
After listening to the mud Bodhisattva, Hong Yu breathed out a long breath. He didn't expect to get such an amazing secret letter when he came to see each other this time. It can be regarded as solving so many puzzles that have been bothering him for so long, but he asked: "I dare ask the Bodhisattva, why did you come to me this time? I know about my mother, and I can't blame my father and the emperor. Even the queen is not the real initiator. The biggest sinner is the evil god of hell and many royal sons and concubines who plotted against my mother's treasures and bullied me from childhood. You tell me this to let me deal with those who bullied my mother in those years The nobles who fell into the well and robbed my mother's treasures, as well as the rich families standing behind them? "

"No!" the mud Bodhisattva sighed, "I went to the east to preach, but also to worry about that year. I not only want to see you, Yintian and Poji's son, but also have the opportunity to see Poji... In addition, I have a hunch that the world is going to be in chaos. You should be ready."

"The world is in chaos?" Hong Yu thought he couldn't believe it and was unimaginable: "At present, my father emperor, Emperor Hongwu, is in command of all the people. The imperial court is strong, the army is strong, and the people are strong. The world is like a tripod town. The prince enlists barbarians, runs new schools, and makes new policies... Huge reforms one by one. The situation is changing with each passing day. Even many evil gods in hell are unable to resist. The people sincerely belong to the demons. Demons dare not do harm. The country is peaceful and the people are safe. Even natural and man-made disasters can be solved immediately , how could it be such a mess? "

"Prosperity is bound to decline." mud Bodhisattva said meaningfully: "You should understand this truth. Hong Chao's national strength is too strong. Even if all the hundreds of nationalities in manghuang add up, he is not an opponent. So is po Ji. He is also too strong. Since ancient times, he has never been so strong. He is unprecedentedly powerful. I can't think of anything that can be compared with him except the master who creates everything. Tu Shen, he is dozens of It can be done years ago, and now it can tear apart hell and punch through the ancient Pluto, the kingdom of magic elephant god.

Except for people above my level, he would not understand what it means. But because of this, he has been rejected by heaven and earth. He received the mother of ten thousand talismans, Zhige talisman, which was carried by heaven, indicating that he was the son of heaven, but later Zhige talisman was stolen. It was no coincidence, but it was arranged secretly to use the help of the evil god and Yintian Hand, let the Zhige Fu leave him and look for the real son of destiny. Have you ever thought about what the world will look like when he disappears and the so-called son of destiny appears? "

Hong Yu sometimes thinks of this terrible possibility.

At present, the prosperous world is peaceful, and the flowers under the governance of the country are decorated with brocade and cooked with oil. However, these are all created by Emperor Hong Wu. He is the backbone of the whole imperial court and is the welfare of the world. However, if one day there is an accident and he disappears, the rich family, the supernatural fairyland, the Wushen cave, the hundreds of medieval families, and so on, all kinds of demons, ghosts, demons and monsters It was an unimaginable disaster. The imperial court collapsed, the world turned into a sea of corpses and blood, and the world was purgatory.

At that time, no matter how high Hong Yuxiu is, no matter how troubled times are, he is just a rootless duckweed. Who will remember that he is a prince of a fallen country? Precarious is by no means alarmist.

You know, there are not a few people who want to kill him, but all the princes who want to win their legitimate rights are his enemies, including apes, barbarians, etc. they can't count. Not to mention the forces behind the princes, even if the princes do it themselves, they can't resist his cultivation. They are very different. Even the cultivation of Hong Yangjian, the eldest son of Hong Qitian, the eldest son of the great prince, can't resist it It is conceivable that he is several levels higher than him.

In the past, he thought of these and dared to say, "he's gone, I can take his place." However, the more you know about Emperor Hong Wu, the more you know about the cultivation realm of martial artists, and even the general situation of the world, the more you feel that emperor Hong Wu is great and irreplaceable. Let alone him, even if it is tens of thousands of years in historical books, you will never find a second person similar to Emperor Hong Wu.

"In fact, the world is peaceful, which is also the wish of Yintian and I, as well as the wish of the three of us. We all made a great oath in those years." mud Bodhisattva said, "but what I cultivate is" not to cross the common people, but to cross ourselves. " Although I have made little achievements in my cultivation and even proved the Bodhisattva's fruit position, I can only let myself get rid of it and can't help the people all over the world. I called you up today to see if you have the ability to help the world and put things right. "

"But I heard that the Brahma dome said that Buddhism wanted to rebel, overthrow the Hong Dynasty, colonize the whole world, establish the Hengsha Buddha country, and ask the people to believe in the Buddha and harvest their faith." Hong Yu asked again.

