Chapter 180 The Chip

Name:Apocalypse Cheater Author:

Chapter 180 The Chip

[: Daniel POV :]

"This Tessera is the pivotal invention that will revolutionize the world, and thanks to Modern Fantasia, the possibilities we can explore with the Tessera are truly boundless,"

Mom declared with conviction with her voice resonating across the room.

"Once the Tessera is unleashed, the entire world will be within our grasp,"

She declared, her words wielding an undeniable power that ignited a fervent excitement within the audience.

Her assertive proclamation left the room buzzing with anticipation and an electric energy.

"However, there's another invention that we will be launching alongside the Tessera,"

She announced, dropping a surprise that caught the audience off guard.

Their expressions shifted to a mix of surprise and intrigue.

The audience who were well-versed in the knowledge of the creation of the Tessera, were completely caught off guard by this revelation.

However, this unexpected announcement left them in a state of bewilderment, having no prior knowledge or even a hint about this additional creation.

The room filled with an air of anticipation and curiosity, as everyone waited in suspense to learn more about this unexpected revelation.

Now, with the sudden introduction of a new invention, they couldn't help but be curious about it.

"Now, as you can see, what I have here is a chip,"

She revealed, displaying a tiny chip, scarcely an inch in size, which she held up for everyone to see.

To aid in understanding, a holographic screen projected a clear and enlarged image of the chip's appearance.

As she continued, the holographic screen displayed intricate details, providing the visual of the chip.

With precision and expertise, she began to elaborate on the specifics and functionality of the chip, revealing its capabilities and purpose to the intrigued audience.

Each detail explained further the potential applications of this previously undisclosed creation.

She held up a small, intricately designed chip, its surface reflecting the ambient light.

She began explaining, "This chip isn't just an ordinary piece of technology; it's the core that serves as the gateway to Tessera."

Her words, though brief, sparked a wave of curiosity and discussion among those gathered.

Sensing the increasing confusion and a flurry of questions, she recognized the necessity to delve deeper into the complex nature of the innovation.

"It might seem perplexing at first, but allow me to shed more light on this breakthrough,"

She offered, acknowledging the complexity and their need for a clearer explanation.

As she stood at the forefront, she seized the moment to provide a foundational explanation. n0vELbIn

"Let me start by introducing Tessera, a groundbreaking invention that embodies Artificial Intelligence,"

She began, her voice filled with a blend of confidence and enthusiasm.

"And this chip," she continued, raising it to emphasize its significance, "is the core that establishes a direct connection to Tessera, presenting a multitude of unique advantages."

"Its advantages are profound and diverse,"

She explained as she gazed around the attentive audience, "ranging from fortifying the immune system, enhancing physical well-being, and even elevating thinking abilities."

Her words seemed to have cast a spell, as every pair of eyes fixated on her, captivated by the potential implications of this revolutionary technology.

The allure of this invention was too compelling to disregard, prompting an intriguing thought.

Why not integrate this chip into my own being?

The more I pondered, the more the idea gained traction.

According to her explanation, the chip was akin to a pill, its microchip cells designed to integrate seamlessly into our bloodstream upon ingestion.

It will ultimately merge with our body's natural systems.

The prospect of such a seamless fusion intrigued me, compelling me to seriously consider the possibility of incorporating this groundbreaking technology within myself.

As I contemplated the golden chip in my hand, her words resonated in my mind.

The chip's effects varied based on an individual's compatibility.

The higher the compatibility, the greater the potential specifications of the chip.

The notion of this chip being akin to a system hack intrigued me.

However, a new concern arose.

Could it potentially influence or interact with the complex system of Modern Fantasia?

It dawned on me that the intersection of this chip with the intricacies of Modern Fantasia might unravel an entirely different story.

Despite the complexities and uncertainties, a resolute thought crossed my mind.

There was nothing to deliberate at this moment.

This project had been a culmination of my mom and Tess's long-term dedication and collaborative effort.

The magnitude of their work had piqued my interest, particularly regarding the potential effects of these chips.

With a sense of curiosity, I realized that delving into this innovation and understanding its effects had become a priority.

Looking at the chip, I had no more hesitation and I swallowed it through my throat.

The moment I swallowed, I didn't feel anything.

However, a huge change had occurred.

[: You have swallowed a Mysterious Pill made from Planet Earth that's one of the jurisdictions of Modern Fantasia :]

[: Analysing the Pill Effect...1%...10%...50%...100% :]

[: The Golden Chip has been analysed :]

[: Preparing to fuse the Pill into the Body :]

[: Due to the special constitution of the Golden Chip, the system for Player 1, Daniel Bell will be updated accordingly :]

[: 1%...10%...50%....100% :]

[: System has been updated :]

[: Congratulations, the system has been connected to ******* and you have unlocked Inspection Level 1, Auto Mode and A. I :]

[: Congratulations, you're the first player in Planet Earth to update your system :]

[: You have received The Forbidden Box (???) :]

Reviewing the message, I was both surprised and delighted by the early update to my system.

The speed of this update was unexpected and brought a sense of satisfaction, signifying progress in the project.

Yet, amidst the positive news, my attention was drawn to the Forbidden Box.

I never thought that I would receive the Forbidden Box which is many more times rarer and difficult than to obtain the Mysterious Box.