"What kind of operation is this..."

Looking at the completely different street in front of him, Huang Chang was stunned.

He has the power of a different space, and he has also completed two plane crossings, so he can clearly feel at this moment that the world he is in now is no longer the previous Marvel world.

In other words, Deadpool did successfully complete the time travel with him.

But this is exactly what shocked and puzzled him the most.

You know, in order to figure out the mystery of Deadpool breaking the barrier of planes and passing through precisely at a fixed point, he has been paying 120,000 points to observe Deadpool's every move and the movement of space power between heaven and earth during the time travel process. Change, in order to see through some clues, and finally apply what you have learned.

But he never imagined that this guy's "time travel" would be so casual and perfunctory. He just found a toilet, closed the door and opened it again, and the world in front of him changed drastically.

How the hell did this guy do it?

Thinking about it, Huang Chang took a deep breath, stared at Deadpool, and asked in a deep voice: "Wade, how did you do all this?"

"It's just traveling through the world. To me, Uncle Deadpool, it's just a matter of sprinkling water, and it's not worth mentioning."

Deadpool said triumphantly: "Why, do you want to learn? Please, even if you ask me, I will..."

Speaking of this, Deadpool suddenly changed his tone: "Considering the deep relationship between the two of us, of course I will teach you... So, can you take the gun from Little Wilson's head, Little Wilson said I was terrified and almost cried."


Hearing Deadpool's words, Huang Chang slowly retracted his gun.

"In fact, I do not know."

The next moment, Deadpool shrugged his shoulders and said: "Anyway, I can do it because of the plot setting, and then I did it... Don't, don't be impulsive, I mean it..."


As soon as the words fell, Huang Chang cleanly smashed Deadpool's dog's head off.

But he also knew in his heart that in all likelihood, Deadpool wasn't lying. Just like many power users can't even explain the source and use of their powers, this may be Deadpool's ability.

"Damn, you blew my head off again."

After a while, Deadpool climbed up while covering his head and complaining, then he seemed to have discovered something, and suddenly took a breath: "Dude, our troubles are coming!"

"Damn...remember, your son is..."

Buzz buzz!

The next moment, before Deadpool finished speaking, a weird scene happened. Deadpool's whole body was wiped away by some kind of force. The whole figure instantly turned from reality to virtual, and then disappeared directly In front of Huang Chang.


Seeing the sudden disappearance of Deadpool, Huang Chang was startled. One must know that he didn't feel any fluctuation of space power, so how did Deadpool disappear?

And who took him away?

And what is the trouble that Deadpool said? Where is Yurou?

But just when Huang Chang was in doubt because of the strange disappearance of Deadpool, a mechanized female voice suddenly rang out from Huang Chang's mind.

[The system found that unknown data entered the script randomly...]

[Unknown data analysis...]

[Unknown data identity lock...]

[Derivative **, level: **]

[Because of your status as a derivative, the nightmare survival mode is automatically selected. 】

【Ding! Spawners trigger world quests. 】

[World Main Quest: Big Villain! 】

[Mission content: Become a world villain and create a major event that shocks the world (0/5)]

[If the task fails, the derivative will be assimilated by the world and stay in this world forever. 】

[World branch mission: Battle Royale! 】

[Mission content: Because of your status as a derivative, you will be hunted down by players. 】

[The loading of the script world has been completed, and you are currently in the personal nightmare survival mode. 】

[Because of your status as a derivative, all player permissions will be banned. 】

【Welcome to Paradise of the Heavens...】

As the mechanized voice sounded from Huang Chang's mind, a feeling of being locked by some kind of force suddenly enveloped him, causing his expression to change suddenly.

Because he can clearly feel that under the lock of this kind of power, the World Tree, which became stronger than before because he devoured the power of the space gem in the Marvel world, seems to be also locked by some kind of power The same thing, although the huge space power can still be used, but the ability to tear the plane barrier is firmly imprisoned, and can no longer be used.

That is to say, even if he tried his best to activate the power of the Mutant World Tree, he would not be able to leave this world.

