Chapter 184 70 Clones

Name:Apocalypse Cheater Author:

184 70 Clones

[: Daniel POV :]

"But even though the Djinns could break the contract, it's not like all of them are willing to do so,"

Phenex added, her tone tinged with a hint of understanding and complexity.

"Why? If Djinns could break the contracts, why wouldn't they take the initiative?"

I inquired, my curiosity fueled by a desire to comprehend their perspective.

"I mean, if I were a djinn and bound to a weak Master, I wouldn't remain by their side,"

I expressed, imagining the scenario from a djinn's point of view.

The thought of serving an ineffective or feeble Master stirred a sense of unrest within me, contemplating the reasoning behind a djinn's choice to uphold or dissolve their contracts. You can trace the roots of this content at n0v@lbin

"Because, the moment we break a contract, we would die,"

She explained her words carrying a weight of resignation and a touch of sorrow.

"The Djinns are now reduced to mere lingering spirits contained within a vessel''

''If we were to shatter the contract, it would inflict severe harm upon our spirit, and there's a very real risk of us ceasing to exist, which is our greatest fear,"

She revealed, her emotions laid bare, sharing the vulnerability that underpinned their decisions.

Nodding in understanding, I acknowledged, "Now I see why. I guess having the privilege of breaking the contract isn't as exciting as it may sound.''

''The consequences are much graver than I initially thought,"

I mused, grasping the depth of the dilemma faced by the Djinns.

Paimon nodded somberly, her expression carrying the weight of the revelation.

"That's right, Master,"

She acknowledged softly, her eyes reflecting the seriousness of the situation.

"Unless someone like a Master, conveniently present alongside a contracted Djinn, they would be able to survive through an immediate transfer,"

She explained her words echoing with a sense of both vulnerability and dependence.

As the realization sunk in, I pondered aloud, trying to grasp the gravity of the situation.

"So, in order for the Djinns to survive the consequences of breaking the contract, I will have to be there by their side, am I right?" I concluded. "That's right, Master,"

Phenex affirmed with a gentle smile, a mixture of reassurance and affirmation in her voice.

"However, would the Contracted Djinns be willing to serve me as their master?"

I questioned, my voice tinged with a mix of uncertainty and concern.

This thought weighed heavily on my mind.

Chasing and conquering all of the Djinns might be within my capabilities, but the acceptance and willingness of those contracted Djinns to recognize me as their master was a worry that gnawed at me.

"For that, Master, you don't have to worry''

''There's no doubt that you are the only person all of the Djinns are willing to be contracted with,"

Phenex assured with certainty, her voice filled with a strong sense of conviction and reassurance.

''The strength required for a soul to host another Djinn multiplies, making it impossible for anyone to host two or more Djinns,"

Phenex explained, shedding light on the stringent requirements for multiple Djinn "However,"

She paused for a moment, her voice laced with admiration.

"Master's soul is ridiculously potent to the extent that I'm starting to question whether you're human or not,"

She remarked, expressing her awe and surprise at the extraordinary strength and capability of my soul.

Her comment hinted at the extraordinary and unparalleled nature of my soul, suggesting it surpassed the normal bounds of human capacity.

"Master might not realize this, but if I have to describe the strength of Master's soul, then imagine that the average size of a soul is like a golf ball, but the size of Master's soul is as vast as a star,"

Phenex elaborated, trying to convey the colossal difference in the magnitude of souls.

"That's just how powerful Master's soul is,"

She added, underscoring the immense and extraordinary strength of my soul, likening it to the enormity and brilliance of a star in comparison to the ordinary size of a soul.

Her analogy aimed to emphasize the exceptional and remarkable nature of the soul's power, implying an almost otherworldly magnitude in its capabilities.

"What Phenex said is right, Master,"

Paimon added, affirming the earlier explanation.

"It's absurd, even for someone like me, to witness such a powerful soul, Master,"

She continued, her tone conveying a sense of astonishment and admiration at the sheer strength of my soul.

"But, it's because of this reason that there's no issue in using a clone''

"Moreover, it seems like your clone possesses 100% of your capabilities"

"With all of this, I doubt there's any issue,"

She concluded, expressing confidence in the viability of using the clone due to the immense power of my soul and the clone's ability to replicate my capabilities without compromise.

Her words carried an air of reassurance, assuring that my plan to use the clone in contracting a Djinn should proceed smoothly without complications.

"I'm relieved that there's no issue in using a clone,"

I sighed, the tension easing from my shoulders.

But the relief quickly turned into a smirk as a mischievous idea crossed my mind.

"And having the ability to create clones is quite convenient,"

I remarked, my words leading to a moment of confusion for both Phenex and Paimon, who seemed puzzled by my sudden change in demeanour.

However, they would soon understand my intentions.

Suddenly, the atmosphere around us darkened as a red haze materialized and began to swirl, condensing into clones.

This time, it wasn't just one more clone; instead, 69 additional clones emerged.

"With 70 clones that possess all of my capabilities, wouldn't it be possible to conquer all of the dungeons within a day?"

I questioned, a mix of excitement and challenge in my tone.

I could see the expressions on Phenex and Paimon's faces, filled with a range of emotions which were surprise, amazement, and perhaps a hint of disbelief at the audacious plan I had just set in motion.