When hearing that there were 400000 zombies attacking, many people in this room shivered involuntarily, especially Wang haikuo. His face immediately changed. Although he was not white, he was obviously sweating.

Li Yuanhong didn't care how the audience reflected. He went on to say, "we must eliminate these 400000 zombies, and we can't let them go back to their old nests."

As soon as Li Yuanhong finished, some people began to talk in a low voice: "that's good. What can we do to eliminate them?"

"Brag, this is just a sneak and skilful, won a battle, began to boast!"

"Four hundred thousand, that's not forty thousand. What shall we do?"

Li Yuanhong pretended not to hear all kinds of comments. He stood up and went to the big screen behind him. Then, a little bit on the wall, the big screen suddenly lit up, showing the map of the whole Hunchun city. Now, there are many red dots on the map. These red dots are converging to Hunchun city along their respective red lines.

Li Yuanhong picked up the indicator pole, then lit the map and said, "these red dots are zombies, and the two largest zombie groups are these two." Li Yuanhong said with two red dots.

"These two zombies are 250000 and 100000 respectively, and the other zombie groups add up to only 50000. Moreover, the largest number of these zombies is only 10000. I think this kind of zombies can be covered by the mercenary Association."

As soon as Li Yuanhong's voice came to an end, Ma Fengyong immediately replied, "no problem. These scattered zombies will be handed over to us. Now there are healing drugs and zombie virus antidotes. These zombies are not enough to see."

Gao Zhiyuan, the vice president of the mercenary Association, also replied: "we didn't participate in Yanbian City last time. We just watched the troops eat meat and drink soup. This time, we should make some profit. We'll pay for the 50000 yuan!"

Looking at the two people's heroic words, they didn't pay attention to the zombies. Many people in this room kept looking at them, as if to see whether they had three heads and six arms, or how dare they boast so much.

"OK, these zombies will be handed over to you. The details of these zombies will be sent back to your mobile phone later." Now the communication function of the war room is fully open. Li Yuanhong has transformed some mobile phones overnight to realize the function of information exchange. Therefore, Li Yuanhong gave Ma Fengyong and Gao Zhiyuan a mobile phone.

As soon as they saw that they still had mobile phones and could make phone calls, they were very excited. This is a return to the era of mobile phones. Gao Zhiyuan had no feeling of going to the toilet for a long time without a mobile phone. Fortunately, at this time of the end of the world, this kind of discomfort was soon chased by the zombies. Today, they got the mobile phone again. That kind of inexplicable emotion almost gushed And out. Fortunately, they did not make a fool of themselves in public. And others see two people take the mobile phone, is a face of envy.

Li Yuanhong dealt with 50000 scattered zombies, then began to point to the 350000 zombies and said, "those scattered zombies are easy to deal with, but how do you think about the 350000 zombies?"

Li Yuanhong left the problem to the people present. In fact, he was testing the soldiers present. After all, these soldiers were of real professional background, and he had reached some agreements with division Xiao. However, Li Yuanhong didn't know this division chief Xiao, especially his other military talents.

At this time, most of the people below were very sad. Only those leaders of the regimental level and those brought out by Li Yuanhong were thinking bitterly. So Li Yuanhong took the initiative to ask, "Mr. Xiao, what do you think of the war situation?"

"I haven't thought about it yet, but I have a few questions to ask." Mr. Xiao did not give the answer, but asked in reverse.

"You say so." Li Yuanhong said politely.

"I want to know, how many soldiers are available to us? What kind of arms are they? How about weapons and equipment? What's more, can logistics support keep up with it? " Xiao asked.

"If you don't count the troops of division Xiao, I can provide 6000 regular troops here. There are nearly 3000 swordsmen and spearmen, 2000 archers, 600 cavalry, 300 Griffin troops, and 100 magicians. There are 5000 people in the militia reserve, equipped with knives, guns and crossbows, and they have 38 type rifles, and they have plenty of bullets. " Li Yuanhong said.

After listening to this, division chief Xiao frowned. What do these soldiers think? They are all food delivery men. They are also swordsmen and spearmen. It's hard to take these soldiers to fight with zombies? A small-scale operation may be OK, but this is a joint attack of more than 300000 zombies, not a small skirmish.

Li Yuanhong continued: "the logistic supply of these troops is absolutely no problem. It is only less than two hours' drive from Yanbian Town, and supplies can be supplied at any time."

After hearing this, Mr. Xiao shook his head helplessly: "Lord Li, if we use this kind of people to fight against zombies, we can only rely on the current Hunchun city defense, and the periphery can only give up, otherwise we fight with zombies, and it is easy to be surrounded by zombies."

