More than 400 long tongued zombies, if encountered in the wild, will only be slaughtered by zombies. But this time, they are faced with human beings protected by high walls, and these people are equipped with firearms, which is doomed to be slaughtered. There are more than 400 of them, with an average of 20. If it is a marksman like Wang Jingrong, it is estimated that less than 30 bullets will be eliminated. However, many of these soldiers are recruits who have been trained for less than a month, so the hit rate is still very poor. It would be good if the average five bullets could kill a zombie. Li Yuanhong looked at the bullets that had been shot empty. He felt heartache. He said in a low voice: "it's training, it's training!" It's not that Li Yuanhong is stingy. Actually, Li Yuanhong doesn't have many bullets in his hand. It's estimated that after the battle, all the bullets in his hand will be consumed.

However, Li Yuanhong can't do it now. He doesn't have to do it at this time. He just wants to die. The tongue of a long tongue monster is like a Spearman's spear and has a bend. Once this thing is pinned, even if it doesn't die, it will be infected with zombie virus, which is no different from death. So Li Yuanhong would rather waste some bullets than hurt his own soldiers.

Soon, there were no more active zombies outside the city, but Li Yuanhong didn't let the soldiers go down to collect the crystal nucleus. He was mainly afraid that there were dead zombies, and was attacking the soldiers secretly. So Li Yuanhong left the soldiers on guard, and turned and ran to the weapon house himself.

As soon as he arrived at the weapons workshop, Li Yuanhong asked aloud, "Master Zhang, Master Zhang, are the weapons ready?"

Seeing Li Yuanhong coming, Zhang Haitao said with a smile: "boss Li, we have fulfilled our mission and made one, but we haven't tried it yet. I don't know how the effect will be." Zhang Haitao wiped the oil on his hands and took Li Yuanhong to the backyard of the weapons workshop, where the weapons Li Yuanhong wanted were placed. Li Yuanhong revolved around the weapon for three times, patted it with his hand, and said, "it's not bad. I'll try something later. By the way, it's not troublesome to make this hemp. If it's easy, make more. I'll surprise the zombies later. " Li Yuanhong said excitedly.

"It's not easy to make this one. It's estimated that we'll build two sets in a day. If we become proficient in the future, we can speed up, but I'm afraid we can't do it now."

"Well, hold on and build one. I'll take this weapon and test it later." Li Yuanhong said excitedly.

When Er Ya Hong finds out the time of building traps around the village, she tells her how to set traps. After the command, Li Yuanhong went back to the meeting hall, checked the sand table, confirmed that the zombie had not changed his route, and then took a break.

Sleep is always easy to wake up. Li Yuanhong felt that he had just closed his eyes when he was woken up by his walkie talkie: "report brother Li, the zombies are coming!"

"OK, keep watching. I'll be right there." Li Yuanhong stood up and rubbed his cheek with both hands to wake himself up. Then fly to the mouth of the valley.

Outside the valley wall, the zombies have already turned to the foot of the mountain and come to the wall. They are ordinary zombies. They can't move faster than long tongued zombies. Because of their stiff limbs, they will trip over potholes, and they will be trampled by the zombies behind them. Seeing this, Li Yuanhong's bad idea came up again, so he picked up the walkie talkie and began to give Erya a new task.

It took nearly 15 minutes for the zombie to enter the 200 meter range of the rifle, but Li Yuanhong wanted to test his emergency weapon: the catapult. However, Li Yuanhong has modified it a little bit. Instead of throwing stones, he throws ice hockey, so the machine has new functions:

weapon Name: first level stone throwing machine

effective attack range: 10 meters to 250 meters

maximum attack distance: 400 meters

damage value: 15 Sputtering radius: 2m

durability: 20

the throwing machine can throw stones and other heavy objects to attack the enemy. The attack effect depends on the attack distance and the type of ammunition.

This is the introduction of the stone throwing machine. Li Yuanhong specially configured a special ammunition for the stone throwing machine: ice hockey. To Li Yuanhong's surprise, ice hockey, as a kind of stone throwing machine, has the additional effect of stun and deceleration, which makes Li Yuanhong very satisfied.

