The zombies divided the corpse into three waves, the first wave still attacked the bridge. However, the zombies were no longer eager to pass the bridge, but pushed the corpses down the bridge constantly, and slowly piled up the corpse piles under the bridge. Although Xiao Yong Yi continuously blasted the corpse with gunfire, the number of corpses was too much, and several corpses slowly blocked the river.

The second road still snatched the upstream access road, but Li Yuanhong's troops kept on the shore, and kept shooting the corpse with bows and arrows, so that the corpses crossing the river were pouring into the river, rushed to the bridge by the river, and became a member of the funeral dike.

The third road is downstream, which has a large number of corpses, but it only gathers on the bank, and there is no movement and no movement. I don't know what to wait for. However, the crowded corpses often have some small accidents. Standing near the river bank, some people are pushed down the river bank from time to time, and some even fall into the deep water area and washed away by the big water.

The battle lasted for more than two hours, and finally the corpses under the bridge piled up more than three meters wide. Even if Xiao Yongyi sent four guns to blast together, he could not collapse the dam in a short time. The water volume in the downstream river decreased continuously, and the corpse group gathered in the downstream reached an amazing number of 300000, and the team extended for three kilometers. Moreover, the funeral in the back of the bridge reached an amazing number of 300000 The corpses are still coming in.

When the downstream water level drops to less than one meter, and the water volume of the river also drops sharply, a roar of the corpse starts to move. Only the zombies jumped down the dike and rushed to the opposite bank of the river. Moreover, the corpses were not attacking in the reach of tens of meters, but several kilometers of river. At the same time, the corpses almost filled the downstream reach. If it was not the obstruction of river mud, it was estimated that in a moment, the zombie group would rush to the other bank.

Liyuanhong has been closely following the opposite bank dynamics. When the downstream water level drops sharply, liyuanhong guesses the purpose of the corpse, and orders: "all the staff get on the bus and withdraw immediately!"

Meanwhile, liyuanhong took out the walkie talkie and told the intercom, "monkey, start to implement the plan."

After that, liyuanhong also got on the armored car and drove to the Highlands far away from the bank. Other soldiers, in accordance with the rehearsal in advance, quickly packed up their equipment, boarded the car quickly, followed Li Yuanhong's armored car, and left without returning.

The corpse that is crossing the river has not been found that the attack of liyuanhong disappeared suddenly. The corpse on the bridge deck is still throwing the corpse down continuously. The corpse at the upstream is blocked here by the bridge, which causes the water level of the upper reaches to be too high. Even if liyuanhong does not attack, the corpse will drown. Even then, there are still weak and small zombies, which are constantly being carried out He jumped into the river to commit suicide to make his body a member of the dam blocking the river.

Less than two minutes after liyuanhong retreated, suddenly, the upstream of the River gave out a loud roar, accompanied by the roar, and the calm river surface also began to ripple. As the roar approached, it was finally seen that it was a huge wave, which was sweeping down the river. The wave head was very high above the embankment, and some small willows were pulled up directly and involved in the turbid In the river.

The great wave is coming too fast, so that the corpse can not react before it can come, it has already washed down under Hunchun bridge. Due to the impact of the huge wave, the corpse will not be easily built up and collapsed directly. This makes the momentum of the huge wave more violent. The huge wave even overtook the bridge, and the corpse on the bridge deck is also involved in the river.

The huge waves are not over yet. With unstoppable momentum, the waves continue to rush downstream. The corpses who are crossing the river and waiting on the shore have not understood what happened. The waves fill the whole river. The corpse becomes a swimming fish in the torrent vortex. It keeps rolling along with the huge waves, and finally they are all washed into Tumen River. So I saw the Tumen River, floating with the corpse, floating with the waves. Occasionally, corpses were washed up the bank and became fertilizer for riverside plants.

When the giant zombie knew that his army was washed down by the river, it was a daze first, and then it was thunderous. This rush directly caused the corpse to lose nearly 400000. The 400 000 Army crossing the river and the 100000 corpses being prepared on the shore were taken away by the flood. This has not yet been a battle with human beings. Therefore, it is inexplicable to lose the dead body paying attention to half of the dead How can we not let the giant funeral hurt.

It is impossible to wade down the river downstream. The corpse can only cross the river from the bridge honestly. Although the bridge deck is four lanes, the bridge deck is too narrow for the 50000 zombies. However, the zombie can not be able to cross the bridge slowly. After one attack, the giant corpse will never dare to go down to the river. Fortunately, the people on the other side of the river did not know to run there, and this time, the bridge was very smooth.

