"This is the mother box?"

On a deserted island in the sea, Huang Chang and the second personality were getting together, studying the boxy box in front of them under the cover of a large formation.

This is their biggest achievement in this operation, and it is also one of the pinnacles of technological creations in the DC world-the mother box!

From the descriptions in movies and anime, the mother box is to some extent like a combined version of the Marvel world "Soul Gem", "Reality Gem" and "Space Gem", but all abilities have been weakened a lot , but even so, the mother box also has the ability to distort space, modify molecules, and even control the mind and communicate with the mind.

Creating a sonic boom channel that can transmit the powerful Apocalypse is just one of the mother box's capabilities.

And like transforming the steel frame into a cyborg, it is also the ability of the mother box!

In addition, the mother box also has its own internal operating program, which can transmit signals to the outside once it is triggered. This is why Steppenwolf in the "Justice League" movie can accurately locate the mother box.

It is no exaggeration to say that this thing is a hot cake. Of course, you can use its power in your hands, and you can even use it to reverse the technology of Apocalypse, but it will also attract Steppenwolf and even Darkseid. Huang Chang doesn't think he can stop the Darkseid of this universe just by relying on him now.

That guy is even more buggy than Superman!

But this does not mean that he will give up the mother box easily.

"It's a pity that this thing is not a mount, otherwise you can try it with the enchanting ability of the ghost knight."

Looking at the mother box that obviously contained super technology, Huang Chang suddenly felt a headache.

Although he has a lot of technological reserves in his hands, not only various technologies from the Marvel world, but also various technological reserves that the second personality obtained from Atlantis not long ago, in addition, Huang Shang In the original world, he even stole the data in the bat mainframe. It stands to reason that the current technology reserve in his hands is already extremely amazing, and it can even be called the crime of the earth.

But even so, this technological reserve is not enough to put in front of the mother box.

You must know that the technology of Apocalypse is far superior to the civilization of the earth, not to mention that the mother box is the crystallization of technology of Apocalypse, the mystery of which cannot be resolved by ordinary means, unless special talents like steel bones who are born by fate may be able to dig out it. Some mysteries, but it is also very likely to be countered by the power of the mother box, which is very unstable.

So now Huang Chang wants to analyze the mother box and use the power in it, which is destined to be a very difficult thing.

"Host, regarding the mother box, the system may be able to help you."

However, at this moment, the long-lost system voice suddenly sounded from Huang Chang's mind.

Since Huang Chang's strength has been continuously improved, the system has been able to help Huang Chang less and less, especially after entering the alien plane, the system has been silent for a long time, but now it suddenly speaks out.

Could it be that the system really has a solution?

Huang Chang's eyes lit up when he heard the words: "Tell me, what can I do?"

"With the technology currently in the host's hands, it is indeed difficult to analyze the mother box, but if there is external help, there will be a little more hope."

System: "Nowadays, the system is not very helpful to the host. In this case, the system recommends that the host download the system into the Hell Armor and integrate it with the original artificial intelligence 'Jarvis' in the Hell Armor. With the armored system as the carrier, coupled with the power of the system itself, it will greatly improve the analysis ability of the Hell Armor."

Speaking of this, the system gave a conclusion: "In this way, it may be possible to analyze the mother box and obtain the technology and power of the mother box."

"This may be a way..."

Hearing the system's words, Huang Chang fell into deep thought.

Although the system is a creation of Taoism, the so-called Dao has the same origin, and different routes lead to the same goal. The system is also a super-advanced artificial intelligence in essence, but its functions are more in the aspect of inheriting Taoism.

If the artificial intelligence of the system is integrated with the enhanced artificial intelligence of the Hell Armor, then the computing power of the system will definitely be greatly improved.

In addition, Huang Chang doesn't have to worry about the safety of the system. Even if Ultron could retain his consciousness in the network, Huang Chang can completely back up the consciousness data of the system. Even if the Hell Armor is completely destroyed one day, his It can also ensure the security of the system.

More importantly, doing so can also allow the system to continue to shine in another aspect, so that it will not fall into silence for a long time like a chicken rib like before.

