In fact, the last time Li Yuanhong attacked Yanbian City, one was to let the new soldiers know how to fight with weapons of command, and the other was to see the reaction of giant zombies in the city. It turns out that the giant zombie doesn't care about such attacks. Li Yuanhong knows the bottom line of the giant zombie. In the next few days, Yanbian City is bustling with soldiers attacking zombies to train soldiers. Each time, one or two hundred zombies are killed, and only one or two hundred soldiers come to practice. Each time, the place where they appear is different. At the beginning, the zombies don't pay attention to them After a few days, when the whole corpse group lost more than 10000 zombies, the giant zombie couldn't sit still. After all, now the giant zombies in the city are divided into factions, and the zombies of each faction are in a direction. This loss of ten thousand zombies is not a big number for the entire corpse, but the spread of every corpse is a very small number, which has aroused the vigilance of the giant zombie. The giant zombie has begun secretly dispatched the corpse, ready to give a tough lesson to those who dare to provoke themselves.

In the early morning of the next day, some human figures appeared in the periphery of the city, and began to approach the edge of the city. But today, there are so few zombies here. These human beings did not care, they still came to the edge of the city. When they came to the edge of the city, they began to attack the corpses wandering around the periphery, and these zombies retreated.

Seeing the zombie running away, the soldiers did not pursue them, but turned around and began to retreat. When the zombies saw that human beings were going to leave, they turned around to catch up with them. The humans turn around to meet the zombies. As a result, the zombie did not hit twice, and then turned around and ran away. In this way, human beings seem to understand something, turn around suddenly and run fiercely, ignoring the zombies behind. At this time, on both sides of the city, a large number of zombies began to surround the team of human beings, and the two sides began a speed competition.

Humans have been moving southward, even though they are running on both legs But the speed is not slower than that of zombies. Moreover, humans run along the road, so there are fewer obstacles and it is more convenient to run. Zombies are surrounded by both sides and walk on the dirt road. After the end of the world, the plants grow luxuriantly, and there are a lot of variation plants, which make zombies run up and trip, and the speed is always not raised. If it had not been wrapped up in advance, the human race would have run Yes.

After all, human physical strength is limited. With the pursuit time getting longer and longer, the speed of human gradually drops, which makes zombie chase more confident. It is about to catch up with human beings. Suddenly, in front of the road, there appears a peak: Maoershan.

The Maoer Mountain is located 10 kilometers south of Yanbian, which is the continuation of Changbai Mountain. The main peak is more than 500 meters high. The peak is named after a towering hat. It is difficult to climb the mountain, but it is a good place to climb. Before the end of the world, it was a place for vacation, tourism and leisure. Every weekend, there were so many tourists here. However, with good environmental protection, you can often see pheasants and rabbits, which is also a bit of pastoral fun. But the end of the world has come, there are no human beings here, only the trees and animals disturbed by human beings, and the animals and plants here are quietly mutating, and the stone road in the forest in the past is also covered by plants.

The group of humans ran into the mountain in a hurry and ran to Maoer Mountain along the still visible mountain road. Naturally, the corpses behind them would not let go. They provoked them and followed closely into the mountain area. Human beings went up the mountain road, while the zombies spread out and surrounded them. Soon, they were completely submerged in the dense forest, with no trace.

The main zombies who followed him hesitated when they looked at the zombies entering the jungle. After all, there were dense forests here and it was easy to be ambushed. Since the last time the group of zombies withdrew from Hunchun, they have been guarding Yanbian and dare not go out easily, just for fear of being ambushed by human beings again. After all, the millions of corpses were less than a quarter now, and they were really afraid Yes.

At this time, the zombies could see the half mountainside of Maoer Mountain. There were shadows and voices of zombies. It seemed that the zombies had chased human beings to the hillside. At this time, the giant zombies outside the woods finally breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that there was no ambush in the jungle. These people should have fled into the mountain in a hurry. Then a few giant zombies waved, followed by a group of corpses, and a group of them rushed into the forest and went to Maoer Mountain.

