Li Yuanhong began to prepare to land on the island. Although there were a lot of zombies shaking on the dock on the island, the overall number was not large. It is estimated that many of the zombies were killed by the shelling, so Li Yuanhong did not spend much effort on the island. In fact, Russia island is a semi military island. Most of the permanent residents are soldiers and their families, while most of the autopsies occur in the elderly and patients, so the probability of military autopsy is very small.

Li Yuanhong boarded the island and watched the zombies shot to death on the wharf. These zombies were ordinary zombies, and there were no mutant zombies. There were not many of these zombies wearing military uniforms, most of them were ordinary civilian clothes.

Li Yuanhong didn't pay much attention to these zombies, mainly because he wanted to find out where the army on the island had gone. Along with the landing of Masuo, he must have been here, familiar with the environment here, which can reduce the difficulty of Li Yuanhong's search.

According to Maslow, there are not only hospitals and schools on this island, but also a university and ship repair shop, which makes Li Yuanhong a little excited. After all, there is a library in the University. The books in the library can provide new skills for him. Last time, Li Yuanhong put the books he had searched from Hunchun University into the systematic library and acquired two new technologies One is primary chemistry and primary architecture. Primary chemistry is a branch of alchemy. Since there is no magic energy involved in chemistry, the same effect is not as powerful as alchemy. For example, gunpowder produced by alchemy is more than three times as powerful as that produced by chemical science.

Architecture is a basic professional skill, which can reduce unnecessary loss of materials and time when building houses and other projects. If this skill is placed before the end of the world, it is definitely a hot skill pursued by many real estate developers.

Now that Li Yuanhong has learned that there are universities on the island, he certainly will not give up the desire to search for it, but his current task is to find the military headquarters on the island.

Along a main road, we pushed all the way to the island. During the whole process, we met very few zombies. We were used to large-scale corpses. Li Yuanhong couldn't adapt to the small number of zombies. Soon the team reached a small hill, which was not high, only more than 200 meters, but it was the commanding height of the island, and the naval headquarters was located here. Although it was also shelled here, the damage was not serious. Many buildings were built along the mountain. Due to the angle problem, many shells hit the top of the mountain, while the buildings at the foot and the mountainside were basically intact. The buildings on the second peak of the mountain are mainly warning buildings. Modern aircraft must be the vanguard of attack, and the highest place is the most vulnerable to attack. The commander of the army does not want to be killed by the enemy's aircraft and missiles before he starts commanding the battle.

The headquarters of the navy is located on the mountainside. It is a semi underground building. On the ground are some ordinary offices and reception halls. The main personnel work in the underground part. There are ammunition depots, oil storage depots and naval headquarters in the basement. Li Yuanhong first took people to the oil depot and ammunition depot, because there was a standby power generation room next to the oil depot. After starting the generator, Li Yuanhong could not wander around in the dark underground passage like a mouse.

Along the way, there was no zombie, no body wreckage, the road was clean, but there were many bullet marks and dried blood on the wall. It was obvious that there had been fierce fighting here. He arrived at the power house smoothly. After the generator was started, the lights in the basement were restored. Then Li Yuanhong took the people and went straight to the ammunition depot. However, Li Yuanhong saw that most of the weapons and ammunition in the ammunition depot were missing, and many bullets were scattered on the ground. It was obvious that the army was in a hurry to withdraw at that time, but the remaining ammunition was enough for Li Yuanhong to use for a while. After all, the rest of the ammunition was mainly bullets, and no heavy ammunition such as shells was left. Li Yuanhong accidentally made a small fortune to make up for his regret. After all, Li Yuanhong planned to search the warships for fun, but all the warships disappeared. In fact, these bullets are too many and meaningless for Li Yuanhong. After all, Chinese guns can't use Russian bullets, so these bullets can only be used on Russian guns. Fortunately, Li Yuanhong has some Russian weapons in his hand.

