Li Yuanhong quickly climbed the wall. Today's night is a half moon. Although it is not as bright as the full moon, he can still see things clearly outside. Moreover, it has just rained, and the sky is particularly clear. With the help of moonlight, Li Yuanhong saw that the creatures outside looked like mice, but their bodies were thinner and longer than mice, and their skin was not gray, but yellowish brown.

Li Yuanhong quickly scanned with real eyes:

Level 6 mutant weasel

skills: biogas, claw attack, sneak attack

HP: 260, mana: 70, attack: 15

defense: 10 spirit: 7

Constitution: 10 strength: 12

speed: 14 Wisdom: 2

biogas: consumes 20 mana points, releases the accumulated biogas in the body, causing nausea, dizziness and other phenomena of the opponent. In serious cases, they will lose their mobility.

Variant weasel: it is derived from weasel. Weasel is commonly known as weasel. Fur is the main raw material of expensive fur coat, but its defense is not very strong, so it is not suitable for armor. Weasel's hair is still the best raw material for writing brush. With its calligraphy and painting symbols, it has the effect of saving magic. However, the weasel has a strong sense of territory. When it encounters foreign enemies invading its territory, it will rise up to resist. Although its attack power is not strong, its fart is a very important biological weapon. Therefore, even the tiger should avoid seeing this creature in the war. Skunks are the best helpers against snakes and rodent mutants.

Weakness: fear of fire, eyes "

seeing this introduction, Li Yuanhong suddenly realized that this is the weasel. No wonder he feels familiar with his face. He has been living in the city and rarely sees wild animals. Even in Yanjing, there is a wildlife park, and there is no display of this kind of animal, so he doesn't know it very well. He met here, But why do these guys attack themselves? Look at the Weasels outside. Although the attack is very fierce, it seems that there are some taboos. They are not playing with their lives. Moreover, they are suppressed by the soldiers' crossbows. In fact, the two sides have formed a confrontation. The other side always keeps a distance of 40 meters from themselves.

At this time, a leading weasel kept yelling at Li Yuanhong, as if he was protesting something. Although Li Yuanhong didn't know the animal language, he also knew the general meaning of the other party. Li Yuanhong thought about it for a moment, and then he called out to his back, "white tiger, die for me!"

After a while, the white tiger ran over, and then squatted down and looked at Li Yuanhong with a smart face. If he wanted to be put in front of the end of the world, he would surely die of a girl. But now it is the end of the world, and this guy takes the initiative to sell cute, and there must be adultery.

"What did you do that made these guys outside besiege us!"

White tiger seems to have been greatly aggrieved, growled, and then pointed to his belly with his claws, pointed to the outside.

Li Yuanhong was startled and then said angrily, "you have nothing to do with those smelly guys, and you are not afraid to eat bad stomachs!" If the white tiger really ate some relatives of the guy outside, it would be a big hatred of life and death, and it would be a big trouble. Although Li Yuanhong was not afraid of fighting, he would have a big head to fight with the farting guy outside.

White tiger listen to Li Yuanhong scold it, quickly shake his head, and then run back. This move also made Li Yuanhong very puzzled. What does this guy mean? After a while, the white tiger came running over with a round brown little guy in his mouth. The little guy was sleeping soundly with his eyes closed. He seemed to know nothing about the outside things. Then white tiger said that this guy was put in front of Li Yuanhong, pointed to the little guy's stomach, and then pointed to his own stomach, and then gave a low voice of grievance.

Li Yuanhong may have understood that the dinner Li Yuanhong gave to the white tiger at night was a chicken, which was regarded as a reward for the white tiger's heroic battle yesterday. However, the belly of the white tiger is obviously shrunken now, which is obviously that he has not eaten. However, the little guy with his eyes closed, but his mouth is full of oil, and his belly is round, which is absolutely eating a lot of things Looking at this, Li Yuanhong understood that this little guy had eaten the food of the white tiger, and the weasel had a bad reputation as a chicken thief in China. Although in fact, these guys didn't eat much chicken, they had to be seen in every big chicken stealing incident.

"You mean this guy stole your chicken?" In order to investigate the truth, Li Yuanhong asked to confirm.