At this time, the people on the hillside were not the original people outside the city, but they were all dressed in the same clothes. The zombies could not tell the difference between these people. When they saw a figure on the hillside, they went straight away. However, the road on the mountain is not easy to walk. There is a wooden plank road which was built for the convenience of tourists. The plank road is only two people walking side by side, so the zombies can only climb up the plank road. There is a platform on the hillside, which is a place for people to rest. This platform can overlook the whole plank road. When the zombie goes on the plank road, it becomes a living target for human beings on the platform. From top to bottom, the crossbow arrows aim at the zombies, and the zombies fall on the plank road one after another.

Soon, the first batch of nearly 1000 zombies were shot on the plank road. When the follow-up zombies arrived, they were covered with corpses on the plank road. However, the follow-up zombies still received orders to attack. Therefore, these zombies only knew to execute the death orders, and the zombies still buried their heads to attack. In the same way, these zombies also fell down on the plank road.

Giant zombies are outside the forest, only hear the roar of the zombies in Maoershan, but there is no human howl. Moreover, the zombies' roar is getting weaker and weaker. These giant zombies feel bad, so several giant zombies with a large team, rush into the forest. As a result, when they get to the foot of the mountain, they know that two batches of zombies sent by themselves have been shot on the plank road The giant zombie is in a rage.However, these giant zombies were not completely irrational, so several giant zombies gathered together and began to discuss countermeasures. Soon another group of zombies attacked the city, but these zombies held up their shields and hid their bodies under the shields, so that the bows and arrows on them could no longer hurt these zombies. Soon, the Vanguard troops of these zombies approached the platform halfway up the mountain. A few giant zombies, finally smile, this time should be able to let these humans, taste the taste of fear.

But soon, these giant zombies couldn't laugh. When the zombies on the plank road approached the platform, a group of human soldiers with swords and guns rushed out to surround the entrance to the plank road. However, the plank road was too narrow, and only two zombies could enter the platform at the same time. However, when they boarded the platform, they would be attacked by eight soldiers at the same time The shield came face-to-face first, nervous, and then stabbed by the spear in the back. Many zombies were not killed by the gun, but were directly carried off the platform by the gun and fell on the rocks under the platform, and their brains burst.

The human on the platform, with the help of geographical advantages, defended according to the danger. The zombies attacked again and were blocked back by human beings. Although there was no total annihilation this time, nearly a thousand zombies were killed and injured. The next few giant zombies scratched their heads. This mountain road is too steep, only one plank road can go up the mountain, and there is no way to go on both sides. The number of zombies of their own is superior Ben can't play it out. It's really one man in charge. Later, the zombies finally had an idea, so the zombies divided their troops and prepared to send a zombie to lead the team to the other side of the mountain to find other ways to go up the mountain, and then attack on both sides to eliminate these humans.

The zombies sent out were led by a giant zombie. There were 450000 zombies in the whole team, while there were still nearly 100000 zombies left at the foot of the mountain. This time, as many as 150000 zombies came out of the city to deal with more than 100 human beings. It can be said that giant zombies don't think so. Most of these zombies are to protect themselves since they were withdrawn from Hunchun After the war, the mutant zombies in the zombie group become very rare. There are less than ten fat zombies around each giant zombie. This kind of escort can not make giant zombies feel safe in any case. Therefore, every time the zombies move out, they will bring many ordinary zombies to protect them, so that giant zombies can feel a little bit safe.

The zombie looking for another way soon disappeared into the jungle with his corpse group. As a result, there was no movement. This made the two giant zombies waiting at the foot of the mountain feel a certain uneasiness. This kind of uneasiness is just like that when Li Yuanhong was trapped by the flood last time, so the two giant zombies had the idea of withdrawing troops.

So the two giant zombies roared at their subordinates. The zombies rushed out of the woods like the tide. The forest, which was still as calm as the stagnant water, became lively at once. All kinds of attacks came from all directions in the forest, and all kinds of traps appeared out of time. For a time, the whole team of zombies was in disorder. Several times, the giant zombies almost got caught Dao was hurt by the crossbow. Fortunately, when the giant zombie felt bad, he started the magic protection in a hurry, and then he escaped. But this time, the giant zombie retreated faster! , the fastest update of the webnovel!