li Yuanhong was injured today, or by ordinary zombies!"

After listening to Li Yuanhong's remark, they didn't know why Li Yuanhong was hurt and why he was so happy.

"Today's injury wakes me up, or do I underestimate zombies? This is a punishment for our arrogance." Li Yuanhong said to himself.

"Commander in chief, you don't have to blame yourself. Winning or losing is a common matter for soldiers. Besides, this time you take all the soldiers back. Although some people are injured, they don't worry about their lives. If we go, we won't be able to come back!" Commander Xiao comforted Li Yuanhong."Commander Xiao, you don't have to comfort me. I know what's wrong with me in this battle. We must learn from our failures so that we can avoid the same thing in the next battle." Li Yuanhong said.

The people below nodded and said yes.

Li Yuanhong added: "this time we have exposed many problems. First of all, there are some problems in our tactics. In the past, we used to deal with these zombies with the cooperation of the ground and the sky, and the zombies in the building are easy to clean up. But now the zombies have evolved, and there are more than one kind. These evolved zombies are more suitable for indoor combat. Therefore, we should also attack them It changes. " Li Yuanhong looked at all the people present and saw that all of them were pondering. This time, their defeat was due to the sudden change of the zombies and their failure to adjust the battle plan in time, which caused heavy losses.

"According to the characteristics of zombies, we can give up the ground attack and take the floor as the main target, and set up a supply point on the top of the floor. There is an important reason for our failure in this battle, which is that the ammunition is gone, the ammunition is lost, and our combat effectiveness is significantly reduced."

"A supply point on the roof? Will it lead to a zombie attack? " Commander Xiao asked.

"I'm not afraid of a sneak attack, so I'm not afraid that it won't attack. We set up supply points on the roof. The first thing is to prepare for the attack on the floor, but to attract zombies to attack. We set up supply points, not simply stacking ammunition supplies there. We want to set traps for zombies." Li Yuanhong said.

"What if it's a zombie that comes and goes without a trace?" Commander Xiao is still worried.

"Just let him taste the power of my new weapon." Li Yuanhong said with hatred.

"New weapons?" Commander Xiao was a little puzzled. Wasn't Li Yuanhong testing a grenade a new weapon?

"Let's talk about this new type of weapon. We'll talk about the second problem. During this period of time, there are a lot of new recruits. Many soldiers are used to fighting in Shunfeng. When they suddenly encounter an accident, they will feel uncomfortable. Today's battle and the performance of the soldiers make me very dissatisfied. Although their fighting spirit is OK, as a qualified commando, it is totally incompatible The grid Li Yuanhong said.

After listening to Li Yuanhong's words, the commanders below felt hot. Obviously, they did not train their soldiers well.

"But we can't stop. We will encounter similar battles in the future. If such soldiers are sent to the battlefield, they will undoubtedly die. Therefore, I decided to train and select a group of special combat personnel."

"Commander Li, how to choose?" Commander Xiao and the officers present are very curious. They don't know how Li Yuanhong talks about the selection.

"You just have to wait two days to find out." After Li Yuanhong finished, he did not mention this topic. He just asked these officers to prepare for the selection of military personnel, and then announced that the meeting was over.

Two days later, the officers were informed that they were required to bring their qualified special combat team members to a mountain village just east of Taiyuan city. Commander Xiao led them all the way to the east along the mountain road in armored vehicles. After turning a few mountain beams, they came to the bottom of a valley. There were mountains on three sides and only one mountain road in the middle led to the outside world Even this mountain pass was blocked by a high wall.

Although commander Xiao is not familiar with the environment here, he also knows that this high wall is not the product of the end of the world. The wall is 15.6 meters high. There are soldiers patrolling the building on the wall. There are arrow towers and arrow towers on both sides of the wall. More importantly, the soldiers on the city wall seem to have a long appearance. Besides, they are all cold weapons. Except for the artillery which is considered as hot weapons, there are basically no guns.

After entering the gate, he found that the buildings inside were familiar. At this time, commander Xiao remembered that he had seen these buildings in Hunchun City, which seemed to be the buildings built by Li Yuanhong secretly.

The layout of the whole camp is very simple. There are almost no ordinary survivors in the camp. Except for soldiers, which are weapons, commander Xiao finally saw that there were different equipment. It was a kind of robot with two legs. These tall robots, two arms were actually two heavy machine guns, and there was magic light on the surface of the robot. Looking at the appearance of the robot, it is very rough. At first glance, it is a very violent weapon.

As they approached the town, they saw Li Yuanhong standing at the door of a conference hall. As soon as the officers saw Li Yuanhong standing outside the hall, they stopped to salute him.

After returning the salute, Li Yuanhong asked, "are you all here?"

"It's all here!" Commander Xiao came up to reply.

"Well, after that, it will be the special forces training camp. Here, you can have all kinds of facilities. In the future, special forces training will be carried out here. Well, first follow me to the selection place With that, Li Yuanhong took the lead and went to a strange building.

This building is strange mainly because in front of the building stands a pair of soldiers fighting each other. One of the two soldiers fighting against each other holds a spear to make a stab, and the other holds a shield as a shield. Behind the statue, there is a tall building with a height of only 30 meters, which looks like a grand theater.

Li Yuanhong walked around the statue and entered the hall. He saw that the hall was spacious and bright, giving people a clean and holy feeling."Welcome to the arena. What services do you want?" At this time, an old man dressed like a medieval priest passed by and asked politely.

"Well, I want a training room. Which kind of training room can accommodate 50 people at a time? The scene is based on the C-level city war. The monsters are mainly zombies and mutant animals." Li Yuanhong said to the old man.

"Good!" The old man promised. Then he walked back to a reception desk in the hall. In front of a computer like object on the reception desk, he hit him with his hand in the air. Then he took out a key on the table and said to Li Yuanhong, "Fifty crystal cores an hour."

"OK, no problem." With that, Li Yuanhong took out five second-order crystal cores and handed them to the old man. Then he took the key from the old man's hand and walked directly to a gate. The crowd followed Li Yuanhong. They didn't know what Li Yuanhong wanted to do. , the fastest update of the webnovel!