In fact, the giant corpse did not know that there was a huge reservoir in the upper reaches of Hunchun river. This is a water conservancy power station built before the end of the last century. Since liyuanhong occupied Hunchun, he has been sent to repair it. In the winter, the river water has been frozen into ice, so the power station can only idle. This spring, the river has returned to mobility, so liyuanhong began to resume the operation of the power station. This time, Li Yuanhong made the power station stop generating electricity, and prepared to send a big gift for the corpse by storing water. However, the corpse is too strong now. Liyuanhong only held on for one morning and made the corpse complete the preparation for crossing the river, so liyuanhong was forced to open the gate to let the water go. If Li Yuanhong is given two hours more, the corpses will gather more on the shore, and it is estimated that the loss of the corpse will surely exceed half.The zombie was trapped by Li Yuanhong. I don't know what happened, but I was still very persistent about the energy fluctuation in the assembly hall. Although the zombie lost some serious damage, soon the zombie started to pack up and crossed the river to kill in the direction of the valley base.

After crossing the river, the corpses not only did not speed up, but also went more and more slowly. It turned out that after the flood just now, a large amount of river mud was washed onto the bank, and the zombies stepped on the river mud. Naturally, the speed was not fast. The most annoying thing was that bullets were fired from afar from time to time, and the zombies who were trapped in the mud were shot directly on the bank. There are not a few of them. Hundreds of zombies are shot every minute. This made the giant zombie who had just suffered a loss more angry, so he sent the shadow zombie to rush across the bridge and chase for the direction of gunfire.

These shadow zombies soon came to the place where the guns were fired, and then they were waiting for more fierce machine gun fire. Although the shadow zombies are fast and have blinking skills, they can only be sent back to the netherworld by bullets in the face of a rain of bullets. Several waves of attacks by shadow zombies all failed, and dozens of shadow zombies were damaged. Giant zombies knew that this kind of attack by a small group of troops had no effect at all, and could only urge his men to pass through the mud area as soon as possible.

After an hour, more than 10000 corpses finally burst out of the mud area, so the giant zombie couldn't wait to send this group of corpses to attack the human who had just shot themselves. After leaving the mud area, the zombies regained their superhuman ability. The corpses roared and rushed to a hill at the speed of 100 meters. The cold guns were fired from there. The corpses were surrounded by semicircles, and the team was not as dense as they had just crossed the river. Obviously, the zombies also knew the power of machine gun fire.

From time to time, there are still gunshots on the hill, but this time the accuracy has dropped a lot, and the gunfire is very incoherent, just like someone shooting carelessly. When the zombie finally rushed up the hill, he found that there were no human beings on the hill. What gun was it just now? It was an automatic bullet launcher. This device is to put the bullet into a device in advance. There are bars in the device. After the bar is fixed, the device starts to run like a clock. Every once in a while, the device will automatically pull the trigger, and the bullets in the gun will be fired out. Then the eggshell will be ejected out of the device, and the new bullet will be loaded again. Again and again, as long as the bullets in the clip are not exhausted, as long as the legal device is still powered, then the sound of the gun will not be stopped.

When the zombie climbs up the hill and can't find a human being, the monk zhengzhanger feels the vibration of the mountain falling under his feet, followed by a violent explosion. Before the zombie reacts, the whole hill is submerged by the violent explosion.

Li Yuanhong, who was observing with a telescope in the distance, asked Liu Hu next to him with a smile: "I said Liu Hu. You can estimate how many zombies we have trapped in this trap?"

Although some corpses should have been blown up to seven or eight thousand zombies, they must have been blown up to seven or eight thousand zombies Liu Hu replied truthfully.

"Well, if we make a trap like this fifty times, we'll have to kill all the zombies before they attack our city!" Li Yuanhong said.

"Brother Li is right, but I always feel that the zombie may not be cheated by this next time. Moreover, this kind of trap consumes too much dynamite. We don't have so many explosives in reserve, so brother Li has to think of other ways." Liu Hu has a kind of painful expression, after all, explosives, there is no professional equipment, now the production is very troublesome.

"It's too much for me to suffer from the same zombie. It's not a trap for me to eat at the same time." Li Yuanhong said with a smile. , the fastest update of the webnovel!