When the green monster appeared, all the people present turned their eyes to the Scout.

"Where does the monster appear?" Li Yuanhong asked.

"It's five kilometers west of the city at the exit of the cave."

"How many?"

"Less than fifty."

"OK, keep watching. If you have any action, please report it." Li Yuanhong ordered.

"Yes The Scout saluted and turned out.

Li Yuanhong saw that the scouts were out of the door, and then said to the people present: "yesterday, uncle ula said that these monsters are more difficult to deal with than zombies, especially the short spears they throw can pierce the steel plate of the truck, so we should not take it lightly. In addition, this kind of monster is a recent one. We don't know its level and ability. So I need to catch one of them to do research. Do you have any good suggestions? "

Mr. Xiao has just come here. Although uncle Wula has said something, he doesn't know the characteristics of these monsters, and Li Yuanhong is the same. As for Wang Jingrong, although they fought with these green guys for several times, they all belonged to the party who was attacked. At that time, they were only passive defense and had no chance to attack. They also had limited understanding of these green guys. If you don't know something about biology, it's like building a car behind closed doors.

Seeing that everyone was silent, Li Yuanhong could only ask Uncle Wula: "Uncle Wula, have you ever laid a trap on these monsters before?"

"Yes, we did. Outside, we dug pits and lassos, but these green monsters did not know how. They seemed to know that there were traps there. Instead, the wandering zombies were trapped."

"Oh? And this! Will the zombie attack them

"I don't think so. Once, the guards in the city saw the green monsters passing by the zombies. The zombies turned a blind eye to them."

Hearing this, Li Yuanhong wants to drive away the zombie, and his plan to drive away the tiger and swallow the wolf is stillborn.

"Let's attack hard, isn't it fifty green skins?" Xingling said again.

"I don't think it will be so simple. Maybe these 50 green skins are just pathfinder. The number of monsters that attacked us in the past few times is not so small." Wang Jingrong did not agree.

"Well, the previous time, we also found a green skin monster team, so we sent cavalry to attack. As a result, we were almost ambushed. If brother Wang hadn't found the green skin in the grass in time, we might have been given dumplings by those green skins." Muren added.

"It seems that the green skin is quite difficult to deal with!" Luo said to himself.

"It's not impossible to attack this team, but we need some strategy." Li Yuanhong finally showed a bad smile. People familiar with him knew that Li Yuanhong's bad ideas came out again.

Under the leadership of the team leader, fifty cavemen were searching around carefully. They came here today to explore the way for the large army behind them. After the portal was opened, they went into the underground of Russia, where there was once a deep sinkhole, which was said to have been dug by Soviet scientists in the Soviet era to explore the secrets of the earth's crust. As a result, they accidentally dug out the gate of hell. There, the scientists saw the devil, and the high-level officials were afraid of causing panic, so they sealed the Tiankeng, which was actually an explosion seal Save it.

In fact, the gate of hell is the portal. It happened that a few alien creatures accidentally entered the portal and were killed by the force of space. Therefore, the Soviet scientists thought they were demons.

Now the burrow will be required to build a crypt for the next time. However, the construction of the city requires a lot of labor, relying on their 10000 caveman vanguard to complete, the monkey years will not be completed. So the caveman commander divided the team into three groups: one was left behind, the other was out hunting and looking for zombies. These zombies were their free labor. The last one is to go out and explore in order to get in touch with your allies as soon as possible. Unfortunately, Russia has a large territory and a small population, so the number of zombies searched is far from enough. Relying on these zombies, they didn't know that it would take a long time to build them. Therefore, their troops were sent to Mongolia Province. They found that there were too many zombies in Mongolia. They could easily search for tens of millions of zombies. This is a zombie treasure house.

The search team was moving forward, and suddenly there was a sound of horses' hooves in front of them. The man in the Green Cave pulled out the deep grass and saw several carriages driving along the road ahead. The cars were loaded with fresh meat, leaving a faint smell in the air, which made these green guys salivate. Because the carriage was loaded with goods, the speed was not fast, so the team leader decided to stop the carriages, and he was not far away from the big army. If something went wrong, the large army could be reinforced at any time. With a decision and a roar, the green cave man jumped out of the grass and roared to the carriage.

When the coachman saw the monster attack, he immediately urged the horses to run forward, but the speed was still unable to get rid of these monsters. The more the monsters chased, the more excited they were, the more frightened the driver was. After running for a long time, the coachman untied the harness of the carriage, jumped directly on the horse's back and ran away. The other carriages also followed suit and jumped on one after another Horseback, drop the carriage and run away.Several horseless carts stopped in the middle of the road. The green skin cave people who came after them were very excited. They didn't care about the runaway coachman. These green guys swarmed on, taking several carriages as the main body, jumped onto the cars one after another, and began to snatch the fresh meat from the cars. These guys don't know what they have to cook and eat. They just grab the raw meat and put it in their mouth. The raw meat they eat flows out of their mouths. The cave people are covered with it. But these guys don't care. They are afraid that they will eat less.

