When Peter entered the spring city with the second leader, Peter asked curiously, "I said Liu, did your city not go through the war?"

"No, it's not only played, but it's fierce."

"How many zombies are there in this city?"

"About five million!" The second chief said casually.

"Hiss, five million? You're not lying? " Peter asked, somewhat surprised, the second chief.

"No, of course not." The second chief said with some pride.

"Well, I'll reserve my opinion for the time being, but I hope you can show me some reliable evidence, old friend."

"No problem. We're on a winter offensive recently. If you're interested, you can visit it."

"How many zombies are there?"

"It should be no less than a million."

"Well, I'll see it."

After the Russian acting president arrived, the Prime Minister of Australia, the Prime Minister of Britain, the president of France and the Prime Minister of Germany were all in a bad situation. Especially in Germany, the main cities had been occupied by zombies, and the army could only stay in some dangerous places as bases. Both materials and manpower were weakened to the extreme, if not for the pre war countries They all have strategic reserves. I'm afraid these countries will be destroyed by zombies in the first place.

Finally came the Prime Minister of Italy and the president of the United States. Italy is a bit backward. Its domestic economy has been depressed for the past two years, so its military equipment has not been updated much. As a result, it has encountered a wave of zombies. In addition, due to the narrow terrain and lack of space for zombies, most of the people in this country are trapped in their own land. Only a few people, under the protection of the army, withdrew to tauriano and built a protective wall there Gasp.

As the "most responsible" country, Smith believes that he must act as the pivot to show his importance.

When the US president's special plane landed, Smith stepped out of the plane at the pace of what he thought was a gentleman but in fact a cowboy. He thought that the airport would be dilapidated. After all, fighting with zombies is life and death. As long as he can kill each other, he will use all kinds of extreme measures. In order to capture Miami, Smith once assembled nearly 100 warships, stormed Miami, and then sent soldiers to land, which restored Miami. However, under such heavy fire, nearly 5000 people were still killed.

But what Smith saw today was that there were almost no damaged airports, no traces of shelling, no craters on buildings, and no signs of damage to the surrounding trees and lawns. This was a little surprising to Smith. After all, it is not easy to rebuild the airport after the end of the world. In most cases, it will not be rebuilt because of a little damage It's not cost-effective to repair the facilities.

After all, confrontation between the two countries has been greater than cooperation in recent years. In particular, Huaxia has surpassed the United States in many fields, which makes the United States very uncomfortable and obviously feels that its dominant position is at stake. As a result, a variety of small shoes, all kinds of insidious moves, so the communication between Smith and the second Chief Executive is only very official, and then both sides take a bus and go straight to spring city.

When he arrived at the hotel in spring city, Smith winked at the people around him. Immediately, someone entered the room, checked every crack from the inside to the outside, and then walked out: "Sir, the room is OK. There is no eavesdropping and monitoring equipment."

"Well, count them as true." With that, Smith walked in the steps of his cowboy into the bedroom and left the young sergeant alone.

"Miss sergeant, how is your internal contact with China

"It is reported that your Excellency the president has recently resumed normal contact, but the other party has not provided any valuable information except for the unknown weapons."

"This guy is very interested in interests. When you send him a message, try to find out his price, whether it's gold or anything else, to see how much appetite he has." Said Smith.

"Yes, your honor."

"Well, you go out first, and don't forget to report to me in the evening." There was an ambiguous hint in Smith's tone.

"Yes, your honor!" With that, Miss Sergeant twisted her charming waist and walked out of the room.

The first meeting of the heads of state was held in the second day of the conference.

First of all, as the host of the speech, and then the complaints of the leaders of various countries, they all said how difficult they were and needed assistance from other countries. Even the United States began to cry for poverty.

Finally, the second Chief Executive couldn't look down, so he stood up again: "ladies and gentlemen, I'm calling you to hold this meeting. I don't want you to complain here, and then go home to continue to live a miserable life. That will be of no use to the solution of the current crisis." It is obvious that the heads of state can not get more reactions from other heads of state when they go back to the meeting."What I want to tell you today is that we human beings have reached the point of extinction."

