When the leader of the giant zombie saw that his vanguard troops were attacked, he immediately gave a corpse roar, and the following corpse group followed up. They went straight to the building opposite this time, and the zombie leader conquered the building opposite, so that it could be pushed forward step by step. But just then, the airship in the sky flew over, and the magic shells flew down. The zombies that had just poured into the street were blown up. Although some zombies rushed into the opposite buildings, the human beings in the opposite buildings had been on guard for a long time. The zombies were almost wiped out with few achievements.

Seeing that his first attack failed, the giant zombie leader did not give up, but stepped up the attack. The zombie leader knew that human beings needed to rest. Giant zombies wanted to make human beings tired mentally and physically. So the zombie leader kept sending zombies to attack, hoping that the firepower of human beings would be weakened, but there was no sign of human counterattack weakening.

The battle lasted from noon to night. The leader of zombies sent dozens of waves. These are ordinary zombies. Giant zombies want to fatigue human beings with these cannon fodder. Now the streets have been piled up with zombies of two or three meters high. The blood of the corpses flows down the street like a river. The Street is like hell. The smell of blood can be seen from several streets I heard it.

However, after half a day's fighting, the combat effectiveness of human beings has declined, especially in the latter half of the night, and the firepower of airships has also been reduced by half. Seeing here, the leader of the giant zombie seems to see hope, so in the latter half of the night, the leader of giant zombie is preparing for an all-round counterattack.

Taking advantage of the darkness, the giant zombie led the remaining more than 1 million corpses to climb over the corpse mountain and sneak close to human beings. Human figures were hiding behind the doors and windows. There was no response to the Zombie's approach. The zombie leader judged that human beings were too tired and relaxed their vigilance. So the leader waved his hand, and dozens of zombies of power shadow rushed on Go and tear up the human hiding behind the doors and windows, but it is strange that these people who have been torn and smashed have not given out a cry or a drop of blood from the beginning to the end.

The giant zombie leader saw that the human being had been solved, so he stepped forward and found that the solution was not a real person, but a mannequin dressed in clothes. The human soldiers who have been fighting with them for most of the day seem to have evaporated and lost their destination.

The giant zombie leader, who was teased by human beings, smashed the plastic models in a rage, and then roared at the corpse group. The corpse group quickly crossed the building and killed the next area. However, as soon as the corpse group arrived in the empty street, a flare was seen rising, exposing the zombies completely. Then there was the fierce gunfire of human beings At the same time, he shot a dense number of crossbows and magic bullets, and instantly the zombie fell down again.

After being attacked, the giant zombie gets excited, which indicates that human beings are in front of them and they finally find the target to vent their anger. With a wave of hand, many zombies start to emit magic to the opposite human beings from the window. The giant zombie leader finally takes out the power zombie that presses the bottom of the box. With the flash of magic light, the opposite building is covered by magic light The light dissipated and the building opposite had become riddled with holes, broken glass and holes in the walls.

At this time, the zombie leader roared again, and the zombies attacked again. This time, in addition to the airship, there was no human attack on the other side.

The leader of the zombie attacked several streets one after another. By this time, the battlefield on both sides had arrived in the western suburbs. The density of buildings here was not as dense as that in the city. He stood up and stretched out. This night, Li Yuanhong took a nap on this chair, and did not sleep well. Now his eyes still have thick black circles.

"What's the latest report from the front line?" Li Yuanhong asked the messenger on duty at night.

"Report to the commander-in-chief. Everything is going according to plan and there is no change." The messenger answered.

"OK, keep in touch and let me know if there is any change." Li Yuanhong said.


"Brother Li, why don't you wipe out these zombies in the city after so much trouble?" At this time, fat man Lu came to him in a huff. Obviously, he didn't sleep well. The black circles in his eyes were no smaller than those of Li Yuanhong.

"The complex terrain in the city makes it easy for zombies to make holes. Moreover, after fighting in one place for a long time, the accumulated corpses are easy to make the zombies lurk inside and leave hidden dangers. I left an impression on the zombies that we couldn't hold on. Naturally, we led the zombies to the ambush site set by us. When they arrived, we would show them something good. " Li Yuanhong said.

"But brother Li, isn't the place you choose too dangerous? It's surrounded by open land, only the village community is in the middle. If millions of zombies surround it, the people inside will not be able to support it."

"You don't have to worry about that. The terrain is open and convenient for our artillery fire. Moreover, I estimate that there are not many zombies left at this time. I'm worried about the power zombies. If there are too many zombies, it will be difficult to handle."

"What's so terrible about zombies? They were killed by our guns. " Lu is very disdainful.

"You forget, these zombies are protected by magic. If they attack with magic protection, they will probably rush into the village. If they get to the village, they will fight with our soldiers at close range. I'm afraid our soldiers can't resist it!" Li Yuanhong was a little anxious at this time."No, I can't stay here. Let's go to the front line." Li Yuanhong said as he walked out, Lu Pang had to follow him to the airship.

At this time, the zombie leader stood in a high-rise building and looked at the open space outside the buildings and the small village behind the open space, which was the fortress of human beings. At this time, human beings had been completely driven out of Jinwei city. As long as the village was captured, the victory would be his own, but the zombie leader always felt that there was something wrong.

Looking at the lonely village, although there are three or four storey buildings inside, it can't be compared with the high-rise buildings in the city. Such houses are too easy for zombies to capture. The leader of giant zombies believes that with one charge, he can break through the seven or eight hundred meters in front of him. He will seize the opposite building easily and let human beings die in it. Unable to think of any human strategy, the giant zombie leader did not want to. At an order, the corpse swarmed into the tide, rushed out of the protection of buildings and killed the last fortress of mankind.

