With the invasion of human artillery, the corpses were blocked by the river. Some of the zombies crossed the river through the bridge, and some of them went up the river. However, the zombies who went up the river ushered in greater doom.

When they came to a wetland along the Bank of the river, suddenly from the wetland, a black cloud, covering the sky and the sun, soon came to meet the corpse tide, and the two sides soon met each other.

Black clouds came down from the sky and rushed to the tide of corpses. Zombies have long smelled the smell of birds in the dark clouds. Their helplessness for human artillery does not mean that zombies are afraid of birds. Therefore, the giant zombies in the zombies roared, and the zombies began to wave their claws to the birds in the air, preparing to fight against the birds. However, most of the birds here are long billed birds, which do not fight with zombies. Only these birds fly to the head of zombies and use them With a hard beak, the skull of a zombie, which even a rifle may not be able to pierce, was pecked out of a large hole. The crystal nucleus inside was easily pecked away by the birds.

As a result, the corpses fell in pieces. Of course, some unlucky birds accidentally rushed into the corpse group, and were rushed to the corpses. The zombies immediately ate them, leaving only a few white bones and feathers on the ground. Some birds were caught by the Zombie's legs when they passed by the corpses, so the zombie was taken into the air. Other birds began to peck at the zombie in the air. However, because the head of the zombie was hidden under the feathers of the flying bird, the fatal place could not be attacked by the bird. So the zombie began to open its mouth and chew on the belly of the bird on its head. Finally, the bird And the zombie both fell down, smashed to pieces, lost their lives together.

The pursuit of human beings stopped in the distance. Many soldiers sitting in the tank opened their mouths and looked at the chaotic scene ahead. They didn't know what to do. At this time, some birds flew to the human tank. Obviously, they were interested in the tank, so they dived down and pecked at the turret of the tank with their beaks. However, it was made of evolutionary steel. No matter how hard or thick it was, the Zombie's skull was incomparable, so the attack of the birds was futile. But even so, the birds pecked on the tank, leaving a lot of pecking marks.

Back, back Seeing this, the commander of the tank immediately gave the order to retreat. Although the birds could not peck the tank open, the human beings could not do nothing about the birds that covered the sky and cover the sun. In case of any accident, the soldiers were injured by the birds, so it would not be good. Besides, they were chasing the zombies and killing the dead bodies. Since the birds were willing to help, they should enjoy themselves.

So the human tank group began to slowly retreat, opened the distance with the birds, far away, these birds in the corpse above the rampage. It was not until dusk that the birds scattered. There were no zombies standing under the birds. However, the birds lost a lot after the battle. Where the birds and Zombies fought, only the corpses of zombies and the remains of birds killed by zombies are left. These wrecks have attracted many scavenger birds to come and eat. It is estimated that it will not be long before there is only a white bone left here.

On the other side, the zombies running across the bridge have a worse fate. As early as here, Li Yuanhong sent airship troops to prepare. When the zombies had just crossed the river, the magic cannons fell from the sky, and the corpses were immediately blown into pieces. Especially the giant zombie, he was given more attention. Last time, his three waves of magic cannons failed to destroy the giant zombie leader. This time, Li Yuanhong specialized in this Two airships were sent to shoot at the position of the leader of the giant zombie at the same time, and it was five rounds of fire. When the artillery fire dispersed, the place where the leader of the giant zombie was located had been replaced by a pit of nearly two meters, and there was no standing creature around the pit.

The reason why Li Yuanhong sent the airship to carry out the final task was to completely shake Qin Ying's heart, so as to completely subdue the soldier. A soldier believes in force and is convinced by force.

Qin Ying on the tower of Shanhaiguan did not disappoint Li Yuanhong. He was really convinced by the last scene of the death of the zombies. At that moment, Qin Ying shed tears. The tears were for the soldiers who died in the hands of zombies, and for their ability to walk out of the Shanhaiguan Pass alive one day.

The battle ended in the evening, with nearly two million zombies killed by human artillery fire, except for nearly half a million zombies destroyed by birds. When Li Yuanhong heard about the bird swarm incident, he deeply labeled these mutant birds as "dangerous", especially when he saw the traces left by the birds pecking at tanks.

"Tell me to go down and strictly isolate the wetland. No one is allowed to approach it privately. Do you understand me?" Li Yuanhong conveyed the order to his subordinates. The birds that pecked at the human skull were not for fun. Moreover, he lacked air weapons. It was estimated that if he had to deal with the birds, he could only transfer the Griffins. But the birds did not provoke him, so he did not have to fight with these birds.

After dealing with the birds, Li Yuanhong is going to find Qin Ying. Unexpectedly, Qin Ying takes the initiative to find himself: "brother Li, I saw the process of killing zombies today. I didn't expect that we soldiers could drive away the zombies one day!"

"Ha ha, how about, chief Qin? I said I could kill the zombies in Qindao city. I didn't talk big!"

"No, no, I'm convinced. I'll keep my promise. I'll be your brother Li's servant from now on."

"Commander Qin, you are too outspoken. You will be a member of our army in the future. From now on, we should be comrades in arms who live and die.""Yes, comrades in arms, ha ha ha!" With that, Qin Ying's big hand held Li Yuanhong's hands tightly.

