"This is the Haishan boss of Zhenlong chamber of Commerce? But he is really better than the law of Hongfa chamber of Commerce!"

Hong Yu sat back in his big chair and looked at the Zhenhai mountain: "Since Mr. Haishan is willing to speak for you, I naturally have nothing to say. Although my fief is not big, it is not without rules. Many chambers of Commerce want to do business. I naturally welcome it, but people like you who make trouble will deal with it. Of course, sixty-five chambers of Commerce gather today. If I expel you at this time, it will be a disappointment. If you want to stay I won't drive you either. "

"Hum! I'm sure you don't dare to touch me. If you don't go, just listen here and listen to how you can make tens of billions of profits for our big businesses." Fa really sneered and sat back on the big chair without saying a word, as if he was silent.

"Yes, we all have questions in our hearts. Before his arrival, the Lord asked people to pass on the news that he could bring us billions or even tens of billions of profits. I don't know whether it is true or false?"

At this time, Yu jiuqiu, a middle-aged scholar with a volume of books in his hand, also came out:

"We are all businessmen. The prince is also the prince of the imperial court. It's boring to fight hard when we meet. In the final analysis, if the prince can bring profits to everyone, even if there is a great hatred, it can be resolved. After all, no one will be unhappy with money. Of course, the prince calls us to meet. No matter what the result is, I Jubao chamber of Commerce will support and buy in the fief Some industries have opened businesses, which can also be regarded as an indication of attitude. "

As soon as this was said, it was supported by a group of people.

"Yes, everyone comes here to do business. It's boring to beat students and kill them. Everyone is happy if they can bring profits to everyone."

"Everything is good in the Lord's fief. There is nothing to say about the pattern, layout and facilities, but the population is too small and the public security is too poor. Compared with other princes' fiefs, it is far inferior. After all, the development is limited..."

Hong Yu sat on the big chair and listened silently. He had already made a decision in his heart, but he didn't talk much at the moment. He was just silent. He was also observing the performance of those firms.

In fact, the business people of these chambers of Commerce say that they are businessmen. Pursuing fame and wealth can bring benefits to them. All things are not a problem. As long as his fief is profitable and profitable, needless to say, people of these chambers of Commerce will flock to set up business here.

"Lord, we all understand the potential meaning of calling everyone here."

An old man who had been silent spoke:

"There are only 3000 people in your fiefdom. Although there are many people, there are profits in doing business here, but it is just a small profit. You know, only a large population and more consumption can bring countless benefits to everyone. In this regard, the fiefdoms of other princes have long been ahead of the princes. The population of the fiefdoms is more than 10000. I don't know the princes If you want to keep us, you may come up with something that moves us? "

The old man was wearing a purple robe with a big tripod logo embroidered on his chest, but Hong Yu had already done his homework and knew that this was the speaker of Jiuding chamber of Commerce. Jiuding chamber of commerce is also a famous chamber of Commerce in the world. It specializes in martial arts, sells all kinds of weapons and even magic weapons, and organizes all kinds of auction events. Its business is all over the world.

"Now that the person in charge of Jiuding chamber of Commerce has spoken, I can also tell you. I know your concerns are nothing more than that my land is closed, the population is too small, the public security is too poor, and there is a wave of animals, afraid that it will affect the development in the future.

But I have my own way to deal with these. I believe that a large number of people and even adventurers will come to the fief soon. Moreover, I also found the source of the animal tide and the turmoil in the fief, and sent competent men to deal with it... "

Hong Yu's face moved slightly. He was just listening to and observing the reactions of various businesses. As the owner of the fief, he naturally thought of these problems. He was also willing to take some measures to reassure these people.

The source of the damage to the security of the fiefdom is the man who controls the king and many experts hiding in the manor. However, taking advantage of the absence of the king, he sent Xi xiangnu and Feng Huizhou to destroy and flatten the manor. I believe there will be news soon.

"OK! Now that the Lord has thought of this, we have reached an agreement." Yu jiuqiu stood up again and closed the book in his hand: "No matter how much profit the Lord can bring to all of us. As long as the Lord can solve the problem of public security in the fief, and then attract a large number of people to increase the population of the fief, our 65 chambers of Commerce will certainly send people to buy houses, shops and businesses, so as to increase the popularity of the Lord's fief."

"Hum! Solved the security problem in the fief? Increased the population?

I'm afraid it's not that easy. Others don't know it, but I know it clearly! The construction of this small waste fief is too fast, and many princes are uncomfortable. For example, the second prince? The people who come to his fief to commit crimes are actually sent by the second prince to the strategists, and those animal tides are actually driven by people. "

FA really sneered. He obviously knew something.

"Let's wait and see. I'll solve these problems without saying more." Hong Yu nodded and directly ignored the law "Whether it's public security or population in the fief, it's the top priority I need to solve right now. My imperial brothers are uncomfortable. That's their business. The development in my fief will not stop because of anyone."

"You..." that method was about to refute again, when suddenly I heard a rush of footsteps outside the door.

It was Feng Huizhou and Xi xiangnu, who were covered in blood, who hurried in, carrying several seriously injured soldiers on a stretcher behind them.

Hong Yu's heart suddenly moved. Seeing the joy from the depths of Xi xiangnu's pupils, he knew that there was progress in the eradication of the manor.

