"Younger martial brother Wang Yang likes to experience and take risks, and he is good at boxing. Is it because of this desert relic experience that he has got a great opportunity and his strength has improved by leaps and bounds?"

Another disciple of Tiandao palace began to guess.

In front of Qin Feng's body, suddenly appeared a golden streamer, and then spread to the depth of the inner hall!

Next second!


Between each word, there is a glimmer of the rule of authority

Lord, that is the supreme existence of the half step image state. Only the last half step can step into the Dharma image state!

Even with the state of mind of Qin Feng, a trace of palpitation can not be avoided.

This moment!

"This is the palace master calling me!"

A steady and powerful voice reverberated in the whole hall and called out, "Qin Feng, come in!"

Not long!

After leaving a word, Yueqiu walked slowly towards the inner room of the hall

Keep up!

"Qin Feng, the imperial master is practicing in seclusion. Wait for a moment, and I will report to him!"

Qin Feng and Qin Feng came to the main hall where the Lord of the palace was.

Almost instant!

With a wave of elder Yueqiu's sleeve, he took Qin Feng's body, tore open a void crack channel, and headed for the palace master's Hall


Qin Feng also nodded, no opinion.

"Well, I see!"

Yueqiu elder said with a light smile, "after all, you plan to cover up your identity with the wind crazy bully. You need the consent of the palace master!"

"Now, we must go to see the Lord of the Palace first!"

Qin Feng, full of doubts, came to Yueqiu elder and asked curiously.

"Elder Yueqiu, what's the matter? What can I do for you? "

Unexpectedly, Yueqiu elder actually stopped him.

Qin Feng was also going to exchange some treasures.

"Qin Feng, come with me first..."

Except for a small number of disciples, all of them have gained a lot this time.

It can be said!

Almost most of the disciples of Tiandao palace have identified and exchanged the Tiancai Dibao they got during their trip.

After a group of disciples of Tiandao palace returned to Tiandao palace.



The two people's figure, soon into a ray of streamer, completely disappeared in the western region.

Yueqiu elder smile, and then with Qin Feng, entered the transmission array together!

"All right! It's almost time to go back! Go in

Thank you again, elder Qin Qiufeng

Smell the speech!

"What's more, I'll give you one more Mingxin rune. In this way, everything will be perfect."

"In order to better cooperate with you, I will ask the imperial master to include in the list of disciples of the inner gate a ID information about Feng Kuang Ba!"

"This time, if you kill Meng Tianxiu, the granddaughter of the elder Yin Longmen, it will certainly make the Hidden Dragon Gate general's attention shift from Qin Feng to Feng Kuang ba."

"In this way, other sects will only try to find out about the news about the wind crazy tyrant, and ignore Qin Feng for the time being."

Yueqiu elder nodded and laughed.

"Well, you're smart!"

Qin Feng also nodded and said, "what the elder said is very true. The reason why the disciples want to play the role of wind crazy bully is to make them pay attention to the wind crazy bully! "

After listening to elder Yueqiu.

Especially the yinlongmen gate, if you know that the wind crazy tyrant is Qin Feng, it will definitely do whatever it takes to capture Qin Feng to yinlongmen.

How can a genius like this not be well protected?


Including Chen jiuxiao of the Huolong clan, they are far less than the evil spirits of Qinfeng.

Qin Feng is such a monster and terrifying genius. Even as an elder of Tiandao palace, she has never met her.

"That's not what we want to see!"

"As the saying goes, trees are beautiful in the forest, and the wind will destroy them! If you let other forces know that you are so evil potential, they will try their best to deal with you

"What's more, you didn't even display Taigu Zhenlong Jue just now. It's really hard to imagine how many cards you have left to kill!"

Yueqiu elder nodded slightly, then said with a serious look: "you are so old, you will cultivate to such a state, and the combat effectiveness is even more comparable to winning the top! The potential for the future is unlimited! "

This let Qin Feng heart inside, naturally is inexhaustible.

Just now Yueqiu elder already knew his identity, but he didn't say it in public. This is undoubtedly protecting him.

Qin Feng nodded and didn't care too much. He said with a smile, "thank you, elder Yueqiu. I'm willing to hide my identity for my disciples."Yueqiu elder's face turned red. He pulled Qin Feng's ear and hummed: "don't you think so much! I'm not interested. Look at your body

Smell the speech!

Qin Feng quickly showed a trace of embarrassment, scratched his head, said: "that I just changed clothes, was not also seen?"

As soon as I heard that.

"You know, there is nothing in my starhouse boat that can hide from me!"

"Hum! You just slipped into my Star Palace boat, and then changed your face by using the technique of face changing. I can see it clearly

"Do you think I don't know that you're the one who plays the wind crazy bully?"

Yueqiu elder rolled a white eye directly and knocked down Qin Feng's forehead.

"All right! Don't pretend to be confused

Qin Feng first showed a trace of surprise, and then with a smile, asked, "elder Yueqiu, how can I not understand you? What am I hiding? "

Yueqiu elder raised a trace of smile and looked at Qin Feng with a bit of banter: "I said you boy, are you going to continue to hide in front of this elder?"

Qin Feng asked in surprise.

"Elder Yueqiu, are you?"

When all the other disciples of Tiandao palace entered the transmission array and left, she waved again and arranged a sound insulation prohibition, which was shrouded in the vicinity of the two.

Keep up!

Yueqiu elder, however, used his voice transmission skills to instruct Qin Feng to wait for others to leave before leaving.

All of a sudden!

When many disciples of Tiandao Palace are going to return to Tiandao palace through the transmission array of Lingyin kingdom.


A group of disciples of Tiandao palace quickly nodded and answered, "elder Yueqiu! I understand! "

Smell the speech!

"From now on, we will be the inner gate of Tiandao palace, and we will have a disciple named fengkuanba! If there are other forces to ask, answer like this! "

Yueqiu elder looked at everyone, but he said calmly: "don't guess any more! If he doesn't want to appear in his real identity, why should we embarrass him? "

Hearing this, Wang Yang quickly waved his hand and said with a wry smile, "if I have such an opportunity, I'm afraid I will wake up laughing in my dream! It's a pity that I didn't get anything from this desert relic experience! I almost lost my life

Qin Feng suddenly understood that this was the right direction for the imperial master to guide him in.