Seeing that Huang Mao wanted to run, Chu Zhenshan immediately ran after him. The two bodyguards continued to shoot at Chu Zhenshan in an attempt to stop Chu Zhenshan. However, Chu Zhenshan immediately produced an earth shield to block all the bullets, and soon came to the two guards. At this time, all the bullets of the guards had been shot out, and it was too late to change the cartridge clips. So they threw pistols and began to fight with Chu Zhenshan unarmed.

Chu Zhenshan is an ancestral martial art. The two guards are basically fancy. One is facing each other, and the two guards are knocked unconscious with shields and fists. At this time, Huang Mao consultant has already run to the window and is ready to open the window to jump out. This is the second floor. Naturally, there will be no great risk of fleeing.

Seeing this, Chu Zhenshan directly threw his shield as a dart, which directly hit the yellow hair consultant's legs. Because Chu Zhenshan exerted too much force, he heard a "click", followed by a pig like howl. One of the yellow hair consultant's legs was discounted by the shield.

"What am I saying? How good are you to tie your clothes? Look, this time you have to suffer, how inappropriate it is!" Chu Zhenshan began to nag again.

Huang Mao's Advisor's leg broke, which would be unable to run. Then Chu Zhenshan turned his head to Prince Wang, who was paralyzed and paralyzed in the sofa. How could he escape.

"Well, you should be good, so that you won't get hurt!" Chu Zhenshan praises the eldest son of Wang, which makes him feel very heartbreaking. If his legs were not weak, he would have run away.

With the capture of the leaders, the rebellion was quickly put down. The next step was to restore order. There was another debate about how to deal with these rebels.

"I think it's all over!" Fat people are as simple and direct as ever.

"No way, no way. So many people have collapsed and killed too many people. Moreover, many of them are only used by others. They are not guilty to death." Liu Hu is still a little impatient.

"You should be punished if you have made a mistake. I have turned my beloved building into a pig's nest. I have lost a lot of my collection. It's a bandit act!" Li Luoxia said indignantly that her carefully arranged love nest was the first to be destroyed in the impact. It is estimated that those people want to find crystal balls that can identify human potential in Li Yuanhong's home. Therefore, Li Yuanhong's home has been turned upside down, and many bags and cosmetics of Li Luoxia are all damaged. How can she not be angry.

"Yes, you can't let these guys go! Put them all to death Du Sanniang also hated her teeth itching. This shock had nothing to do with Du Sanniang. However, Prince Wang's love affair broke out again. He even sent someone to Du Sanniang's home and robbed Du Sanniang's life photos and many private items. This touched Du Sanniang's scale. Therefore, Du Sanniang vowed to take revenge.

"I think it's better to take the legal form. After all, if we encounter similar things in the future and kill them all, it will not be so simple in the future." Bai Yuxi is still more public. After all, he was under the protection of Liu Hu during the impact, and was basically unaffected.

The meeting was in a state of anxiety. Both sides insisted on their own words and did not give in to each other. Almost this became a debate field for several women, and all men became the foil.

Finally, Li Yuanhong got tired of listening and patted the table: "don't argue. I'll preside over the public trial tomorrow." With that, Li Yuanhong stood up and went out. People look at each other, how many meanings does this public trial mean? Kill or release?

The news of the public hearing was quickly released. All the people knew the news. In order to let everyone know the result of the public trial, all the factories had a day off the next day. The place of the public hearing is in the square in front of the provincial government office building. It can accommodate hundreds of thousands of people. Even if it is not possible to arrive at the scene, Bai Yuxi's propaganda department can also broadcast it through the repaired television.

In the early morning of the next day, the whole square was full of people. Fortunately, Li Yuanhong made arrangements. Although there were many people, the order was not disordered. In particular, the army was nearby and the deterrent force was there. No one dared to make trouble.

At eight o'clock in the morning, the temporary platform in the square was full of presiding judges, including Li Yuanhong, the second Chief Executive and Liu Hu, who is in charge of justice. The atmosphere on the stage was oppressive, and the atmosphere under the stage was also very heavy. With Li Yuanhong's taking over the stage, the stage was quiet.

"Today, I stand here to interrogate those who are carrying the brand of democracy but are doing things that undermine democracy. I didn't want to stand here, but I can't help it. Some people kidnap everyone's will for their own self-interest. This is very immoral, and it will do great harm to the survival of the end of the world. Therefore, I have to stand here and stand here to preside A court that should not have appeared. "

Li Yuanhong pauses for a moment and then says, "take the chief criminal."

With Li Yuanhong's order, more than ten people, including Mr. Wang and Mr. Huang Mao's advisers, as well as several collusive officials, were pressed forward. As soon as he got to the stage, Huang Mao's adviser yelled: "you can't arrest me. You can't arrest me. I'm an American diplomat. I have diplomatic immunity."

