After listening to Liu Hu's words, Li Yuanhong said, "Mayor Liu, I'm not talking about you. Your chest is too small!" With that, Li Yuanhong pointed to Liu Hu's chest.

Liu Hu looked at Li Yuanhong and said in embarrassment, "brother Li, why do men want such a big chest?" Ms. Li Yanqiu is very proud when she is sitting in front of her chest, but she is very proud when she is sitting around After tightening his clothes, Dr. Han was generous and did not say that he was still talking to Dr. yuan in a low voice.

Li Yuanhong reluctantly said: "Mayor Liu, I mean chest, not chest, but chest. You only think about that acre of land in your town. Sooner or later, something will happen. Just now you said that killing Zhang Feng would be OK. How do you deal with Xue Dinggui? What do you do with the more than 10000 corpses you said? These are the issues to be considered in the near future. How can you solve the problem of food, weapons and more zombies? If you don't want to do these things well, I'm afraid you won't be able to handle this time. "

Liu Hu, with a guilty look on his face, said, "what brother Li taught me is that before I came here, Yu Qian also said that I was not suitable to be the mayor of this town. I was thinking about it at that time. I wanted to give you the mayor." Liu Hu looks at Li Yuanhong sincerely.

Li Yuanhong was stunned. Then he shook his head and said, "I won't do this town mayor. I said today that I'm just a passer-by here and will not stay here for a long time. I expect that I will leave here tomorrow and the day after tomorrow."

Liu Hu was surprised and said, "leave? Where are you going, to the army station? "

"It's hard for me to say now. Anyway, I won't stay here. It's too dangerous here. The zombie tide is coming. There's no defense here." Li Yuanhong said helplessly.

"Is the corpse tide so terrible?" Liu Hu asked.

"It's not terrible, it's horror! Two days ago, we met a rat tide. It was just an army of rats with weak attack power. We were forced to commit suicide. If it is a zombie tide, if there is no good defense means and facilities, we are the mantis Li Yuanhong said with some apprehension.

"Rat tide, is that the rats who steal food from the fields?" Ma Fengyong, who was nearby, asked. He grew up in the countryside. Naturally, the habits of mice are clearer than anyone else. Timid mice, not to mention seeing people, will be scared to turn around and run away when they see animals slightly larger than them. They dare to attack people there.

"No, the outside world is not what you know. Have you ever seen a vole bigger than a cat? Have you ever seen a zombie more than two meters tall? There are also five meters long eagles, which I have seen and dealt with. Now not only zombies are evolving, but also the plants and animals around us are evolving. Maybe one day, I will not be surprised to see ants that can spray fire Li Yuanhong did not say that he had seen spiders that could snow. For those who were still relatively closed to the news, it was too Arabian.

Even so, the three of Liu Hu were very surprised. The zombies were hard to accept. As a result, so many changes have taken place outside in less than two months. Liu Hu is also very worried, do not know how to make a decision. At this time, Li Yuanhong broke the deadlock and said to Liu Hu, "I won't stay, but if you want to leave with us, I won't object to it. As for how to decide, you can think about it. At least, you have to find a way to solve Zhang Feng. By the way, if Zhang Feng has a lot of people, I can provide some help." Li Yuanhong said.

"OK, I'll wait until I get rid of Zhang Feng." Liu Hu made up his mind.

In the night, everything seems so peaceful, but Xue Dinggui is not. During the day today, he contacted Zhang Feng and killed Liu Hu. Then he became the head of the town. Then he closed the door to live and enjoyed the addiction of a local emperor. Although it is a little painful to let a big beauty like Bai Yuxi go out, the so-called great success doesn't care about small profits. When they take control of the town, what kind of women do not have and have the right will have everything. However, contrary to our wishes, not only did the motorcade come out of nowhere and broke his own plan. Liu Hu, who was doomed to die, was saved. In this way, his plan to seize power failed. Zhang Feng came tomorrow. How should I deal with it!

Xue Dinggui is just like ants on a hot pot. When a small attendant comes in, he reports to Xue Dinggui in a low voice: "Mayor Xue, I heard that Ma Fengyong ran to the motorcade in a hurry just now. The mayor Liu's injury seems to have deteriorated. I went to see the doctor."

Hearing this, Xue Dinggui's spirit shook and he said, "is that right? Reliable information? "

"The news is absolutely reliable. Now more than half of the people in the village know it. Now many people are waiting in front of the clinic for news."

"Good, good, ha ha, God bless me, Xue Dinggui, ha ha! By the way, you should keep an eye on me and let me know as soon as there is any change. "

"Yes, mayor!" The attendant's bow and slip Beard said, but also deliberately to omit that pair of words.

"Go, come back and get two cans." Xue Dinggui nodded with satisfaction, then remembered something, and then asked, "what's going on in that motorcade?""There was no movement in the motorcade. It was just that we lit a few campfires outside the town at night and cooked some food. I sent someone to ask them. They said they would leave tomorrow. They also asked if there was a drinking water supply place nearby. I said that there were wells in our town, so they sent some people into the town to get some water, and the others were gone."

"Well, keep an eye on it. Let me know as soon as they leave tomorrow." Xue Dinggui said cautiously.

"Yes, mayor." The attendant finished and turned out of the room.

Although the autumn night was long, the sun soon drove out the darkness. Last night, the town was not quiet. Liu Hu was seriously ill. The people in the town were very anxious. Many people stayed up all night.

Early the next morning, people gathered in front of the clinic again, waiting for a good news to come out. As a result, the news was even worse. Liu Hu had been judged to live for no more than three days, which made many people cry. When people were anxious to see Liu Hu's condition, Xue Dinggui came over with a high air on his face, and then yelled at him loudly: "let's all go. If you're here, you will only affect Mayor Liu's healing. Besides, today's arrangement has been done quickly. Otherwise, don't blame me for not being affectionate, and don't blame me for withholding rations."

When they heard this, they were helpless. Starvation was a major event. They could not help but disperse the injuries of mayor Liu. Seeing the crowd, Xue Dinggui smiles with pride, and then strides into the infirmary. Last time he was blocked outside, he finally has a bad breath today.

Entering Liu Hu's ward, Bai Yuxi was sitting in front of the hospital bed, guarding Liu Hu, while Ma Fengyong was also standing beside the hospital bed. Their faces were sad, especially Bai Yuxi's face was still stained with tears. It was obvious that she had cried, while Liu Hu was lying upright on the hospital bed with weak breath, pale face and closed eyes.

Xue Dinggui felt a burst of joy. He was finally going to rule the town. As long as Zhang Feng was bigger, everything was not a problem. As for the killing of zombies, it was the business of his subordinates and the townspeople of the town. If he didn't obey the orders, he would be shot dead. Yes, the gun must be taken. Xue Dinggui suddenly thought of the gun, so he said with a hypocritical consolation: "Miss Bai, this mayor Liu is seriously ill. It can't be saved by manpower. As long as we try our best."

Next to Ma Fengyong quit, hate and hate said: "where the hell, no you, brother Liu can be like this, I suspect that the peak is you seduced."

Xue Dinggui is stunned and says in secret that he colludes with Zhang Feng and is known by Ma Fengyong? It shouldn't be possible. He must have guessed it. "Ma Fengyong, you don't frame a good man here. I've always been aboveboard. By the way, you should hand in the gun! "

However, Xue Dinggui sneered: "it's OK to ask for a gun. Unless elder brother Liu is dead, you bastards don't want to get the gun." With that, he took out the gun and pointed straight at Xue Dinggui. , the fastest update of the webnovel!