"Hoo ~ Hoo ~"

the wind is blowing outside, and the plants planted in the manor are hunting.

It's winter again.

I remember when I just arrived, it was winter.

The cold temperature soaked his body. Su Han couldn't help taking out his hands and blowing his breath gently.

At the moment, he is just an ordinary person.

The strong wind blew up his long hair, and it seemed that the lake in the distance had begun to freeze. I could vaguely see that there were some goldfish swimming in the downstream of the ice.

Their eyes seemed to be watching Su Han.

Standing between heaven and earth, Su Han stopped and looked at all the familiar things around him.

For decades, it was all made by him.

One flower, one grass, one brick, one tile.

Late at night in winter, especially quiet.

No cicadas, no birds, the only thing is the constant wind.

After standing for a long time, Su Han steps up to the room where ah min's father is.

There, the oil lamp is still on.

"Haven't you slept yet?"

Murmur in the heart, Su Han knocked on the door.

"Dad, are you asleep?"

"Ah min, come in." Ah min's father's voice came.

Su Han frowned.

He could hear a little shiver in ah min's father's voice.


As soon as he opened the door, Su Han saw Ah min's father with half white hair sitting in front of the precious mahogany tea table.

High ranking officials and dignitaries always change their pajamas before going to bed.

But ah min's father didn't, and he was still wearing the robes of the day.

"Dad, what are you doing? I haven't slept so late. " Su Han closed the door and went over.

Ah min's father bowed his head and remained silent for a long time before he said in a low voice, "are you going to leave?"

Su Han is shocked!

He looked at ah min's father inconceivably and said in an almost stammering and rare language: "you, how do you know?"

"I'm afraid of this day, but I've been waiting for it all the time."

Ah min's father laughed, speechless.

He raised his head and looked at Su Han. His eyes were still filled with love and pride.

"In fact, the first day you came here, I knew that you were not ah min."


Su Han's eyes widened and he stood up fiercely, looking at ah min's father in disbelief.

For decades, he has been playing the role of "ah Min". Even now he is about to leave, he is reluctant to give up.

But now, the protagonist of this story tells himself that he always knows that this is just a story?

How can it be!!!

Su Han asked himself that after he became a min, he made almost no mistakes, except for the "father" he called at the beginning


Think of here, Su Han brain suddenly roar.

He looked at ah min's father and said, "yes, it's because "Father"

"Yes, it is not."

Ah min's father shook his head and sighed: "no one can ever play another person, because everyone is unique in his own world. You have spent decades playing the role of ah min, but you are not ah min after all. I know my own son

Su Han's body shakes again.

There was a brief silence in the room.

The strong wind penetrated the cracks of the house and blew on the oil lamp, making the room a little fuzzy.


After a long time, it was su Han who spoke first.

His eyes were a little red. He looked at ah min's father and said in a soft voice, "I'm not ah min, and I can't replace ah min. I'm sorry..."

"Ah min, where have you been?" Ah min's father asked in a trembling voice.

He was afraid to get an answer he didn't want.

"Ah min is looking at you and me."

Su Han said in a low voice: "I came because of his entrustment. All this is just a task."

In fact, Su Han didn't say the second half of the sentence -

"if my arrival was just a task at the beginning, it would start from you leaving all the meat for me, from you running into the city on foot with me when I was feverish, and from you It's no longer a task to cook herbs for me in order to make my face recover completely. "

The answer given by Su Han seems to be within the scope of a min's father.

He nodded gently and grinned: "well, go where you should be."

Indescribable complex emotion, after this sentence falls, fiercely from Su Han's sole, straight rushes to the brain!He looked at ah min's father, and saw clearly his white hair, the wrinkles on his face, and the farfetched smile.


Su Hanmeng kneels down and deeply worships his father.

The uncomfortable feeling swept through his body, making his heart twitch.

If he had a choice, he would rather not meet ahmin than become ahmin.

"Go ahead." Ah min's father waved.

Su Han knelt down for a long time, finally gritted his teeth, got up and walked out.

Just as his figure was about to leave the room, ah min's father's voice came back.

"You are successful."

Su Han's step made him feel even more painful: "yes, I became the richest man, turned this place into Li's manor, and married the princess I am successful, ha ha. "

There is no pride in these words. On the contrary, they are full of self mockery.


Ah min's father said, "to be my son, you are successful."

Su Han shivered all over his body. He couldn't help it any more. Tears came from his eyes.

"I don't ask you what your name is. In my heart, you are ah min, do you know?"

This sentence is the greatest relief for Su Han's efforts over the past decades.

Ah min's father knew his identity, but he never revealed it.

He, recognize his son!

"The child is unfilial!"

Su Han withdrew from the room and knelt down to ah min's father again: "I don't know whether this world is true or not, but I swear that if I can, I will never say goodbye to you like this again!"

Voice down, Su Han no longer stay, completely disappeared in the sight of a min's father.

The wind is still blowing. A min's father looks at the door that hasn't been closed for a long time


Hope bridge.

When Su Han came back, some things seemed to have changed.

He didn't see ah min and there was no one around.

But on the top of his head, there was only ten words, but now it has become "ninety points"!

The place where Su Han stood at the moment was no longer where he had been. He could vaguely see that the distance between him and the supreme pillar of light was too close.

In the heart that don't give up pain emotion is still spreading, Su Han has no leisure to think more.

He knows that if there is any change, the reason must be ah min's father!

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