"That's the" Buddha "in their hearts, not the" Buddha "I want to promote. It has nothing to do with me. The" Buddha "I believe in is in my heart. Why do I need to worship the Buddha? If it's strong enough, I'm not the same as them. There are many sectarian disputes in Buddhism. What they have to do is different from me. Now it's just that I need their power." Mud Bodhisattva brushed his sleeve: "don't worry, they can't do great things with them. When Emperor Hongwu was in power, rebellion was a way to die. Even if he disappeared, I will naturally carry forward the Dharma in my heart and won't let their sect take power. Their so-called Buddha is just made of mud."

"When you read it, you become a Buddha and a devil. That's true. Heaven is not high, and people's heart is the highest. As long as you have good thoughts, demons can also become Buddha and turn into immortals. If you have evil thoughts, even if you practice Buddhism and Haoran scriptures, you are also a demon in human skin." Hong Yu nodded.

"That's good. Now you practice well and develop slowly. I can see some future. There's still time to prepare for chaos." the mud Bodhisattva seems to be calculating: "Before the chaos in the world, the stop fighting talisman will come out and stop fighting for martial arts. This era is the era of martial arts. Those who have the stop fighting talisman are the children of real destiny. They will take advantage of the chaos, set things right and end the troubled times."

"Then why did the stop dagger fall into the emperor's hands and leave?" this is a crucial issue. Hong Yu is very concerned: "It is reasonable to say that he proposed to depose a hundred schools of thought and respect martial arts alone. Since this era is the era of martial arts, he deserves to be the king of martial arts and the God of martial arts. Who else deserves to have the stop sign if it does not fall into his hands? Moreover, what he has done, even all the ancient emperor and 72 martial gods have never done. According to this great virtue, great power , he must be the one who gets the stop sign. "

"That's why I feel strange." mud Bodhisattva's eyes are completely open this time. His silver pupils make people feel as deep as stars. Countless vast runes flow in his eyes, as if they were a stream of profound and obscure information. Hong Yu also feels that he seems to be making some kind of calculation: "Therefore, whether human beings, immortals and demons, or many evil god lords in hell think that his throne is not right, and there are many people in history who can't stop fighting to become emperor. This is nothing, but he is the only one who loses it after getting the stop fighting charm. Everyone thinks that he is immoral, loses the heart of heaven and is not allowed by heaven and earth. After all, what he does is amazing, He calls himself the emperor of heaven, the emperor of heaven, and Dahong calls himself the divine Dynasty, which is the same as the kingdom of God. This is something that ancient gods and Demons dare not imagine. Perhaps, therefore, God can't tolerate him? "

"It seems that heaven and earth also have selfishness, not selfless rules." Hong Yu mocked himself.

Although he got the stop fighting talisman, he also knew in his heart that his virtue was shallow, and he did not make any contribution to ordinary people. Even though he was forced to use this talisman to steal, escape and sneak attack, he was really out of touch with the word "son of destiny". After he got the talisman, he thought about himself day and night and tortured his heart, but he always felt unbearable and thought that he could not bear it "Virtue does not deserve the throne" is a disaster rather than a blessing. There will be disaster in the future.

"Who can guess the idea of the old God thoroughly?" the mud Bodhisattva looked at the sky and seemed to want to find out what God really exists: "Thank you for robbing me and returning it. This sword will be of great use to me in the future. I don't know if I can reach a higher level in the future. I have to rely on this sword. That sword is left by one of the most powerful Bodhisattvas in Buddhism and hides the secret of ancient gods and demons."

"The sword itself is not mine. There is your mark of Bodhisattva, which can be manipulated and retrieved at any time. Even if I don't return it, the Bodhisattva has his own way." Hong Yu quickly waved his hand: "To say thanks, I still have to thank the Bodhisattva. It's not the Bodhisattva who pointed out the maze for me and solved the mystery. I'm afraid I'm still blinded by hatred and hate my father and Emperor... I don't know, Bodhisattva, what do you want me to do?"

"There is no need to deliberately arrange. Everything has its own karma. Let it be. Become a force, save, save, and wait for change. When chaos arises, it will meet again." the mud Bodhisattva said, "go!"

His plain white robe sleeve waved violently, as if the breeze hit his face. Suddenly, Hong Yu felt that the sky was spinning and the air around him was crackling. A thick purple bamboo in the purple bamboo forest broke through the earth and flew in front of Hong Yu. He subconsciously grabbed it into his hand.

"This is a purple bamboo I cultivated by chanting scriptures day and night with my divine power. You can keep it well. It will be of great use in the future..." Hong Yu felt that the other party's voice was getting farther and farther away, becoming ethereal, and his thinking seemed to be about to fall into a blur. At last, he only saw that there were cracks in the space. The purple bamboo he held in his hand burst out, wrapped him and dragged him into the deep crack of the space.