After searching the ammunition depot, Li Yuanhong began to search the headquarters. After all, he had to go to the headquarters to obtain confidential documents. When he arrived at the headquarters, Li Yuanhong was a little disappointed. Most of the documents had been moved away, and those that had not been moved were turned into paper ashes scattered on the ground. However, Li Yuanhong did not give up, and he still searched from corner to corner in order to find valuable information. The so-called Kung Fu pays off. Finally, a pile of shredded paper was found in a paper basket near the navy commander's desk. With patience, Li Yuanhong put the pieces together and a telegram appeared.

Telegraph? Yes, it's the telegraph. It's an old thing in the 21st century. But after the end of the world, it was reopened by the army.

The message's general meaning is: 1. Due to the attack of unknown biochemical virus in the whole country, the major cities are basically occupied by zombies. Therefore, the Military Commission has the full power to manage the whole national army under the wartime management system.

2、 Due to unknown reasons, the satellite system failed and network communication could not be used. The wartime radio communication system was restored.

3、 Due to the high concentration of virus in the high altitude, the pilot is easy to die instantly after the aircraft takes off. Therefore, the aircraft is forbidden to take off at a height of more than one kilometer. In addition, there is unknown magnetic field interference in the high altitude, which is easy to cause the missile to lose control. Therefore, the command forbids the use of missiles.4、 Due to the lack of material reserves in Vladivostok base, in order to prevent the recurrence of starvation accidents, the second fleet of the navy was ordered to give up the Vladivostok base, withdraw all of them back to Europe, join with the Black Sea fleet, and go to No. 1 military base, where the construction of survivors' base is protected to prevent NATO's attack. At the same time, during the evacuation, the entire base facilities were bombed.

After reading this letter, Li Yuanhong finally understood why the Navy disappeared and why the island was shelled. However, the reason for the retreat to prevent starvation is too wonderful. Has this island ever starved to death before?

Li Yuanhong handed the message to Masuo. After reading it, Masuo's face became very ugly. Obviously, the army gave up on them. Li Yuanhong patted Maslow on the shoulder: "don't be depressed. At least we can save ourselves. We always put our hope on others. That's equivalent to putting our own head in other people's waist. Do you think it's safe?"

Although Maslow's mood is not high, but much better than just now, a low voice said: "you are right, but I always feel abandoned."

In order to change the subject, Li Yuanhong asked, "the telegram says to prevent starvation here. Has this happened before?"

"Well, there have been incidents of soldiers starved to death before, which was in the 1990s, but since then, the island has been called a hungry bear in the Navy." Maslow replied truthfully.

"Damn it, it's all right. The army starved to death!" Li Yuanhong was very surprised. If the army was surrounded in wartime, it would be normal for people to die of starvation. However, in the 1990s, Russia did not fight. Especially in the Far East, it was even more peaceful. In peacetime, soldiers were starved to death!

Looking at Li Yuanhong's surprised expression, Maslow said: "at that time, the Soviet Union had just disintegrated and the military management was in chaos. However, after that, the base gave people a bad feeling. Alas!"

Li Yuanhong didn't get entangled in this matter too much. After all, he understood the reason for the army's withdrawal. He could take over the island with confidence and boldness. He even planned to set up a sub-system base on the island. However, before that, Li Yuanhong had to clean up the whole island, otherwise, when building the system, he would be attacked by zombies, which would not be worth the loss Yes.

So Li Yuanhong asked Masuo to lead him to carry out a survey of the whole island. No large-scale corpses were found. Occasionally, Li Yuanhong cleared up a few of them. However, when Li Yuanhong came to the east side of the island, a bridge appeared in front of him. The bridge was more than one kilometer long, leading straight to the opposite bank. The bridge deck was also very wide. There were some zombies wandering on it, but the number was not large There are a lot of them, just like dozens of them.

Li Yuanhong asked Maslow, "where does this bridge lead to?"

"This is a cross sea bridge leading to Vladivostok. In the past, the materials on the island were transported by ship. With this bridge, we can transport goods by land, saving time and labor, and facilitating cross-strait traffic." Maslow explained.

After listening to Maslow's explanation, Li Yuanhong's eyebrows were twisted together, which made him in trouble. , the fastest update of the webnovel!