After listening to Li Yuanhong's question, white tiger nodded his head desperately. It seems that Li Yuanhong's conjecture is correct. So Li Yuanhong picked up the sleeping boy lying on the ground, and then walked up to the wall. He held the little guy over his head and called out to the outside: "outside..." Li Yuanhong's words are blocked. I don't know how to call these guys outside. They are called Chicken thieves? It seems that this will make the other party angry. Just when Li Yuanhong was in trouble, the white tiger climbed up the wall and roared at the outside. Then he pointed his paw at the little weasel in Li Yuanhong's hand, and roared angrily on his face. The Weasels who were still angry outside just now calmed down for a moment.

Seeing that the white tiger's accusation was effective, Li Yuanhong did not interrupt until he heard the white tiger's roar, and then he called out to the outside: "did you guys hear that! It's the bear children of your family who came to my place to steal food and were caught by us. We haven't paid for it yet. It's better for you to run to us and fight and make trouble. Are you bullying us and dare not kill people? " Li Yuanhong deliberately showed a sinister look, which scared the leading weasel on the other side. He quickly bowed and called "squeak".Of course, Li Yuanhong didn't really want to kill anyone, but just bluffing the other party. It's impossible to forgive people, but it's not good for a person to give in. Therefore, we should be tough first and then discuss the conditions. In this way, reconciliation will be the real peace. Peace without the guarantee of force will not last forever.

Li Yuanhong saw that the other side had a tendency to ask for mercy, so he prepared to understand the matter. But then the little guy woke up. The little guy opened his eyes in a daze and looked around. Then he saw the white tiger and the ferocious Li Yuanhong. The guy was frightened and turned around quickly. Before Li Yuanhong could figure out what was going on, a strange smell came from the tail of his family and sprayed Li Yuanhong's face. Li Yuanhong was caught in the attack without any precaution. So Li Yuanhong felt dizzy and fell from the wall without any resistance. So the whole world was quiet for a moment. All the people on the wall turned to look in the direction of Li Yuanhong's fall. The Yellow guys outside the wall also raised their short legs and looked straight at the wall, hoping to see how the man who had fallen through the wall was doing.

Fortunately, Li Yuanhong was wearing armor, and the land was relatively soft after the rain. Although Li Yuanhong fell straight down, he was not hurt. Instead, he was badly fumigated by the stench just now. After he fell to the ground, he still felt a bout of nausea. It took him a long time to get up. He secretly said, "what a poisonous gas! Fortunately, the level of the little guy is not high. If this little guy has the level of those big guys outside, I don't have to wake up today. "

After he got up, Li Yuanhong began to look for the troublemaker next to him. When Li Yuanhong fell down, he was also thrown out. This little guy was not as resistant to fall as Li Yuanhong. He fell to the ground and fainted. Li Yuanhong slowly got up and walked slowly to the little guy. He carefully carried the little guy's neck with his hands and stretched his arms straight. He was afraid that the guy was giving himself a second, and then he took the little guy up the wall again.

When everyone saw Li Yuanhong and the little guy climbing the fence again, they were relieved. Li Yuanhong was still a little dizzy at this time, and forced to fight his spirit: "I said that the Yellow guys outside listen, originally we were victims, but as a result, you bear children have repeatedly provoked us. You heads of the family, look how to compensate us! Don't think I'm easy to bully. Do you see those crossbows on the ground? They're used to kill people. They're not decorations. It's just that I'm kind-hearted and I don't want to make unnecessary killing. I'll give you three minutes and give me an answer. "

After that, Li Yuanhong staggered down the wall. The smell of this fart was too long. Li Yuanhong had to go back and change his clothes completely. Otherwise, he would not want to get rid of the strong smell on this day.

The negotiation is long and it's normal to wrangle. However, Li Yuanhong has hostages in his hand. Li Yuanhong is not afraid that the other party will not agree to the terms. What's more, Li Yuanhong's conditions are very generous. He wants to move these weasels. First, he cleans up the mice in his base, and the other is for their hair. That's the best tool for drawing magic runes. Li Yuanhong can't let go. The white tiger negotiated as the victim. A large group of soldiers watched the white tiger spit and roar, and finally let the Yellow tigers give in. , the fastest update of the webnovel!