Qin Ying was captured and led by Qin Ying, a ground cannon. Soon, Li Yuanhong completely recovered Qindao city and Shanhaiguan Pass, and protected some important resources and factories at the first time. At the same time, Li Yuanhong set up a restricted area in Shanhaiguan, which will be a branch point of the sub base. In the future, it will become an important supply base for entry operations.

After all this, Li Yuanhong did not rush to attack. After all, after leaving Qindao City, Li Yuanhong will face two important urban agglomerations, Yanjing city and Jinwei city. Before the end of the world, these two cities were cities with a population of 10 million. Moreover, there are many satellite cities around these two cities. If he enters these urban agglomerations rashly, he will be given dumplings by the corpse.

Therefore, Li Yuanhong must be fully prepared before attacking here. In addition, Li Yuanhong plans to go to the wildlife park to see how dangerous it is. In the final analysis, the zoo's geographical location is too close to the traffic line. If it is not well done, it will affect his own logistics in the future. However, Li Yuanhong did not intend to go by himself. If he did, he had to take the white tiger with him, so that he could have the courage to subdue the animals inside.

After waiting for two days, the white tiger came. Along with the boat came the female tiger and the little white tiger. Together with the white tiger, they took this as a tour. The whole family went to battle. However, when they got off the airship, the white tiger collapsed on the ground and froth vigorously.

"Fat man, what's wrong with this guy?" Li Yuanhong asked, pointing to the white tiger.

"It's OK. He's a little afraid of heights. He likes to lean against the window, so he's a little uncomfortable. He'll be OK in a moment." The fat man said with no care. In fact, the fat man is also a little afraid of heights, but this guy has self-knowledge and never leans in front of the window, so sitting in an airship, this guy is never OK.

Li Yuanhong is also speechless. Unexpectedly, the king of the mountain is afraid of heights! However, watching a few little tigers jump around and chase each other from time to time. They are almost one year old, but their playfulness is not reduced.

"OK, take time to rest and take you to the zoo tomorrow!" Li Yuanhong said.

The white tiger drooped his head and was listless. He did not pay any attention to Li Yuanhong. Instead, the little tigers listened and kept whining.

"Take me to the zoo tomorrow, brother Li!" Fat man cares.

"No, there are birds in the zoo. They may attack the airship. I'll go alone, but I can run away, so don't worry. " Li Yuanhong objected.

"Well ok Then you should be more careful tomorrow! "

"Don't worry, my life is big!" Li Yuanhong said with a smile.

Early the next morning, Li Yuanhong tidied up his equipment and took the white tigers to the zoo.

When Li Yuanhong came to the gate of the zoo, he saw that one of the Gates had been tilted to the ground, and the other was hanging on the shaft of the gate, so it was possible to fall down at any time. On both sides of the gate, there were many corpses piled up at the door. It seems that there are human beings and animals, which indicates that there are beasts hunting nearby.

At this time, the white tiger is also focused, it seems that the other party's threat to him is not small.

Li Yuanhong pulled out the blade of time, holding his shield, and carefully stepped into the zoo.

As soon as he entered the zoo, it was a piece of fake rock. Many of the stones also had obvious animal claw marks. Looking at the paw marks, the animal's power was absolutely not small. He could pull the stone out of deep grooves. If he caught it on himself, he would definitely open his ladle. Therefore, Li Yuanhong was fully absorbed and listened carefully with his ears. There was only a faint wind and no other noise.

Li Yuanhong climbed up the rockery carefully and built a canopy to look inside the garden. He saw a piece of forest in front of him, surrounded by barbed wire and glass walls. But now the barbed wire fence and glass wall have been fragmented, and a sign has fallen on the side of the road in front of the wall, which seems to be the sign of the park.

Li Yuanhong looked into the jungle and saw no animals. So Li Yuanhong jumped down the rockery and ran to the sign. Coming to the front of the sign, Li Yuanhong helped the sign up and saw it read: African lion. And there are big lion heads on it.

"Damn it, this zoo is really good at playing. It even puts the lion on the outside, and is not afraid of the lion running out to hurt people!" Li Yuanhong underestimated a sentence. He didn't expect to encounter a beast as soon as he entered the door. It seems that this trip to the zoo is not fun!

Li Yuanhong looks into the jungle. The shadows of the trees are whirling and he can't see the scene inside. But Li Yuanhong knows that there must be a lion hidden in it. Moreover, the lion belongs to a social animal. If he meets him, he will not be able to do well.

Li Yuanhong plans to go around the lion area, go inside first, and then look back to explore the lion area. In fact, Li Yuanhong wants to see how powerful the birds in the zoo are. If not, he can take a fat man's airship to clean up and bombard all the animals that threaten the logistics security, so as to save trouble. Anyway, in the end of the world, no one pays attention to animal protection Besides, many of the animals here are alien species, and the ecological balance will not be affected if they are eliminated.

However, as soon as Li Yuanhong used his brain, he heard a low roar from the white tiger. His hair was tied up and his eyes were fixed on the woods. It seemed that he was going to fight at any time. Seeing this, Li Yuanhong knew that the owner of the Lion Garden was coming.www.novelhold.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!