"What's the matter?" Hong Yu asked quietly.

"Lord..." the elephant washing slave looked at so many people present and couldn't help hesitating.

"Hey, hey, what happened again? Why is it inconvenient to say? Could it be that there was some unrest in the fief, a wave of animals broke out, and countless deaths and injuries?" Fa really sneered. Looking at the tragic traces on several people, he obviously experienced some fighting. He guessed that there must be some unrest in the fief.

"Feng Huizhou, come on!" Hong Yu looked serious.

"Yes, my Lord. This time, we dispatched five thunder plasma cannons and a thousand elite to destroy the manor of Zongren king, and we really got something. Xi xiangnu killed the experts of the five gods and Zang Erzhong, and wiped out all the villains in the manor. It has been found out that these people are the villains who disturb the security of our fief. The whole manor was razed to the ground by us."

Feng Huizhou straightened up and reported to Hong Yu:

"In addition, we also searched some account books in the manor, which recorded that many chambers of Commerce and Zongren Wang contacted the second prince's fief and bought the industry. Among them, the heads of Hongfa chamber of Commerce and Jiuding chamber of Commerce participated the most. Among the two Prince's fiefs, they bought nearly 1000 sets of shops and stores. Moreover, it can be seen that they have been with him The second prince has reached a deep cooperation and wants to help the second prince suppress us from all sides... Prince, this is the account book! "

Feng Huizhou's words were like a bolt from the blue and exploded directly in the heads of everyone. Many of them have heard the names of Zongren king and the second prince more than several times, especially when they heard "thunder slurry cannon", "destroy the manor" and "kill the five gods and Tibetan Double Masters" Similar words undoubtedly had an impact on everyone present.

"How can it be? Kill five shenzang double masters in one fell swoop. Even shenzang triple masters can't do it without cost. At least they have to fight for serious injuries!"

"Thunder slurry cannon? It's made by the Mohist school? It's one of the most powerful weapons to attack the city. He dispatched five at once, not to mention a small manor, but also a huge city. With this kind of thing guarding the city, not to mention a few waves of animal tide, even if 100000 barbarian troops came, they couldn't shake the fief... God, his seal How could there be such a thing in the land? His fief may be the safest of all the princes. He's not afraid of any barbarians attacking the city... "

"Have you noticed that the young man just mentioned the king of vertical people? That's the genius of the strategist. God, he contacted us. How could he stay in the account book? Even we secretly took refuge with the second prince and how many shops we bought in the second prince's fief. Even we reached an agreement with the second prince to suppress the secret of the 36 prince , I haven't escaped... "

There were bursts of crazy discussions and whispers among the crowd. None of them thought that Hong Yu would make such a move at this time.

Zongren Wang's manor was knocked down and the account book fell into Hong Yu's hands, which undoubtedly made them very passive.

Some of them have reached an agreement with other princes to secretly attack Hong Yu's ambitious people in the future.

But this is a secret thing. They didn't expect to be discovered one day.

But at the moment, with this account book, it fell into Hong Yu's hands and was opened. It was clear and undeniable.

It's nothing to open a business and buy a shop in another Prince's fief, but it's fatal to participate in the prince's struggle and help the prince suppress another prince.

This is something that the imperial court expressly stipulates to stop. Let alone that they are all businessmen. Even if a millennium family is involved in the scandal of the prince's struggle, it will be poured out by the imperial court.

It is a secret affair for the prince to win over forces, cross the court and suppress dissidents. It can't be brought to the table. It is a huge scandal, which emperor Hongwu will never allow.

Hong Yu kept silent and turned over the account books handed over by Feng Huizhou. When all the people had observed carefully, he raised his head and looked at the five seriously wounded soldiers carried up by stretchers behind Xi xiangnu: "how were these soldiers injured?"

"In this operation, we slightly injured 29 people, seriously injured five people, and no one died. These seriously injured people were all injured by shenzang level masters lurking in the manor. They were not found until the end of our battle. They suffered extremely serious internal injuries, their meridians were damaged, and even their bodies were eroded by vigorous Qi. The Dantian Qi sea was broken. Even if their martial arts were restored, they would retreat, Not as good as before. "

Feng Huizhou replied, a trace of grief flashed on his face. These people came together with him from Guannei and Longjun. They were very uncomfortable when they were so seriously injured.

"Is there a way to cure?" Hong Yu asked quickly. He was cold in his heart and ignored the heads of the firm who were still standing in the hall and whispering.

"My Lord, I fought with the strong men of the five gods in the mysterious manor this time, and my martial arts improved again. Maybe I can save the five soldiers and use my means to help them remove the vigorous Qi in their bodies and treat their injuries.

However, the Lord still needs to take out Lingjing. Their Dantian Qihai has been hurt, and only Lingjing can repair it. "

The image washing slave said calmly. He took two steps forward, and an unprecedented strong spiritual vision flashed in his eyes.

Hong Yu found that the smell of Xi Xiang Nu was really deeper and deeper, and his martial arts seemed to have improved a lot.

He felt a sense of deja vu in the elephant washing slave, as if he had seen it in some expert.

"Xi Xiang Nu has actually reached the four levels of divine possession and qi transformation. Can gang Qi be transformed into human form? Just like the Shizi Hong Yangjian in the depths of the Grand Prince's residence?"

He suddenly thought of something and was slightly happy.