It took Li Yuanhong a long time to wake up. Seeing that Xiao Yiling had been hiding in his watch, he could only open the letter and begin to read it.


Hello, if you read this letter, it means that you have passed the test of xiaoyiling, and you will officially inherit this artifact: Hero system.

This artifact is the greatest work of Ivan's life. It is a collection of the wisdom of more than ten greatest masters in various fields. It took five years to build it. However, this artifact has not yet taken shape. It still needs you, my successor, to continue to improve it.

What is the function of this artifact? Maybe you will ask, then I will briefly introduce the origin of this artifact, and then you will understand its function. As for the function, you need to discover it yourself in the process of using it.

In other words, 15 years ago, on our planet, a large-scale civil strife broke out in the human alliance. This civil strife affected a wide range of countries and lasted for a long time, which was rare in history. After ten years of war, under the intervention of Queen Catherine and the kings of several allied powers, the war ended. However, before the peace of mankind was restored, the necromancers, who had disappeared for a long time, appeared, and appeared fiercely. Before that, the necromancer had disappeared for nearly 200 years after being defeated by the human and Elven forces. I mistakenly believed that they had completely disappeared. Before that, a friend of mine had warned me and the kings of various countries that the necromancer would come back again. We all took his words as a joke. Later, my friend disappeared Before he disappeared, he left me a letter saying that if the necromancer resurrected, I could open it. At that time, I didn't care. I put the letter in the corner and let it accumulate dust.

Later, the necromancer really went back to fight back. It was unstoppable and captured many human Kingdoms all the way. In particular, they developed a virus: Zombie virus, which caused heavy losses to human beings. Even many senior priests were helpless about this virus. The necromancer, after only two months, occupied half of the human alliance. However, the human alliance relied on natural hazards to stabilize the pace of retreat.

Then I realized how right my friend had said, and then I remembered the letter he had given me. So I searched my whole room and finally found it in a corner. However, I was very glad that the letter ran into the corner, because when I was looking for the letter, I found that there were signs of theft in my room. Most of the lost letters were letters. The letters between me and my friend obviously cared about this letter.

When I opened the letter, I was shocked by the contents. My friend said that the ten years of human civil war was the product of the Necromancer's plot. The letter said that after more than a hundred years of peace, human beings have become decadent and corrupt, and many people in power only know how to fight for power and gain and are deeply influenced by interests. The necromancer saw this and seized the opportunity to revive. They bought off many human lords and began to create chaos everywhere, which led to a long-lasting civil war. When the consumption of human civil war was almost the same, they took advantage of the situation to attack, and my friend said that he had been reported by human traitors, and soon the Necromancer's pursuit would come. Therefore, he wrote in his letter the method he had thought of to crack the necromancer in advance. When the necromancer came, we could have a way to deal with it.

I looked at the method he mentioned. It was really a genius idea. In fact, the adjective genius can no longer express the greatness of this idea, but I really don't know how to express it.

My friend said in his letter that we can create a hero system. In this system, there are all the elements needed to cultivate Heroes: Army, tactics, weapons, magic, etc. he even provided the basic blueprint of the system, but many details are not perfect. Of course, these flaws can not cover up the greatness of his thought. My friend said in the letter that as long as the artifact is successfully built, legendary heroes can be trained to lead the army to fight back against the Necromancer's attack.

After reading the letter, I was full of joy and immediately started to prepare to make this artifact. However, there were too many fields involved in this artifact, so I couldn't finish it alone. So I informed Queen Catherine of the matter. Queen Catherine called all the kings for a meeting. Finally, I decided that I should be responsible for the project and be responsible for finding qualified masters to make this artifact. At the beginning, my friend reminded me not to make the plan public. I didn't pay attention to it at that time. However, this meeting became a secret meeting.

Later, I found suitable masters in various fields and started casting artifact in a secret place. However, within two years, necromancer came to my house and surrounded my base, ready to attack and destroy this artifact. Obviously, there were traitors in the high-level of the human alliance. Although they did not know the specific casting location, they did not know the specific casting site Some senior leaders are in charge of logistics. They must have found my casting site through logistics.

Fortunately, I chose this place to cast artifacts because it is the place where the ancient time-space vortex is located. I once learned from an ancient tomb that this time-space vortex will open every 100000 years, and many ancient great God level clans are from this vortex. I expect the vortex to open in the near future. Unfortunately, I didn't wait for the vortex to open completely. It will take another year for creatures to pass freely. I have no choice but to push the artifact which is still one step away from completion into the whirlpool.Although the artifact has not yet been completed, it has been basically completed. What is needed in the later stage is a large amount of knowledge infusion and energy injection, but everything is too late. Therefore, my successor, this last step needs you to complete.

Having said so much, I want to tell you that your space will soon be invaded by Necromancers. In the past, necromancers did not engage in so many intrigues. This time, they have changed their style. There must be a terrible leader leading them. You should pay special attention to this.

Well, let's finish with the necromancer, and then we'll talk about this system. The hero system is very powerful. So in order to prevent artifact from falling into the hands of evil people, there are two conditions for the system to open. First, it needs to be approved by the spirit. Without her approval, even if you get the artifact, you can't open the hero system 。 The second is to open the third floor space and get the design drawing, which is the design drawing of the hero castle. Only after the design drawing is embedded in the hero system, can the system be officially opened.

After opening the hero system, you can build your own hero territory through the system, and manufacture various arms, weapons and equipment through various buildings in the territory. At the same time, in the territory, you can train yourself to improve the skill level of heroes and make them become legendary heroes.

In addition, in order to celebrate my friend who has never been masked and really become my successor, I left you a note in the third floor space. This is the note I have studied magic for many years. I hope it can be helpful for you to learn magic.

Finally, I wish my successor all the best.

Signature: after reading the letter, Li Yuanhong thinks that the amount of information is a bit large, especially when the watch was originally a artifact, and it had not been opened before. Today, when you open the third layer, it can be regarded as the official opening of the artifact. Li Yuanhong takes out the design drawing and sees a white light coming out of the watch, which is soft and shrouded In the design drawing, the design drawing slowly becomes virtual, and finally disappears. After a few minutes, the triangle icon in the original watch, which has been in gray, finally lights up. Li Yuanhong can't wait to open the triangle icon, a flash of light and shadow, a three-dimensional map projected out, there are several icons above the map, showing the appearance of several buildings, but most of them are gray, only the middle is bright color.

Li Yuanhong points to the bright building, and an explanation box pops up on it: the first-class conference hall, the urban building infrastructure, provides 1000 points of energy for the town every day, and the maximum value of its own energy storage is 100000. The building needs ten units of timber, ten units of stone, one unit of copper, one unit of iron, one unit of sand and stone, and one hundred first-class and first-order crystal cores. Please hold the building to the area where you want to build, and pay attention to keep the area where the building is located free of living things.

Li Yuanhong also pointed to several other buildings, including taverns, farmhouses, infantry barracks, archers' barracks and weapons workshops. Li Yuanhong finally knew where his spearmen and bowmen were produced. , the fastest update of the webnovel!