Five carts with hundreds of catties of raw meat were swept away by these monsters in less than 10 minutes. The leader felt his belly and belched. He was very satisfied with the result of the pursuit. Although he ate all the meat and didn't leave a portion for his squadron leader, no one knew that as long as he and his subordinates were strict, no one would speak out.

After rectifying the team, the green skin monster is ready to continue to explore the way. Just now, it was too far away from the large army to chase them. It is not appropriate to wander outside at this time. Once they are in danger, the main rescue team may not be able to arrive in time. Just two steps back, these green monsters felt dizzy, some of their limbs did not listen to the command, began to walk awkwardly, and finally fell to the ground, never got up again.

These green skin monsters, who have just arrived on the earth, have been bullying human beings and robbing human food for many times without any problems. Therefore, they relaxed their vigilance and were intoxicated by Li Yuanhong.

As these monsters fell to the ground, many people came out of the grass on both sides of the road. These people were ambushed in advance. When these green monsters fell, they began to tie up the monsters. One of them, a young man in Mongolian costume, kicked the cave man hard: "Damn it, let you be very, look at you very much!"

One side Muren came over: "OK, don't kick. It will be troublesome if you wake up after a while. Look at their rough skin and thick flesh. Your strength is not enough for others to itch. "

Scold to play that young man, Muren has begun to order: "everybody give me tie firm point, don't let these guys break free!"

Therefore, these cave people were bound into zongzi, and they had to bind their faces and become mummies.

"Tie it up and load it quickly. How come those horses haven't come back yet, won't they really run?" When Mu Ren asked, the sound of horse's hooves came from far to near. It was the runaway grooms, and Li Yuanhong and Wang Jingrong were among the horses.

"Well, have you got it all?"

"All of them. These guys sleep more than pigs!"

"Well, quickly move in the car. These guys should not be far away from their main force. Don't disturb their big troops for a while."

So the people took the time to carry the sleeping pig cave people into the carriage. Several coachmen tied up their horses again. The whip swung, and the carriage galloped toward uncle ula's fortress. Li Yuanhong, on the other hand, asked people to clean up the scene. There was no trace in the whole scene. The smell and traces of cave people and human beings were completely removed, and the cave people seemed to disappear out of thin air.

The carriage quickly returned to Uncle Wula's fortress. Li Yuanhong asked people to move these green cave people to a strong house and shut them up. When everyone went out of the door, Li Yuanhong directly used the real eye to these cave people: "level 10 cavemen

skills: short spear throwing, claw striking, steel teeth crushing, primary short spear skill

attack power: 22

HP : 400 mana: 50

defense: 20 mental power: 5

Constitution: 18 strength: 19

speed: 14 Wisdom: 2

cavemen are known as the forgotten dark people. They like to live in caves and spend most of their lives with caves. They are accustomed to drilling. They are one of the two most capable of digging and mining (the other race is dwarves). Different from the dwarves, cavers prefer damp and dark caves. Because of living in caves for a long time, their eyes completely degenerate Cavemen rely on infrared sensing and olfaction to identify foreign objects, and they have strong hearing. Due to not relying on the eyes to distinguish objects, it is naturally immune to bewilderment magic, and has no effect on blinding and medusa Petrochemical magic.

Weakness: fear of strong light and high heat. "

After reading these introductions, Li Yuanhong knew that these monsters really came from xiaoyiling's planet, so Li Yuanhong called xiaoyiling.

As soon as Xiao Yiling came out, he saw these trapped cave people and called out, "Wow, how can you get me to these dirty guys?"

"Oh? Do you know these guys? "

"No, who wants to know these guys who deal with stinky mud all day long."

"Do you know where these monsters come from?"

"They are the servants of kemora, the lowest of the underworld."

"Who is kemola?"

"KAMORA is the commander-in-chief of the underground tribe. He is a traitor of the black dragon clan. He once stole the blade of doomsday and almost triggered the war of doomsday. However, later, in a battle, kemora was wounded by five soldiers sent by the dragon clan and fled. Since then, there is no trace of kemora. I didn't expect to meet these KAMORA soldiers here.""Is that a big problem for us!"

"Not in the short term, the gate is not enough to support the powerful presence of kemora. If it wants to cross the gate, it will take at least a few years, so you should take time!" After that, little Yiling looked at the cave man, and then he went back into his watch.

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