Chapter 563: Solid form

Chapter 563 Solid Form

The supernatural beings who use life as energy are probably full of indifference to life.

It is a kind of indifference that comes from the bones, a kind of indifference that regards human life as a must, how people think of relics, how they think of crystal nuclei, how Xiaobai thinks of mutant monsters, is how Qiao Lingxiang treats human life.

But every time I see these hard-working children, although they are ignorant and ignorant, but follow their instincts to let the flower of life bloom, Qiao Lingxiang will feel a kind of strength of life.

Let her have respect for life, let her awe the tenacity of life while killing people like hemp.

So Qiao Lingxiang loves to come here to take care of these little babies, which will make her regain her humanity.

Cen Yi bends over, tilts her head to look at Qiao Lingxiang, who is also bending down. He is too close to her, and he can even see the delicate skin texture on her face.

Realizing that he has been looking at her, Qiao Lingxiang tilted her head and looked at Cen Yi with bright and kind eyes, and asked:

"Brother Cen Yi, what are you looking at?"

The next second, Cen Yi tilted her head slightly, pressed her lips, kissed her gently, then slowly pushed away, Jun's face turned red, and said:

"There is no one else but you."

No matter what she says, what she does, what kind of feelings she has about life, in Cen Yi's mind, they are all good.

Even if she kills people like hemp, there are reasons and reasons for her to kill people like hemp. Cen Yi didn't feel that Qiao Lingxiang was inhumane. On the contrary, the Qiao Lingxiang he saw was more holy than anyone he knew.

Among them, there is absolutely no lover filter.

Yes, lover.

Cen Yi recalled these two people, and felt that even the roots of his ears were red. It was so shy that he blushed and his heart beat, a straight steel man, with pink bubbles in his heart.

Qiao Lingxiang's face was also red, she cleared her throat, deliberately pretending that nothing happened just now, and looked at the son of Qiao Yuelan in the incubator.

The little baby had already opened his eyes, with **** eyes, looking at the strange world outside with ignorance and ignorance.

Qiao Lingxiang clicked his little nose with a finger, instilled some physical energy into him, and combed all the bones and veins in his body by the way.

After correcting some hidden physical hazards that would not be visible now, but will gradually appear in the process of growth in the future, only then and Cen Yi walked out.

Outside the incubator where the baby was placed, Deng Meifang had been waiting here. Seeing Qiao Lingxiang and Cen Yi coming in, she hurried forward, looking like she wanted to say something to Qiao Lingxiang, without knowing where to start.

Qiao Lingxiang knew what Deng Meifang wanted to say, she just looked at Deng Meifang and smiled, stood still, and said to Deng Meifang:

"This incubator area is usually taken care of by me and the other two medical garrisons. Now Qiao Yuelan is dead. If you have no plans for the time being, can you stay here to help take care of this incubator area?"

Deng Meifang was taken aback, her face was full of wrinkles, and a momentary accident appeared, and she nodded vigorously, yes, she was naturally willing.

Of course, Cheng Yushun’s enmity must be reported, but now after Gu Silan’s incident, many people will know that Qiao Yuelan was killed by Gu Silan, and the child in Qiao Yuelan’s belly was indeed dead, but by Qiao Ayaka. It's just resurrected.

But this is not important. Deng Meifang will not let the child go back to Liu Ye’s village. While taking revenge, she will not delay her adoption and care of Qiao Yuelan’s child.

Then raise this child in a safe area in NA City, so that the child is surrounded by positive people, which is completely non-conflict.

Although staying in the safe zone does not only take care of a child, it just gives Deng Meifang a comfort to her sad heart because of her old age.

Living to her age, so is the sustenance of life.

We had a good chat with Deng Meifang. It was almost ten o'clock in the morning. Qiao Lingxiang stretched out, talking with Cen Yi, and walked to his tent.

She hadn't had time to sort out the things she had robbed from Gu Silan, but felt that the space that she had robbed might be too severely damaged during the tearing process, so even if half of Gu Silan's ability was pulled over, Qiao Lingxiang's space is still small and pitiful.

Approximately, it’s about a hundred or so flat, and it’s all liquid energy, which is not life energy, so Qiao Lingxiang can’t absorb it.

But she can use space conversion, because before, she converted all the solid relics and crystal nuclei in Gu Silan space into gaseous state, and also stripped everything in Gu Silan space.

But the space was compressed on her body, and even with the gaseous energy that filled the space, it also compressed, compressed, compressed, and became liquid.

Like a stream of spring water, the little space filled with her is full of energy liquid and all kinds of messy things.

I saw her and Cen Yi walking on the road, and suddenly "Huh?"

Cen Yi hurriedly asked:

"what happened?"

Qiao Lingxiang suddenly realized, and said:

"Brother Cen Yi, I suddenly knew how the energy stone came from."

"how come?"

Cen Yi looked at Qiao Lingxiang with a look of admiration, whether Ayaka was smarter, and suddenly understood such a profound problem. You know, many scientists study the energy stone and want to make full use of the energy in the energy stone. Can't do it.

This problem is still being studied all over the world.

I saw Qiao Lingxiang pull Cen from the side of the road again, and whispered her to half of Gu Silan's space, as well as all the things in Gu Silan's space, and said it again.

Then, she used space as a medium to extract the energy in the relics, crystal nuclei, and energy stones, turning them into a gaseous state, and finally turning into a liquid thing, which I also told Cen Yi.

Finally, Qiao Lingxiang concluded:

"In fact, the energy in the energy stone can be used for production. Humans can use the energy stone as a substitute for petroleum and electric energy. That is reasonable, because the energy stone is another solid form of these energy."


These words made Cen Yi completely stunned. The energy stone has been around for several years. It is said to be a new type of mineral. Many smart people are studying this thing, but so far, the utilization rate of the energy stone is only ten. Five points.

Moreover, there is only Changlu Energy Group, which can achieve a five-tenth utilization rate.

Because of its private nature, the energy price of Changlu Energy Group is many times higher than before the end of the world.

Basically, it belongs to the kind of luxury that ordinary humans simply cannot afford.

(End of this chapter)