So after pondering for a while, Huang Chang made a decision: "Since this is the case, it will be as you said, and in this way, you can also gain independence and freedom to a certain extent in the system, and you don't have to be trapped in my consciousness forever. It's in the sea..."

As soon as he said it, Huang Chang quickly transferred the part of his consciousness that belonged to the system to the Hell Armor, and then under Huang Chang's leadership, the system and the original artificial intelligence "Jarvis" of the Hell Armor "Started to meld.

Or to be precise, devour!

Because in essence, the artificial intelligence of the system is much better than that of Jarvis, especially under the leadership of Huang Shang, Jarvis took the initiative to integrate into the system with almost no resistance, and the system took over the Hell Armor .


Buzz buzz!

Accompanied by bursts of energy buzzing, the white light in the eyes of the hell armor gradually turned into a faint golden light, and then the unique voice of "Jarvis" sounded from the armor: "Hello, sir, Jia Weiss is at your service!"


Hearing this title, Huang Chang frowned slightly: "Where's the system?"

"I am here, sir."

Hearing Huang Chang's words, Jarvis' voice still came out of the battle armor: "Now the system has been integrated with Jarvis, and the overall artificial intelligence still takes the system as the main body, but it inherits Jarvis' behavior pattern and Naming habits."

"About this the system can change for the host, but the system expects the host to keep these... the system likes the name."

Perhaps the fusion of Jarvis led to the further improvement of artificial intelligence, and even the birth of something called emotion to a certain extent. The system made a request to Huang Chang for the first time.

He doesn't want to be a system without a name anymore, but starts today to be a "Jarvis" with a name.

"If that's what you're asking for...then I'll do what you want."

Hearing the system's words, Huang Chang nodded in agreement without hesitation.

Along the way, the system has helped Huang Chang too much, it is impossible for him to refuse the system's only request.

"Thank you, sir, and Jarvis will do his best to serve you."

Hearing Huang Chang's words, the eyes of the Hell Armor flashed with gold, and then continued: "Sir, after the fusion, the computing power of the armor has been greatly improved, but if we want to fully analyze the mother box, the armor needs to be upgraded again. "

Speaking of this, the voice paused, and then continued: "The system needs the following materials to upgrade the armor. Although this set of armor has been enhanced by Mr. The combat power has been raised to the highest level."

"According to the database records, the corresponding materials are stored in your national warehouse, sir. Please allow the system to upgrade itself!"


Huang Chang's Hell Armor is transformed by enchanting on the basis of MK45 Armor. Although it is powerful, as the system said, the foundation is really poor, and there is still a lot of room for growth. Now Jarvis wants to What we do is to upgrade ourselves and maximize the computing power of the system and itself.

"Okay, I'll leave these to you...Jarvis..."

Hearing the system, no, it should be said that he heard Jarvis's words, Huang Chang nodded, and then handed over the mother box to the battle armor, and at the same time received the battle armor into his own chaotic world, and opened the reserve warehouse for it , let it choose materials to upgrade.

He doesn't know how long it will take for Jarvis to upgrade, but he can be sure that it combines Iron Man, Batman, Marvel world technology and Atlantis technology, and incorporates a lot of precious materials, even after incorporating the Taoist mechanism. , This set of Hell Armor will definitely undergo a qualitative transformation, and thus will be displayed in front of him with a brand new and powerful look!

This is worth looking forward to!

"Hey, you took this armor into the country to upgrade, what should I do?"

Seeing this scene, the second personality was taken aback for a moment, and then asked with some dissatisfaction: "Also, I made this thing. If you get any benefits, remember to share it with me. Don't take it all by yourself!"

"Don't worry, the benefits are indispensable to you."

Hearing the second personality's complaint, Huang Chang said lightly: "As for the battle armor, do you still need this kind of thing with your current strength? Just use illusion to create a set. The most important thing now is to analyze the mother box. , get the mystery and power in it, which may be of great help to us.”

Speaking of this, Huang Chang paused, and then asked in a calm voice: "About the mission of the third super villain, do you have any plans?"

PS: The first update is here, okay, continue to code words, there will be more later! !