As the zombie entered the best range of the catapult, Li Yuanhong personally controlled and fired the first ice hockey to the corpse group. The ice hockey is like a meteor. It rushes to the corpse group quickly. On the spot, a zombie is opened. At the same time, the broken ice dregs cut the zombies around and slow down their moving speed.

Seeing that the effect of the catapult was good, Li Yuanhong sent four soldiers to take charge of the attack. Although the attack power of the catapults is good, the number is too small to form a suppressive attack effect. Li Yuanhong climbed on the top of the wall again and looked at the corpses. At this time, the zombies turning over the foot of the mountain covered the open space in front of the whole valley. There were more than 20000 zombies, which gave people a feeling of boundlessness. He always listened to the stories. People were more than 100, all kinds, more than 1000, boundless, more than 10000, completely connected with the sky. Li Yuanhong understood the meaning of this sentence.

The front man of the corpse group has approached the wall of the iceberg. The throwing machine is still dropping the ice hockey slowly. However, the damage caused to the corpse group is very limited. When the corpse group is within 60 meters, Li Yuanhong orders to open fire. With an order, the soldiers in line on the wall began to shoot, row by row of zombies, fell on the road of charge. The biggest headache of zombies is that they don't know whether they are afraid or painful. Even if they are seriously injured, they will make great efforts to move towards their goals as long as they can climb. So the tide of corpses kept moving forward, and finally, twenty minutes later, the tide of corpses moved down the city.The zombie pushed to the bottom of the city and began to scratch the wall with sharp nails. Soon, a lot of digging marks were formed under the wall. Although the depth is not very deep, if you let it go, it will not be long before the ice wall will be dug out. Li Yuanhong saw this and quickly took out his walkie talkie: "Erya, how is the city wall over there?"

"The subject has been built, and the outer traps are now being built." Er Ya said slightly tired.

"Well, how long will it take for it to be fully completed?" Li Yuanhong then asked.

"It will take another hour." Erya continued.

"An hour? Try to speed up. The defense here is a little tight. I'm afraid the first line of defense can't last that long. " Li Yuanhong said.

"Well, I'll fight for it!" Erya said.

Li Yuanhong called to the walkie talkie again: "Mr. Zhang, please answer when you hear me. Please answer when you hear me."

"Yes, boss Li. What can I do for you?" Zhang Haitao also said wearily.

"What's the matter with the catapult?"

"Half an hour will be enough!" Zhang Haitao replied.

"Well, make more arrows. I'm afraid there's not enough bullets here." Li Yuanhong said.

"OK, no problem."

After Li Yuanhong finished his command, he looked at the zombies still digging in the corner of the city, thought for a moment, and then said to Wang Jingrong, "Jingrong, first of all, shoot a batch of zombies under the city, and let the corpses become the second protection." Li Yuanhong said.

"OK, no problem." Wang Jingrong replied.

So Wang Jingrong, with several marksmen, began to name the most active zombies who dug the wall. At the same time, Zhang Yuan, with archers, also began to focus on attacking the more evolved zombies in the corpse group. For a moment, the sound of guns and the roar of zombies filled the whole city wall. Every 20 minutes, a pile of corpses more than one meter high is piled up under the city. Many zombies begin to climb on the corpse heap. Seeing this, Li Yuanhong quickly orders Wang Jingrong: "Jingrong, stop shooting zombies under the city and attack zombies in the distance. We can't build corpse ladders for zombies. By the way, Jingrong, you should reserve some bullets to prepare for those mutant zombies. I think there must be a lot of mutated zombies hidden in the corpse group. We can't help leaving some behind. "

"All right, brother Li." Wang Jingrong answers while shooting.

Looking at the corpses at the foot of the mountain, Li Yuanhong felt more and more pressure. He had been fighting for nearly 50 minutes. However, the number of zombies did not seem to decrease much, and it was still a dark place. What made Li Yuanhong more anxious was that some zombies began to wander to both sides. Once they bypassed the city wall and climbed the mountains on both sides, Li Yuanhong would We have to leave the first line of defense ahead of time.

When Li Yuanhong was anxious, several tall figures finally appeared in the distance. Seeing this, Li Yuanhong quickly called out to Wang Jingrong: "mutant zombies appear, pay attention to shoot first!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!