Li Yuanhong gave a smile and then said, "I'm sorry, sir. I asked your country's Consul. He said that your country's diplomatic personnel in China do not have your number, so your complaint is invalid.""Impossible, impossible, how could he betray me? It's not true, it's not true!" Yelled Huang Mao, a consultant hysterically.

"He's too upset. Shut up his mouth!" Li Yuanhong told the guards.

So the guard found a piece of black stuff, which he didn't know was a rag or a sock, and put it in the mouth of the yellow hair consultant.

Then there are all kinds of evidence publicity, Confessions of criminals, and so on. Of course, some people refuse to admit it, but in the face of strong evidence, their sophistry is in vain.

When the sentence was pronounced, all the people were straining their necks to see what punishment they could get. Li Yuanhong took out two judgments and said, "I have two judgments in my hand. One can live and one must die. I give you a choice."

All the people present were stunned. What kind of trial is this? What kind of choice?

The people on the stage all choose the first one. After all, who doesn't want to live.

"Well, I'll pass the sentence. It is now adjudicated that the eldest son of Wang They should have been sentenced to death for more than ten crimes, such as subversion, state, destruction of public finance, infringement of law enforcement personnel, etc., but since it is the end of the world, the above-mentioned personnel are assigned to far east mining area for life-long labor service and will never be released. "

With the end of Li Yuanhong's sentence, everyone was in a daze. First of all, isn't the Far East Russian? Will the Russians help the Chinese guard criminals? What's more, does this life-long servitude mean that you have to work hard all your life? It's worse than dying at once. At this time, these people know why they have chosen. Li Yuanhong's pit is too deep!

When these first criminals were pressed down, the second group of people were pressed up. Among them, Li Yuanhong saw a familiar man, who was the young man Li Yuanhong met at the gate of the provincial government when Li Yuanhong came back from the Far East. At that time, Li Yuanhong did not pay attention to him. He unexpectedly saw his tattoo here. What's more, Li Yuanhong unexpectedly saw his tattoo Li Yuanhong has seen a black hawk more than once before. At the beginning of the last century, he saw it again in the ten men in black. This time, he saw it again in this survivor. Li Yuanhong knows that this is not a different survivor.

Although Li Yuanhong was surprised that there were people with foreign forces in this group, Li was not afraid. He would come sooner or later. As long as he could make his own forces strong, any attack would be self defeating.

When the trial began, the young man embroidered with Black Hawk took the lead in shouting: "this is not fair. We just ask for our legitimate rights. Why judge us?" Obviously, this guy didn't give up and wanted to agitate here.

"Unfair? What do you mean by fairness

"We should have all the rights, we should have fair elections, we should have the right to evolution!" The young man said with righteous words.

"When did you come to this base?" Instead of answering the young man's question, Li Yuanhong asked a question that couldn't be done.

The young man was stunned. Obviously, he was surprised. Li Yuanhong asked this question: "not long, that is, seven or eight days ago. Is there a problem with this? Should I not enjoy these rights when I come late? You are the biggest injustice, the biggest injustice to all survivors. " The young man continued to shout.

Li Yuanhong did not answer him, but continued to ask, "do you know what it takes to activate a power?"

"Yes, we need a crystal core with attributes!"

"Where does the crystal nucleus come from? How many zombies will there be a crystal nucleus with properties, and how many crystal nuclei can be made into a bottle of evolution liquid? Do you know that?"

A series of questions completely bewildered the young people. Li Yuanhong asked these questions, what does it have to do with his rights? The young man couldn't answer these questions.

Seeing that the young man did not speak, Li Yuanhong said in a loud voice: "let me tell you, these crystal nuclei come from the heads of zombies. That is to say, if you get a crystal nucleus, you have to kill a zombie. But in a hundred zombies, there is not necessarily one zombie with attributes. We need more than 20 crystal nuclei to extract a bottle of evolutionary fluid (of course, this is water) At the beginning, the cost of manufacturing by the military was so high, but the system machine that Li Yuanhong got only needed 10 crystal cores). These crystal cores will not appear for no reason. They need our soldiers to fight hard in the front line to kill the corpses. Those who can kill people are the workers who need to work overtime to make weapons for the front line The peasants facing the Loess and facing the sky need those unknown scientists, doctors and nurses to provide food for the front line. What have you done Li Yuanhong asked sonorously and forcefully.

The young man was completely speechless.

"Rights are obligations. If you don't fulfill your due obligations, you don't deserve to have rights. Rights are won by yourself, not by beating, smashing and robbing. You don't cheat others by opening your mouth to snatch other people's victory fruits. If you are given the right you want today, it will be the greatest injustice to those who are bleeding and sweating, for this base, for this land full of blood! "After Li Yuanhong finished, there were thunderous applause. Obviously, Li Yuanhong's words were deeply recognized by the people present, because they had shed blood and sweat for the city. , the fastest update of the webnovel!