Other officers nodded in succession. After all, they were regular troops. They usually fought by mechanization to deal with zombies. In the past, they relied on firepower against the number of zombies, and they had to be protected by the city walls. Otherwise, depending on their numbers and undead bodies, zombies would easily rush through the barrage, making soldiers surrounded by zombies. Many of their comrades in arms died in the zombies like this.Seeing that everyone was silent, Li Yuanhong said, "we can't stick to it. We must take the initiative to attack. Although we can rely on the city wall to kill zombies, the number of zombies is too large, it is easy to cause zombies to pile up a corpse ladder, so that the zombies can climb the wall through the corpse ladder. In addition, zombies now use weapons. Relying on the wall defense, we may not be able to give full play to our weapon advantages. The third point is that there are 400000 zombies on the surface of zombies. In fact, they are multi headed. The largest group of corpses is 250000. If we sit here and wait for the zombies to come, we will directly face the attack of 400000 zombies. However, if we attack the zombies and hold some corpses, the speed of the zombies will be different In this way, we can divide them and attack them, and finally we can break them all. "

"It's easy for you to say. Who are you going to send to death?" As soon as Li Yuanhong finished, Wang haikuo said something sour.

Li Yuanhong didn't care, and then said, "in fact, we just need to hold down the pace of two zombies. They are the two zombies." Li Yuanhong pointed his baton at the two largest groups of zombies.

"I think it's still dead!" Wang haikuo continued sarcastically.

"If we confront these two zombies head-on, as vice governor Wang said, it's no different from killing them. Moreover, this fight is different from the last time we attacked Yanbian City. At first, we chose the battlefield and set a trap for the zombies, so the zombies suffered losses. Moreover, we also detected the location of the giant zombies of each other and beheaded the giant zombies, We won only after disrupting their command system, but we have no such conditions this time. Therefore, we should fight guerrillas against zombies, not even ambush. " Li Yuanhong continued.

"It's bullshit!" Wang haikuo continued to mutter.

"Lord Li, what are you going to do?" At this time, Mr. Xiao asked with interest.

"You see, the 250000 zombies came along this road." According to Li Yuanhong's direction, it is a road linking Dunhua City and Yanbian City.

When people noticed the highway, Li Yuanhong continued: "along this road, there is a river beside it. By the way, Vice President Gao Zhiyuan, do you know about this river? "

"Oh, that river. I know something about it. I've been to Dunhua for business before. I'll see that river when I drive. The river is called burhatong River, which means willow river in Manchu. Before, there were willows on both sides of the river, so it got its name. The river is quite wide. The narrowest place is more than 20 meters, and the width is more than 100 meters. Generally, it is 70-80 meters wide. " Gao Zhiyuan said.

"Is the river deep?"

"It's not clear, but it's said that people drown in swimming every year."

"Oh, it seems. Well, my method is very simple. Relying on this river to fight guerrillas, ambush zombies near the Bank of the river, run after the battle, and then rely on this river to transport troops and evacuate. In this way, even if the zombies pursue, because of the obstruction of the river, they can't catch up with them. On the contrary, it is convenient for us to attack the zombies again. As vice governor Wang asked, who will die? I'll lead the team. The others have other plans! "

Li Yuanhong told his own arrangement. All the officers below felt that Li Yuanhong's brain was wide open and he was gambling. However, if he wanted to win the bet, he would make a lot of money. So Xingling was the first to say, "I like this plan. It's clean and neat. It's not so many twists and turns. OK, I'm in favor of it."

With the support of the first person, the others all agreed. Thus, a guerrilla plan of 10000 people was put forward.

When the meeting was over, everyone went out and Liu Hu was ready to go out. Li Yuanhong stopped him: "Liu Hu, wait a minute."

Liu Hu stopped and turned to ask, "what's wrong with brother Li?"

"There are two things for you to do. The first is that I led the team to fight. You must take good care of this hometown, especially vice governor Wang, who suffered a loss last time. He will never give up. He can't live anywhere to make trouble for us. The second thing is to let you look up three people and help me secretly investigate the background of these three people.

"Brother Li, which three people?" Liu Hu asked.

"Song Wuhai, sun Yanbin and Zhuang Youqi."

"Oh? What do these three men do Liu Hu asked.

"I don't know the specific information of these three people. I only know that they are in Hunchun city. You help me find out the three of them. By the way, we must investigate in secret, and don't let others know. " Li Yuanhong told me.

"Yes, I understand!" Liu Hu finished and turned out. Looking at Liu Hu's departure, Li Yuanhong hastily began to prepare. He must lead the team to fight this time. In fact, it's a life-threatening job.

Three hours later, on the burhatong River, there will be more than a dozen boats going up the river. If it is before the end of the world, it will certainly arouse the interest of many poets. They will write a few poems by Zou to express their feelings. But now this is the end of the world, and a few kilometers ahead of the river bank, there are Zou corpses coming here.

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