Or do you need to find Deadpool's help?

But thinking of the scene of Deadpool disappearing strangely before, and the strange mechanized female voices that just emerged from his mind, Huang Chang couldn't help feeling an ominous premonition.

What kind of world is this?

What the hell is Paradise of the Heavens?

And what are derivatives and players?

Although he knows in his heart that each parallel universe is different, and there may even be a world that is completely different from their universe, the worlds he has experienced before are more or less connected, like the current one. This is the first time he has experienced a strange and weird world!

What's more, he doesn't even understand the situation in this world now, and Deadpool is missing again. How can he find Yurou in this situation?

"Looks like you're in trouble!"

Just when Huang Chang was full of doubts and seriousness because of this weird world, the voice of the second personality rang out: "Although I don't know what is going on in this world, since the other party can silently follow you Take away Deadpool in front of you, block the power of your World Tree, and even transmit sound in your mind, I am afraid that this is definitely not something that a saint-level powerhouse can do."

"I think you should have guessed it in your heart, this is a world with a master of the great way!"

Speaking of this, the second person paused, and then continued: "Before this, I also got some news about the low-fare universe from Dormammu and Mephisto, are you interested in hearing it? Listen? Don’t worry, now we are grasshoppers on the same rope, the contact between you and me has been restored, if you die, I will die, I will not cheat you.”

"Tell me."

Huang Chang glanced at the street outside, but didn't go out immediately, but asked in a deep voice.

"The multiverse can roughly be divided into two types, one is the one with the Lord of the Way, and the other is the one without the Lord of the Way."

"There is no such thing as a master of the Great Dao, just like in our world, whoever criticizes is the master, and whoever is strong will be the boss."

"The world with the master of the great way is completely different. The master of the great way has merged with the rules of the world and can directly specify the rules of this universe. Unless he is also the master of the great way and has the power to resist the rules of the universe, any outsider and The life and death of the creatures in this universe will be under the control of the Lord of the Great Dao."

"To put it simply, if the Lord of the Great Dao made a rule that everyone who is handsome must die, then you and I would have died the moment we entered this parallel universe."

"But our luck doesn't seem to be that bad..."

It's a matter of life and death, and the second personality didn't dare to have any reservations or ink marks, and said everything he knew: "And judging from the current situation, we should have come to a world with a master of the great way." It's just that the Lord of the Great Dao in this world seems a little strange, more like the world of the Lord God mentioned in some novels, which has formulated some mechanized rules, allowing people to complete various challenges and tasks under the constraints of the rules, and then get some rewards some type of."

"Of course, it doesn't rule out that the Master of the Great Dao in this world is lazy and doesn't want to do everything by himself, so he came up with such a set of mechanized rules, just like the legendary commandments of heaven. Those who violate them will die, and those who abide by them will die. There is only one chance of survival.”

"This is a good thing for us. Even if we are rejected by these rules because of our identity as a time traveler, as long as we abide by these rules and complete his mission, there may be a chance of survival."

Speaking of this, the second person paused for a moment, and then continued: "So my personal suggestion is to find a way to complete the so-called main mission and side mission first, and then find a way to leave here...Of course, the mission reminder is not Are there still some so-called players in this world? If so, we may be able to get some useful information from these so-called players, and even use them to complete these tasks."

"The information you got is similar to what I saw in the Karma Taj Library, and now it can only be so."

Hearing what the second personality said, Huang Chang nodded thoughtfully, and said solemnly: "The most important thing now is to find out the specific situation of this world. It would be great if we could find those so-called players..."


However, at this moment, Huang Chang seemed to have noticed something suddenly, his pupils shrank suddenly, and a bright light flashed in the depths of his eyes, and he looked into the distance.

Boom boom boom boom!

The next moment, several missiles pierced through the void, landed on the building where Huang Chang was, exploded, and blazing flames swept wildly!

PS: It’s been a long time since I’ve deleted, deleted, edited, and adjusted the detailed outline. Now I’m starting to code, and I’ll update a little more today. This is the first update.