"Quickly prepare for the change of defense. Prepare campfires and other lighting around the bridgeheads and islands. Other irrelevant personnel should seize the time to have a meal and rest and wait for the follow-up personnel to come."

Li Yuanhong quickly issued an order to the people around him. Before that, Li Yuanhong had considered the possibility of continuous fighting, especially the night battle. The people on the periphery said that they would not be able to withdraw, so as to break away from the contact with the zombies. However, no one can be stationed on the four islands. Once the zombies are re connected to the bridge, the zombies on the north bank are likely to escape the bridge, and their strategic deployment will be completely abandoned.

Therefore, Li Yuanhong specially left a reserve team to replace the soldiers guarding the island during the day. These soldiers sleep during the day and support the spirit of night warfare at night.

Taking advantage of the last light of the night, the transport airship shuttles round and round, bringing the soldiers who are on guard at night and transporting the replaced soldiers, as well as all kinds of materials needed for lighting and defense at night. Until the sky is dark, the airship can complete its mission. At this time, the zombies slowly began to gather at the end of the bridge.

With the help of the night, the airship can not see the corpses on the ground as clearly as in the daytime. For the gathered corpses, the people on the airship did not find out in time. In addition, after a busy day, the soldiers on the airship were very tired, and Li Yuanhong also intended to let them have a rest, so the zombies gathered so easily.

The zombies soon filled the bridge deck, roaring towards the sand island. As the magic defense tower and catapult tower opened fire, the night battle began.

Li Yuanhong was dining with three old people. After a fierce battle in the daytime, these old people got a lot of data. At this time, they began to argue that the data they said were most suitable for the battlefield. After a good meal, they were destroyed by the three old men. Li Yuanhong quickly interrupted: "three old people, since all the data are available, I would like to ask about the current data, Is it better or worse than the Longkou guns we get? "

"This It's not so bad, it's just a little bit of a gap, ha ha Dr. Bai's hard spoken defense.

Li Yuanhong didn't pick on the pigtail, but directly asked, "so Dr. Bai, where is the gap between the gun we are making now and the original gun?"

"There are several aspects. The first is the material. The original gun is made of steel, but it is different from our steel, so our gun firing rate is not as durable as the original gun. There is also the magic array, although the graphics are right, but after the completion of the drawing, there is always a little less, so the power is insufficient. But it's just the attenuation power that matches the material of our barrel. If it's the power of the past, I'm afraid we can't fire a few shots, and the barrel will be useless. "

"Well, it seems that this research can't be accomplished overnight." Li Yuanhong said to himself.

"Yes, so you have to find us high-grade steel, so that we can build guns that can carry more powerful magic array." Said Dr. Bai.

"I'll do something about it." Li Yuanhong agreed.

Just said, suddenly a soldier ran over: "report to the commander-in-chief, found zombies on the Bank of the river."

"Oh? How about the quantity? "

"The number of reports to the commander-in-chief is not very large, only over 10000."

"Well, take me to see." With that, Li Yuanhong stood up and left the three old men with the guards.

At this time in the dead of the night, although the bridge deck is still full of fire, but the lack of human artillery explosion, the world seems much more quiet, which also makes the sound of river flow more clear. Li Yuanhong watched the faint moonlight make the river shimmer. In this weak light, many zombies stood on the other side of the river.

These zombies did not roar like those on the bridge, but quietly gathered. If Li Yuanhong was not afraid of the zombies' sneaking attack across the river, he sent soldiers to patrol the river. It is estimated that under the cover of night, no one could find them.

"Bring me the gun, blow it up!" Li Yuanhong vaguely felt that it was not a good thing for these zombies to gather here. The so-called biting dogs don't bark, and these zombies who don't bark are probably holding back their big moves.

Sure enough, before the cannons were pulled, the zombie attack began. With a corpse roar in the distance, some tall zombies stood on the shore, grabbed those small shadow zombies around, swung them fiercely, and then threw them suddenly. The shadow zombies flew from the opposite bank to the sand island like flying people in the air.

"Damn it!" Li Yuanhong made a rude remark, but he didn't expect the zombies to do the same thing. If all these zombies were thrown over, how could he stop them all by himself? At this time, there were less than ten soldiers around Li Yuanhong.

However, to Li Yuanhong's surprise, many of these zombies who were thrown into the sky had just crossed the middle of the river before they fell into the water. Even if some of them had crossed more than half of the river, they were still some distance away from the shore. It seems that they are also the fate of falling into the river properly. Li Yuanhong was not happy to see the zombies that were about to fall into the river. The reason why these zombies fell into the river was that they were thrown out in the wrong way. Many zombies were thrown not obliquely upward, but horizontally or even slightly downward. Of course, the distance of the zombies thrown out in this way would not be very far.

"Quick, go to inform all troops, strengthen the shore defense, once you find zombies gathering on the shore, give me artillery!" Li Yuanhong quickly ordered.Li Yuanhong just issued an order, a shadow zombie rushed over. Originally, the shadow corpse, whose whereabouts were less than 10 meters away from the shore, used the blink skill. With the improvement of the level of shadow zombie, the distance of the rapid movement has increased, and now it can reach nearly 10 meters.

