After determining the distribution of weapons, Li Yuanhong, with the help of the time when the leaders of all regiments were present, unfolded the map: "we have captured Jinwei City, which can be regarded as completely opening the door to the North China Plain. However, if we want to continue to recover the lost land, the biggest obstacle we can't get around is here." Li Yuanhong said, pointing to Yanjing city.

When they saw the city Li Yuanhong was pointing at, they were silent. It was so difficult to attack Jinwei city this time. The number of zombies in Yanjing city was nearly twice as much as that in Jinwei city. This battle was even more difficult. Moreover, Yanjing is surrounded by mountains on three sides, and heavy weapons can only enter from one direction. The terrain is not conducive to attack, so everyone is silent.

Li Yuanhong saw that the crowd was dumb, so he said: "this Yanjing city is the biggest obstacle in front of us. Not only are there a large number of zombies here, but also the zombies here are also of high level. Two days ago, I sent people to investigate in the air and found that the Zombies here are generally one level higher than that of Jinwei City, so it is not good for us to attack Yanjing city."

When Li Yuanhong said this, the officers on the scene even scratched their heads and didn't know how to attack the Yanjing city. Looking at Li Yuanhong with mutual gaze.

"Another point is that Yanjing city is the ancient capital of Chinese civilization. We can't let this ancient city be destroyed in our hands, so we can't bombard this ancient capital on a large scale." Li Yuanhong added another fire.

When they heard this, they were all at a loss as to whether Li Yuanhong wanted to fight the city or not. He said a lot of things just to set limits on himself. So Xingling could not hold back: "commander Li, are you going to stop us from fighting?"

"No, it's not that you won't be allowed to play, but we'll change our way."

"Change a way?" They all asked.

"Yes, in the past, when we attacked the big cities, we only sent small troops to attack. Moreover, we did not directly contact with the zombies, and we all used long-range shooting. Therefore, we are going to launch a competition. The competition is to see the number of zombies shot by each of your troops every day and the ammunition consumed." Li Yuanhong said.

"Commander Li, can you make it clear?" Xingling asked anxiously.

"Didn't I issue a regiment's new weapons and equipment to each of your troops? It's this regiment that participates in the competition. From the day after tomorrow, these regiments will fly to the sky above Yanjing city and shoot zombies with their weapons. We will judge the victory or defeat by the number of zombies shot and the amount of ammunition consumed every day. For example, two regiments and one regiment will kill zombies If the team of ninety-nine wins with a hundred corpses, then the one who kills one hundred with one hundred ammunition will kill two less Li Yuanhong explained the rules of the game.

"Oh, commander Li, when can we kill all the zombies in Yanjing city in this way?" Xingling looked down on this kind of trifling.

"Oh? Is commander Xing going to give up the competition? That's just right. I'm going to use this competition to determine the distribution proportion of the next batch of weapons. If you quit, it's just that other people can get more points. " Li Yuanhong said calmly.

"Don't you, commander Li, I'm not in a hurry. I firmly support your instructions. I'm sure to win this competition!" Xingling immediately made a 180 degree turn.

Li Yuanhong didn't say anything with a smile. He said to all the officers: "from the day after tomorrow, we will clean up the zombies from three directions. The competition lasts for one month. I will send someone to supervise you. I hope you will not let me down!"

"Yes, please don't worry, commander Li!" All the people below answered in unison.

The next day, the new weapons were issued, and all the troops began to grind their hands to defeat their opponents in the next competition. When the sky was shining again, ten airships from each of the three directions, northeast and west of Yanjing City, began to encircle Yanjing city.

Standing in the shooting cabin of an airship, Xingling called out to the soldiers around him: "soldiers, you are selected by various forces. You are the elite. Today is the time to test your level. If you play well, I will invite you to drink. If your mother drags me back, I will kick him out Elite team! "

With Xingling's instructions, the soldiers below were all in high spirits and ready to display their magic powers.

"Well, if you don't talk about anything else, give me your skills. Don't hide them. All right, take your place and show me the spirit. Do you have the confidence to win? "

"Yes!" They all answered in chorus.

"It's not loud enough, I don't hear it!" Xingling said discontented.

"Yes!" The next shout together again, the roof of the spaceship shaking this time.

"Well, it's just like my soldier. Do it for me!"

With Xingling's order, the airship began to stretch out a gun barrel to aim at the zombies below. At this time, the zombies on the ground were still wandering leisurely, without any sense of danger.

With the sound of a clear shot, a zombie fell in response to the sound, and then the dense gunfire sounded. The gunshot on the airship and the firelight of the muzzle interacted with each other, while the zombies at the bottom fell one by one. Looking at the fallen zombies, Xing Ling was very happy. He was very surprised by the density of zombies. In his impression, zombies should be hiding in houses, where are they like swallows The zombies here in the capital are so casual that they are not afraid to attack.In fact, this is Xingling's mistake about the zombies of Yanjing. Yanjing is divided into many districts, each of which is equivalent to the area of a city. Therefore, most of the corpses in Yanjing city are concentrated in the innermost few districts, while the zombies in the peripheral areas are basically in the state of stocking. The zombies without unified management have become unemployed wandering corpses wandering on the streets, which can be said to be self-made and self-contained.