"Oh, dear Liu, don't frighten people like this. They are just zombies. The army of our country will destroy them sooner or later." Smith said without a second thought.

"Is it? Why did you send me this picture The second leader threw the pictures of alien creatures on the table, and the big screen behind him showed them. It was the first time that many yuan capital saw this picture, so they asked their translators or followers for relevant information. However, most of the intelligence officers of the head of state shook their heads helplessly, saying that they did not understand the photos.

"This one It's just that our satellite found something wrong here, so I asked you about it. There was no other meaning Smith didn't take this seriously. In his eyes, it was just a new mutant.

"I'm afraid it's not so simple." The second chief is not in a hurry. He signals to the guard at the door. The guard understands and turns out.

After a while, several soldiers came in carrying the body of a caveman and put it in front of the rostrum.

The second Chief pointed to the body and said, "gentlemen, this is the corpse that we have obtained from alien creatures." In a word from the second chief, all the people present were in chaos.

"All of you, please be quiet and wait for me to finish. If you have any questions." The second leader's voice fell to the ground, and the meeting room was quiet again.

"This corpse, we lived in Mongolia some time ago, but the base of these aliens is not in our province. According to the information we have, these alien bases are in Russia."

As soon as the second Chief's voice landed, Peter stood up in surprise: "what, in our country? How can this be possible? We haven't seen them on the satellite at all. I said Liu, you can't blackmail me

"Mr. Peter, please sit down. I haven't finished. When I'm finished, I'll answer any questions you have. "

Peter had to sit down. This is an international conference. Although Russians are known for their hot temper, they also need to control it.

"Have you noticed that the body has no eyes?"

At this time, there are clear photos of cavemen on the big screen, and the people present don't have to go to see the bodies, they can understand the appearance of cave people.

"This is because the cave people live underground and only come up to the ground when they hunt, and they are not a single race, but among a large alien race Slaves This sentence shocked all the heads of state here.

At this time, the No.2 chief made another sign to the guard at the door. The guard went to the cave man's body, took off the rifle on his shoulder and suddenly pulled the bolt of the gun. This action scared the heads of state present. The leaders of the world felt their hands to their waist and were ready to take out guns and shoot at any time.

The guard did not shoot beyond the venue, but opened fire to the dead cave man. The bullets shot on the cave man's skin, just like shooting on the soft steel, were all bounced off one after another. On the cave man's skin, only dense white spots were left, and no bullet entered the skin.

The guard shot out the bullet, replaced the empty cartridge, and then put the gun back on his back, retreated to the door and continued to be on guard.

At this time, the head of state was relieved. However, he immediately looked at the body of the cave man. If the bullet was not fake, that is to say, ordinary rifles could not kill the cave man at all. If he met the cave man, it would be the end of mankind!

"As you can see, this cave man is not something we can shoot with our guns, and this creature is the lowest in their race. The civilization of that planet is different from ours. They are determined by the strength of force. Therefore, their higher race, defense and fighting capacity can only be better than this cave The caveman is higher, not lower. "

As soon as the words were uttered, all the people on the scene stopped talking. There was no way to fight this battle. If there were complete industrial facilities before the end of the world and they could be produced at any time, the cost of the missile would be very high, and the missile could not be used as a bomb. What's more, it's the end of the world, and it's impossible to waste the missiles on the slaves.

"There is another point that we need to pay attention to. Now the aliens invading the earth are not only the cave people, but also the monsters in the previous photos. According to the satellite reconnaissance cloud map here, we have at least six races of aliens on our earth, and have started to set up bases. And the combat effectiveness of these aliens is comparable to that of this cave man, so we should not think that they are soft persimmons. "

This sentence almost completely suppressed the heads of state present.

"How do you determine this information? Are you connected to these aliens Smith was not calm at this time. He thought that it might be a lie made up by the Chinese people to deceive the people here in order to seek some interests."I also think that our intelligence is wrong, but it is a fact. As for the source of information, I'm sorry, it's confidential! But I can share a video with you. "

After the second chief said that, the big screen picture changed. The original picture of 50 cave men fighting the zombies reappeared. The bloody picture made many heads of state begin to vomit. The smell of the whole conference room became bad.

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