“Chapter 53: The Morning of the Reunion 3”

Meirir was happily dragging me through Bay Road.

After some time I’ve gotten used to the layout of the city. I’m even starting to recognize some faces the more I walk around.

– This is Road First, the busiest and first street to be built in Bay Road.

Bay Road is divided by 4 streets that are used to deliver the goods that arrive from the port. Road First and Road Second are straight lines connected to the port. Road Third and Road Fourth are at their left. As the city grew, its layout became more fan-shaped.

Because of those streets, Bay Road is also divided into 5 districts.

We’re currently between Road First and Road Second. This is District First.

District First is full of coffee shops with fancy tables outside the stores, financial institutions, merchant associations, armor shops. This is the commercial district of Bay Road.

– District Second is full of pubs and nightclubs, so let’s leave that for another occasion. If Dike or Rudra invite you there just say no. Got it?

– Of course… I think.

I averted my gaze.

– By the way, what’s in District Third and District Fourth?

– That’s where most people live, including the wealthy. It’s also where schools and public offices are.

– So it’s a residential area?

– Yeah. And on the other side is where we live. Might not be the nicest or safest place, but it has its own charm once you get used to it.

So it’s the impoverished area.

I guess that’s another thing in common with the previous world.

– Takaya, you want some tea? I’d love to keep walking around but we don’t have much time left.

Dike “forgetting something” was a lie, so we don’t actually have any time constraints. They can wait a little bit.

Though I don’t know how much longer I can keep going like this.

– Uh, Meirir-san…

– Hm? What’s up? Why is your face red?

– Well, uhh, your hand…

– Huh? AH!

She finally realized.

She’s so excited she didn’t notice we’ve been holding hands this entire time.

To everyone we probably look like a dumb couple flirting in public.

Actually, I’ve been getting quite the stares from people passing by.

– SORRY! I- Uh… Haha!

– D-Don’t worry about it.

We both blushed and hung our heads.

I heard a tongue click from a nearby shadow behind a building. Seems like Dike came to see how we were doing but ended up peeking on us.

– W-Well, we can skip the tea. Maybe we should go back?

– Uh, right!

Why did I say that? I wanted to stay here a little longer.

It’s just like always.

But honestly, that’s fine.

There’s no need to rush.

There are many days ahead of us.

As I was thinking that-

– …!?

I heard a snapping sound, followed by a sharp pain in my neck.

That felt like… electricity?

That’s weird. I don’t think my clothes should cause static.

– …Lightning magic——

I got goosebumps.

Many people could learn to use lightning magic. The Grandmaster, Akane, even Letty.

But only one person crosses my mind right now.

Someone that once said “Hey, I can use lightning magic now”.

– Takaya? What’s wrong? You’re completely pale…

– …Meirir-san, please run away.

– Huh?

I slowly turned.

– …So it was you.

There he was standing.

– Heey, Nagami! Long time no see. Glad to see you’re doing well.

Someone I would never be able to forget. Harukawa Akito.

The president of the class that once voted to kick me out.