In fact, the distance between Wudu and Ironforge is not close, but with the cultivation and speed of Huang Chang and others, this distance is still acceptable.

While on the road, Singed also set up various interference signals and traps along the way as usual, in order to guard against and interfere with those possible pursuers.

"By the way, since Grindelwald is the best among the dark wizards, and he also got help from Voldemort in creating the Obscure and Obscure, will Voldemort appear when we deal with Grindelwald?"

Huang Chang also asked curiously while driving.

Huang Shang still has strong curiosity and fear for Voldemort, a special existence in novels and movies that makes the entire wizarding world dare not call him by his name.

After all, now that Grindelwald has gotten rid of the obscurity and obscurity, which have made the wizarding world change their colors, then Voldemort, who is above him in position and prestige, will definitely be more terrifying and smarter.

Under such circumstances, Huang Chang really couldn't think of any reason why Voldemort would not intervene in this matter.

"He won't show up, at least not in person."

Newt Scamander shook his head, and said with a smile: "Because the teacher was prepared for this matter, he put out a bait that Voldemort couldn't give up, so as to restrain Voldemort's energy."

"A bait that Voldemort couldn't give up?"

Hearing Newt Scamander's words, Huang Chang's eyes flashed brightly: "You are talking about..."

"Harry Potter!"

Newt Scamander smiled and said, "My teacher's most proud student is also Voldemort's most powerful enemy."

Speaking of this, Newt Scamander paused for a moment, and then continued: "Whether it is Harry Potter, Voldemort, the teacher or me, they are all formed by the converging and consolidating of the power of faith. We all know that in our hearts.”

"But the only difference is that Harry Potter and Voldemort are life-and-death enemies in novels and movies. This is recognized by everyone, so after Harry Potter and Voldemort were created by the power of faith, they themselves Possess the trait of being enemies of each other."

Newt Scamander didn't seem to care about the fact that he was a virtual character created by the power of faith. He smiled and said: "Under the influence of this characteristic, Voldemort already has a lot of power. This defect will even affect him to continue to grow stronger. Only by killing Harry Potter, his old enemy, can he lift this restriction, so no matter how small the chance is, as long as Harry Potter appears, then Voldemort will never miss this opportunity."

"Isn't Harry Potter very dangerous?"

Huang Chang frowned slightly: "Otherwise, if Harry Potter could really deal with Voldemort, the Wizarding Union wouldn't be so afraid or even afraid of him."

"It is indeed dangerous, but there is no way around it."

Newt Scamander sighed, and said: "Actually, the teacher guessed it from the very beginning. The reason why Voldemort helped Grindelwald, an extremely powerful dark wizard who might threaten his status, was to create Obscurus and Obscurus." , and even took the initiative to leak the news, the purpose is to make us take action, and at the same time find a way to contain him."

"Because if we don't contain him, then with his joining, the success rate of Grindelwald's plan will be greatly improved, and even the Wizards Union may not be able to stop them."

"At that time, the consequences will be unimaginable!"

"And if you want to contain him, in the current state, you can only send Harry Potter as bait."

Having said that, Newt Scamander's expression became more serious: "It can be said that Voldemort gave us a choice that we could not choose, so we knew that doing so Harry Potter would take a huge burden. danger, but we still have to do so.”

"Hope everything goes well..."

Hearing Newt Scamander's words, Huang Shang also sighed.

No matter how prejudiced he is against the Wizarding Union, he has to admit one thing, that is, there are good people like Dumbledore and Harry Potter in the Wizarding Union.

Otherwise, if it was only for his own safety, Harry Potter might not have to take this risk.


However, when Huang Shang and Newt Scamander were talking on the road, Singed's face changed slightly.

"What's wrong?"

Seeing the change in Xin Jide's expression, Huang Chang's eyes froze.

"The misleading trap I left was triggered."

Singed shook his head and said, "I don't know if someone is really following us or if it happened to be triggered by some people or monsters. I hope it's the latter..."

But before he finished speaking, Xin Jide's expression became more serious: "It seems that our luck is not very good, just now the second misleading trap was triggered..."

"Third, fourth, fifth!"

"The speed of the opponent is very fast, and the direction they are looking for is very accurate...they have a way to find us!"

Speaking of this, Singed also clenched his fists, and said in a deep voice: "Damn, it must be those bastards from the SCP Foundation. Only they have the ability to find our traces so quickly and accurately, and easily destroy them." My misleading trap... We have to speed up, if this goes on, they won't be able to catch up with us in a long time!"

"Sit on my magic weapon!"

Although now with the Coffin of the Virgin in hand and three legendary helpers by his side, Huang Chang is not afraid of the SCP Foundation's pursuit, but the problem is that their main task this time is to prevent Grindelwald from creating the Obscure And silently, if they are restrained by the people of the SCP Foundation here for too long or consume too much power, then even if they can kill the people of the SCP Foundation, the loss outweighs the gain.

So the next moment, Huang Chang also took a deep breath, and with a wave of his right hand, a black light shot out from his palm, turning into a black coffin and floating in mid-air.

This is exactly the coffin of the Virgin that he had just recast!

Buzz buzz!

After being summoned by Huang Chang, the coffin of the Holy Mother also began to emit blazing black lights. At the same time, the coffin itself grew rapidly, and finally turned into a giant coffin with a length of more than ten meters and a width of more than four meters.

This size is enough for Huang Shang and others to ride!

So after that, Huang Chang and others also jumped onto the coffin of the Holy Mother one after another, and Huang Chang's eyes were fixed, and he shouted in a deep voice: "The black coffin, the target is Wudu, hurry on the road at full speed!"

"Yes, Master!"

The next moment, accompanied by a muffled response, the Coffin of the Virgin suddenly accelerated, like a black lightning, cutting through the void at a speed far exceeding that of Singed and the others, and blasting away towards the distance.