With the appearance of the corpse group, the fire of human beings began to spray magic flame. The magic light was blowing in the corpse group, and the airship in the sky also opened up, and the guns and guns roared together to prevent the zombie group from moving.

But this time, the zombies are not as dense as those in the past, so the lethality of artillery fire is greatly reduced. In addition, there are many zombies with powers. These zombies not only load protection for themselves, but also load magic shield for zombies around them, which further reduces the lethality of artillery fire. Soon the corpse group vanguard rushed to the place less than 100 meters away from the human, so the zombies in the corpse group began to cast magic and attack the human defense facilities.

As a result, magic light was exploding everywhere on the battlefield, and human fortifications were scattered. The zombies in the corpse group became the focus of human attack due to the exposure of their targets. Therefore, the two sides were hit with glue in the place less than 100 meters away from the village.

An hour later, the leader of the giant zombie was a little anxious. The continuous fighting made him lose a lot. He was flooded for a while, and his troops lost nearly half of his troops. In addition, the two days of continuous fighting, the leader of giant zombie believed that he might lose all his previous achievements if he could not take the fort at one go. So, the giant zombie leader is ready to fight in person.

The leader of the giant zombie led the 50000 Pro guards to kill the human position quickly. With the appearance of the giant zombie, the whole area was covered by magic light and became the most prominent place in the battlefield. Therefore, human firepower could not help but concentrate here. The cruel battlefield burst out brilliant light, just like the fireworks of death, blooming on the battlefield. With the zombie magic army approaching, the zombie army's Magic also began to release to human beings, so the positions of both sides were submerged by the magic light.

At this time, Li Yuanhong arrived on board an airship. Seeing the situation of the battlefield below, he knew that the battle was at a critical juncture. If he could not hold up at this time, he would be defeated completely.

"Fat man, gather all the airships quickly. You must destroy the Legion of zombies

"Yes The fat man replied, then turned to inform.

And the ground battle also entered the white heat, the soldiers on both sides were falling in pieces. Although the zombies were protected by magic shields, almost all the tanks were transferred to the area. Hundreds of tanks opened fire at the same time. Its power can not be underestimated. Moreover, there are more than a dozen airships in the sky, and the guns on them together also have two or three hundred gates. Such firepower will bring the whole The battlefield has become a whirlpool of magic. When you see it from afar, you can only see the magic light constantly shining, and you can't see the zombies and human figures.

At this time, a tall figure, out of the protection of the magic shield, quickly rushed to the human position, and in the process of forward attack, from time to time showed blinking skills, human artillery fire, could not hit this huge figure.

When the giant zombie rushed into the tank group, suddenly a huge black whirlpool appeared in front of the giant. With the appearance of the black vortex, the huge figure disappeared. The black vortex began to release huge suction. The two tanks close to the black vortex were immediately sucked into the vortex and disappeared without trace.

When the giant zombie appeared, Li Yuanhong paid attention to it. When the giant zombie constantly used blink, Li Yuanhong judged that the giant zombie might be a zombie of space-time system. When the huge black vortex appeared, Li Yuanhong knew that it was going to be bad. The black vortex was the black hole magic he had used, and the black hole would swallow everything around him Eat it.

Li Yuanhong can't think of any magic to destroy this black hole. At that moment, Li Yuanhong thought, what would happen if two black holes met together? So Li Yuanhong instantly moved to the door of the spaceship, then opened the door and jumped down. In order to speed up the speed, Li Yuanhong used hourglass time.

When Li Yuanhong approached the black hole, at least ten or more tanks had been engulfed by the black hole. If we don't stop the black hole, hundreds of tanks will survive.

When he was approaching the black hole, Li Yuanhong drew out the blade of time and opened the black hole. At the same time, he prayed secretly that the black hole could offset the energy of the other black hole. Li Yuanhong had opened the black hole, and immediately felt the strong suction of the black hole. Li Yuanhong did not dare to stay any longer. He opened the invisible space and hid himself in another space.When Li Yuanhong's black hole opened, it expanded instantly, and the space opened by zombies began to emit strong suction around. When the suction of the two black holes collided, the two black holes seemed to meet each other and began to compete with each other. Originally, Li Yuanhong's black hole was not as powerful as the zombie black hole, but Li Yuanhong's black hole opened more time than the zombie black hole Later, and after absorbing more than ten tanks, the black hole of the other side also consumes energy. As a result, the phenomenon of equal strength occurs.

Because black holes belong to space magic, when the two forces of attraction are intertwined, the space-time only seen by the black holes is distorted. Moreover, the two black holes are getting closer and closer. Finally, the two black holes collide and burst into dazzling light, just like a new sun. Many people who look directly at these two black holes are blinded in an instant. Fortunately, most human beings are armored In the car or in the house, there is no direct view of this extremely bright thing. But the zombies are miserable. They are all in the wild. The zombies near them have lost their eyesight.

At the same time, the explosive force also disturbs the time and space. Li Yuanhong and giant zombies are thrown out of the hiding space at the same time. The fierce space disturbance makes one and one corpse injured. However, the giant zombie is more injured because the zombie is not well injured. The squeeze of space causes the old wound of the zombie. All the giant Zombie's bodies are dyed red with blood, as if it turned into blood The corpse.

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