The corpse rushed to him, and its goal was to have a soldier with his back on his back, who knew nothing about the coming of death.

Li Yuanhong saw the shadow flash, and it was too late to rescue by normal means. So liyuanhong moved directly in a blink, and crossed the soldier. Meanwhile, liyuanhong opened the reflection space, and he was horizontal in front of himself. Li Yuanhong did not know what effect the biological beings had entered the reflection space, so the shadow zombie could become his own test product.

Shadow zombie flies fast. For liyuanhong and reflection space that suddenly appeared in front of him, he can not react at all. He plunges into the reflection space. However, it quickly rushes out of the reflection space. Only this time, the direction it flies is the direction when it comes. In the shadow zombie, it is still a face of a daze. The shadow zombie is straight and straight I got it in the water.

Liyuanhong was also surprised by a cold sweat at this time, because when he faced with the shadow corpse, liyuanhong saw the cold nails of the shadow zombie, like a knife. From his senses, the claw would surely pierce his armor and let himself die. Fortunately, the reflection space existed, and then the force of shadow Zombie was useless.

At this time, the soldier who was almost killed came back. He just walked before the gate of the ghost gate. He quickly thanked Li Yuanhong: "thank you commander in chief. Thanks for your help, I found a life!"

"OK, next time, watch out, don't leave your back to the enemy on the battlefield!"

"I must remember it!" The soldiers were palpitating.

Liyuanhong nodded and ordered the soldiers nearby to: "inform all the soldiers patrolling the shore, keep at least ten meters away from the river bank, and be not too close to the water."

"Yes!" The herald flew down. All people thought that liyuanhong gave this order because of the reason of the corpse. In fact, when the shadow corpse came into the water, liyuanhong saw a big mouth coming out of the water and swallowed the corpse in a moment.

Liyuanhong knew there were giant fish in the river, and maybe there would be giant fish going ashore to hunt in the evening. If the soldiers were too close to the river bank, they would be attacked by giant fish. Fortunately, the shadow corpse fell into the water and gave him a wake-up.

With the magic cannon being transferred, the magic cannon started to fire to the other bank. The fire exploded in the corpse group, and the river bank was illuminated. With the help of the fire, liyuanhong could see that the corpses on the other side of the river were not tens of thousands, but nearly 100000. Moreover, it was the corpse across the island. Four islands, plus both sides, at least 700000 zombies piled up on the shore, Waiting to be thrown across the river.

With the firing of human gunfire, the zombies did not sit for death, but began to be thrown across the river. However, the previous few were still most of them thrown into the river, only a few were thrown to the river bank, but these corpses who had just been thrown ashore have not awakened from the dizziness of the air, and they were shot by the bow and arrow of the shore soldiers.

However, liyuanhong found a phenomenon that the river was boiling up at this time, just like the river was boiled open, but it was impossible. The only explanation was that there were giant fish coming out in the river.

At this time, the opposite corpse, after many attempts, finally mastered the skills of throwing the corpse. This time, the number of corpses on the shore is also increasing. Due to the night, the archer's attack efficiency has obviously decreased, and the number of the corpses on the shore will form a scale. A hard impact is already in the air.

At this time, suddenly, the corpse group on the Bank of the river had a mess. Originally, the zombies fell into the river, and brought the giant fish in the river. In addition, the gunfire and archery shot, the banks of the river were filled with corpses. The blood of the killed corpses flowed into the river, which stimulated these hungry giant fish. So the giant fish could not help but bear it , jump out of the water and start to head down to the food on the bank.

With the chaos of giant fish, the attacks on both sides of the Straits were immediately interrupted, and they all targeted these annoying fish. However, Li Yuanhong preferred the giant fish. He had dealt with them many times. These giant fish were very strong in the water, but when they got ashore, they were not so difficult to deal with. Moreover, they rushed to the zombie, and they didn't have to be here to take the funeral.

"All withdraw, then evacuate the bank for 100 meters, and never close to the shore for 100 meters!" In order to make room for the battle between the corpse and the giant fish, liyuanhong withdrew the team again. This withdrawal made the corpse and the giant fish play happily.

After liyuanhong withdrew, he finally relieved his breath. He didn't expect that there were giant fish blocking his knife at night. He thought he would fight with the corpse to fight for himself. His team would suffer a lot of losses. I didn't expect that now, he only needed to fight for each other. Then he could pick up crystal core safely. Liyuanhong found that the giant fish was like his own lucky star. Every time he encountered difficulties, he found that the giant fish was like his own lucky star It's hard. The giant fish will be rescued. Li Yuanhong plans to ban fishing in return for helping him. But if he thinks that giant fish also eat people, it is still a fishing ban.The sudden insertion of the giant fish disrupted the attack rhythm of the zombie on the river bank. The zombie seemed to have a feud with the giant fish. When the two sides met, they immediately entered into a state of scuffle. The zombie flying man did not fly. The whole river bank was a scuffle, a bloody battlefield. Both sides did not show mercy to each other. Soon, the river water flowing through the sand island was dyed red.

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