Li Yuanhong looked at Gao Zhiyuan's direction and asked, "where is that and how many people used to be?"

"That's hassanski County in Russia. It used to have a population of less than 40000." Gao Zhiyuan replied.

Li Yuanhong nodded his head and said, "well, there are not many people. It is estimated that there are about 30000 zombies there. I don't know what higher terrain there is for observing the city?"

Gao Zhiyuan thought for a moment and said, "there is a mountain of more than 1000 meters, in the west of the city, just in front of us."

"Well, let's go to the mountain to see if there is a suitable place for zombies." Li Yuanhong said.

The motorcade soon broke away from the road and went down a dirt road to the mountain Gao Zhiyuan said.

The car soon came to the foot of the mountain. The mountain was not high, about 1000 meters, but the mountain range extended far away. Although it is already spring, many parts of the mountain are still covered with snow and ice. Li Yuanhong climbed to the top of the mountain along a path and took out his telescope to look at the city at the foot of the mountain.

The whole county is located in a bay. The houses in the city are not built very high. Most of them are five storey buildings. The planning is very random. The distance between the city houses is very far. Moreover, there are many trees in the open space between the buildings. If it is in summer, the whole city will be covered with green. When Li Yuanhong looked at the city, he could only say that the Russians had no sense of cherishing the land. In China, such a large county seat would definitely build more buildings to accommodate more than ten times as many people.

In the southeast of the city, there is a marsh near the sea. During Li Yuanhong's observation, several zombies were trapped inside and never came out again. Li Yuanhong wondered whether he would use the swamp to pit zombies. But then Li Yuanhong gave up. If he wanted to get to the swamp, he had to go through the city. Moreover, he did not have the tools to be free in the swamp. Before luring the zombie to the past, he was trapped in the first place, which was not worth the loss.

Li Yuanhong is looking for a suitable place to fight the zombie when Wang Jingrong comes over: "brother Li, we found several survivors, Gao Zhiyuan is learning from them."

"Oh? There are survivors. OK, let's go and have a look. " Li Yuanhong went with Wang Jingrong to the deep mountain forest.

Soon, they came to a jungle cabin with a high lookout next to it, which was supposed to be a temporary residence for forest rangers.

Li Yuanhong followed Wang Jingrong into the wooden house. At this time, there were five or six people in the wooden house. Gao Zhiyuan was sitting at a wooden table and chatting with a big man with a beard. This strong man obviously had a European face, a big nose, a deep eye socket, thick golden curls, disordered and disordered hair, and spoke with obvious rolling tongue sounds. Behind the strong man stood four men, two men and a woman and a child. The two men are also full of whiskers and can not tell their age. The female is about 30 years old, and their physique is also very strong, which is not much worse than that of men. If not, Li Yuanhong even thinks they are men. The little boy was five or six years old. He was very cute. He hid behind the woman and looked at Li Yuanhong curiously. Although the clothes of these people are not very new, they are all very clean. They are completely different from the slovenly images in the past apocalyptic movies. Obviously, these survivors have a fairly good life.

Li Yuanhong gave the little boy a kind smile and then asked Gao Zhiyuan, "what's the situation here?"

Gao Zhiyuan stood up and said to Li Yuanhong, "these people are survivors who escaped from the town in front of them. There are many survivors in the mountain. They are in charge of guarding here. The strong man on the other side is masonovic, who is in charge of this camp Gao Zhiyuan said.

After listening to Gao Zhiyuan's introduction, Li Yuanhong stretched out his hand to Masuo: "Hello, my name is Li Yuanhong. I'm the leader of these people."

The strong man on the other side also stood up, stretched out his big hand and held Li Yuanhong's palm. However, the strong man did not release his hand immediately after holding it. Instead, he put extra force on his hand and said with a smile, "Hello, Hello!" Obviously, this strong man should consider Li Yuanhong's strength. Li Yuanhong's appearance is not very strong and even delicate. In this last age, he has no strength, which means he can't survive. However, a man like Li Yuanhong can be the leader of such a team, so the strong man is somewhat unconvinced.

Li Yuanhong didn't move his voice. After all, Li Yuanhong has risen to level 4. His strength is not comparable to that of ordinary people without upgrading. However, to be honest, Masuo's strength is really great. As an ordinary person, his strength has reached the level of a progressive one. No wonder the Russians dare to wrestle with the blind bear and throw him Run away.

Maslow almost put all his strength into the milk, but he still didn't hold the person on the opposite side. It seems that people are very relaxed and freehand brushwork. Maslow knew that he looked down on the opposite person, so he quickly let go of his hand and laughed: "leader Li has great strength. I used to be in the army, but I was a famous strongman. I didn't expect that leader Li was hiding himself !”

"I've said that, but I'm just evolving. If the masno brothers evolve like me, they will not be less powerful than me." Li Yuanhong said.

"Evolution?" As soon as Maslow got interested, he asked Li Yuanhong in detail about the evolution.Li Yuanhong explained in detail. Even Gao Zhiyuan, who was following Li Yuanhong, listened attentively. After all, Gao Zhiyuan knew about evolution. As for the details, it was really not clear.

Li Yuanhong talked for nearly 20 minutes, but his mouth was dry, but Maslow still didn't quite understand. He still asked questions. At this time, Li Yuanhong stopped talking and said to Masuo with a smile: "I said, brother masnuo, you are not a guest. I have been talking for a long time. You don't even prepare a glass of water. My voice is full of smoke! ”

as soon as Maslow heard this, he was rarely bold enough to turn around and tell the woman behind him to say, "I said AVA, hurry up and serve tea to the guests. They like tea."

The woman named AVA quickly turned around and went to the inner room. Soon she came back with some tea cups. At this time, Li Yuanhong, Wang Jingrong and Gao Zhiyuan all sat down, and some strong men behind Masuo also sat down.

Li Yuanhong then asked, "brother Maslow, how many survivors do you have here?"

"There are not many survivors here. There are only more than 2000 people. Most of them have fled to East Siberia by train, and some people have fled to Vladivostok by boat (Vladivostok is an ancient Chinese name, and Russian name is Vladivostok. In order to facilitate memory, the Chinese name is adopted here)."

"Do you know how many of them escaped?" Li Yuanhong continued.

"Oh, I helped the chief of police in the town to do the evacuation work. About 10000 people escaped. If the boats and trains were not enough, more people would have escaped!" Maslow said with a gloomy look.

Li Yuanhong was surprised. This is a small town with less than 40000 people, and there are so many survivors. If you think about China, there are not many survivors in that place. It would be nice to survive one tenth. Li Yuanhong quickly asked: "how did you evacuate at the beginning, how did you have so many survivors?"

"Isn't that normal? At the beginning, the zombies were so slow, and we could easily get rid of the zombies' encirclement because the buildings were far apart. Moreover, when the zombies broke out, it was almost 10 o'clock in the morning, and the streets were relatively unblocked, so those who escaped quickly evacuated. In addition, we have an evacuation rehearsal in advance, so we can go according to the order rehearsed in advance Maslow said.

Li Yuanhong realized that there were two key factors that he had neglected. One was that the population was not dense and the houses were far away from each other. It was very difficult for zombies to form an encirclement in the early days. The second was the time difference. He met the zombie outbreak in Yanjing at 7:00 a.m., but there were two time zones missing. It was just time for work. Most people were in their rooms or offices As long as you escape from the room or office, it means safety. On the contrary, in Yanjing, you can only be safe if you hide in a closed room. If you hide in the room, it means that the indefinite siege begins. Many survivors are not killed by zombies, but trapped to death. , the fastest update of the webnovel!