In fact, the first day of the competition soon ended, not that these soldiers do not want to kill more zombies, but they have no bullets in their hands. On average, each of these people carried five cartridges. Each clip contained 36 bullets, which meant that no one carried 180 bullets. These bullets were enough for them for half a day. Moreover, Li Yuanhong was very strict in the management of bullets, and he had to replace them with the corresponding cartridge cases and clips. This made every army have to return to the base in the afternoon to exchange for new bullets.

"I said, commander Li, can't you handle enough bullets? I have to be such a small button. I, the elites, haven't shot much, and the bullets are gone. It's a waste of time to exchange ammunition back and forth! " When Xingling changed bullets, he complained to Li Yuanhong.

"If you want to change it or not, there is so much nonsense. I have my own arrangement to limit the amount of bullets to be delivered here." Li Yuanhong said.

"Change, of course! I'll lose the game without bullets! " Xingling immediately changed into a cheap smile and gave the bullet case and clip to the person who changed the bullet.

While changing bullets in Xingling, I suddenly found an electronic screen with three lines of numbers on it beside the bullet changing: "br >

Xing Jun: the total number of Zombies: 74205, consuming 180000 bullets, including 532 psychic zombies and no giant corpses.

Fang Jun: the total number of zombies is 71695, which consumes 180000 bullets, including 922 zombies of ability and none of giant zombies.

Xiao Jun: the total number of Zombies: 8010, consuming 180000 bullets. Among them, 134 are ability zombies, and there are no giant zombies. "

After seeing this sign, Xingling was surprised that he didn't rank first. What's the significance of statistics of giant zombies and power zombies? So he turned his head and asked Li Yuanhong.

"You don't understand. Playing games and playing monsters requires bonus points. Playing big monsters and small monsters is not the same. This ability zombie is a little monster. Playing one power zombie is equivalent to hitting ten zombies, and hitting one giant zombie is equivalent to hitting 20 zombies. You don't understand this time

After listening to Li Yuanhong's introduction, Xingling turned his head and looked at the sign again. As a result, he ranked last with himself. It's urgent to get down to Xingling. Let's go to the bottom.

Xingling took his breath, led the bullets back to his command post, and then called all the commanders of the elite regiment to the command post.

When everyone arrived, Xing Linghu slapped the table with a slap on his face: "I've never felt that I would be so disgraced today. Do you know, there is a sign where we get the bullet, which records our achievements, OK? Our names are at the top, but our grades, you know! Finally, I really wanted to find a crack in my face. I'm a disgrace to be a commander. I wonder if I've brought a bunch of rubbish with me Xingling a temper, will be below these people said shameless.

Finally, Xingling scolded him and said, "don't poke me like a tree trunk here. Go back and think about it. If you can't find a way to catch up with me, don't even want to eat dinner!" Finish saying that, Xing Ling again mercilessly pats the table, and then angrily walked out.

People were basked here, looked at each other, and then scattered, after all, hunger is a major event.

An hour later, they returned to report to Xingling.

"Commander, let's figure out a way." Said one of the captains.

"Come on, what can I do?" Xingling is also interested.

"Well, we're all together this morning. It's inevitable that there will be more than one soldier selecting a zombie at the same time, so what we want is to disperse the airships, which will reduce the problem of repeated attacks." The captain said.

"Good idea, good idea. Go back to my place for a bottle of wine in the evening." Xingling said happily.

"Commander, we have good ideas, too!" The other team leader quickly said.

"Say it quickly. Don't sell it to me." Xingling road.

"Well, we shoot. We need bullets. If we shoot all the bullets and exchange them in a unified way, we have a solution. We take half of the ammunition at a time, and then we come down to take the rest. The people below will replace the empty cartridge clips and cartridge cases. When we get back, the guns on the top will be replaced It's almost finished. There will be no neutral Said the captain.

"Ha ha ha, good idea. You can go to my place to get a bottle of wine in the evening." Xingling said happily.

So the team leaders began to offer advice, Xingling overcast all afternoon's face, and finally bloomed.

Results the next day Xingling finally ranked first with a score of 170000.In the past two days, Li Yuanhong paid attention to the surrounding area of Yanjing city. Li Yuanhong surrounded three empty spaces. As long as the south side was the only place where a large army could fight, it would be a good place to annihilate the corpses if we could find a way to drive out the zombies. But before then, Li Yuanhong had to find a way to clean up the zombies on the south side of Yanjing city. , the fastest update of the webnovel!