"These problems are really too far away from us. They are so far away that we can't grasp the key." Hong Yu seemed to see the scene of wolves devouring dragons and chaos in the world.

Since the founding of Hong, the national strength has been rising day by day. It is not easy for the people to live a peaceful life. The people will have to make a living, and the good situation will be destroyed again.

Before the Hong Dynasty, there was chaos in the world, known as 36 routes of smoke and dust, 72 routes of anti king, 100 kings of separatism, fighting with each other, the flames of war continued year after year, and natural and man-made disasters emerged one after another. Evil demons, monsters, monsters and bandits took the opportunity to kill and collect money and expand their strength. Many Xuanmen sects and 100 forces in Dongtian also took the opportunity to support all routes of anti king, develop and absorb believers in order to seize power, The fight between each other is fierce. This leads to the collapse of etiquette and law, moral decay, no unified political power, and no institutional mechanism to really speak and work for the people.

Since Dahong founded the country for more than 30 years, he has wiped out all heretical forces, deposed a hundred schools, disappeared demons, destroyed sects, and trembled evil gods. He can become an official and prosper the country through the imperial examination. He has a strong wind of advocating martial arts and literature.

At the beginning of the founding of the country, ordinary people ate coarse-grained Wotou. Even if it was a "surplus celebration of prosperity", most people were hungry and ate grass roots and bark, known as "a gust of wind", which means that refugees flocked to the wind and often fled to reclaim wasteland. In the past, even the bark and leaves of trees were eaten up and cleaned, thinking that locusts passed through a gust of wind, and then people ate people in more barren areas, The tragedy of changing children to eat and cooking human corpses occurred. There are hungry people on the road and floating corpses on the water.

At that time, when the country was in danger, Emperor Hongwu put forward the opinion of "if you want to be rich, build roads first", and decided to build the Grand Canal waterway through the 18 prefectures. In this way, it was convenient for the Grand Canal to be built, not to mention the fact that it was convenient for the government to upload and issue decrees. Trade, transportation of materials, disaster relief and chaos were very fast. Among the 18 prefectures, it was already a lifetime.

Now, every year the imperial court puts forward various "reform" measures. New changes take place every year and change with each passing day. Even in barren areas, the poorest families also have rice and white flour. The slightly stronger gentry families have meat and smell constantly. They can eat meat and feed slaves. Slaves also have meat and smell. As for the houses of princes and dignitaries, there are endless exotic fruits and delicacies. Before meals, there are bird's nest, shark's fin and crescent rice. There are a total of 108 kinds of atherosclerotic soup cakes. They are all excellent ingredients to greatly replenish qi and blood and exercise strength. After training to a certain extent, they don't even touch the smell of fireworks. The panacea should be swallowed like sugar beans.

Ten years before the construction of the Grand Canal, many people heard that they were afraid of going far away. Even if they were hundreds of miles away from home and accompanied by three or five people, they were still trembling for fear of falling into the hands of demons. Now, with the development of the canal, almost all villages are connected, and towns are connected. Everyone can travel far. Literati and martial arts practitioners can even travel everywhere to enrich their knowledge.

Hong Yu even knew that the imperial court had also put forward a novel concept of "social security and medical insurance", which was ready to be popularized and tried everywhere, so that the people could cure their diseases and rely on their elders. This did not need the money and food in the national treasury, but the major aristocratic families paid and contributed to raise funds, which were then uniformly disposed of and allocated by the government.

Because of this, those aristocratic families hate emperor Hong Wu deeply. On the one hand, they are ready to move, but on the other hand, they fear that emperor Hong Wu will depose 100 families again.

This time, Emperor Hongwu stepped out of the two boundary mountains and the war against barbarians broke out. The officials called it plowing and sweeping holes, but those folk sects smelled an opportunity and were ready to join in a conspiracy to try to do "wolves devour dragons".

Along the way these days, Hong Yu feels refreshing and his knowledge has increased a lot. The country is really thriving. He even claims that Liangzhou has been swept by cults. In fact, he can see many shadows of wealth and well-being. It's like the town where lanchifu and others live. If there were no cult wars, a large town with tens of thousands of people would be comparable to the prosperity of a small county in ancient times.

The current national strength of the country is really prosperous and peaceful, with flowers and brocade, cooking oil with fire and rapid development. If it is maintained for another hundred years, it is really the legendary era of prosperity and Datong.

Although Hong Yu was given the ancient talisman to stop fighting, in mythological terms, he was destined to be the "son of heaven" and the leader of the great era, he had his own unique ideas. Only by virtue and virtue can he seek his government. What is virtue is to make people in the world more and more happy, peaceful, prosperous and positive. He is far from being able to do so now, nor does he have this virtue and ability, nor does his virtue match his imaginary position.

If you give him time to make him have higher ability and be confident that he can do better than Hongwu emperor, he must be in line with his duty and bear the heavy burden.

If virtue does not match and you want to climb to the top, the world will inevitably turn upside down. If powerful people and ambitious people refuse to accept it, they will naturally stir up the wind and rain. Heaven and earth will also interfere and reduce all kinds of natural and man-made disasters. This is caused by the change of countless dynasties in previous dynasties.

"By the way, I haven't checked the boxes taken from the temple storerooms. You're well-informed. You can help me see what the treasures are." Hong Yu didn't plan to hide. His robe sleeve waved suddenly. There were more than ten large boxes out of thin air. They were made of black and famous Sunwood and inlaid with gold and wrapped edges. The weight of things was not light, Falling on the ground stirred up heavy dust and dead leaves, making a sound.

"Your Highness has a treasure from the cave? No wonder." Xi xiangnu had doubts for a long time, and now he understood: "this kind of treasure can only be refined by martial arts masters above the martial arts realm. It is almost a treasure mentioned in myths and legends. I'm afraid it's not far from my barbarian fairy bag."

"I don't care about this first, but I'll explain it to you later." Hong Yu deliberately showed some muscles to the elephant washing Slave: "first, look, I stole these more than a dozen boxes from the depths of the cult temple. Among them, there are thousands of boxes. The workmanship of these more than a dozen boxes is the most exquisite. I think it must be the top priority."

With that, he opened more than a dozen boxes one by one, and suddenly burst into a treasure light in the shape of a dragon and colorful glass, straight into the sky for a long time.

When you look at it carefully, it turns out that there is a python skeleton, which is entrenched in the treasure box. The python skull also has no blood and flesh, and appears in transparent crystal color. Only the remaining two vicious tusks are towering. What's more, the snake bone is in the shape of a triangular soldering iron, and there is a three inch long spiral sharp angle on the top of the head, Bursts of precious light are emitted from these sharp corners.

A closer look reveals that there are as many as twelve of these giant python skeletons with towering heads and some of the "dragon" atmosphere. Each brings Hong Yu an endless sense of power, and endless demons come to his face.

It's hard to imagine that this is just a python bone. If the twelve Python are still alive, how powerful they should be. I'm afraid even the elephant washing slave will be suppressed immediately, so it's difficult to fight back.

"This is the skeleton of the demon pill, which is equivalent to the Mang and wasteland alien of the level of the four human gods and the body Gang gods. This beast has become the climate. The snake has become a python in a hundred years and a snake in five hundred years, which is very terrible. This skeleton contains incredible abilities, especially the ferocious head on the head of the demon pill, which is the demon pill that the demon pill places its life on, It means that this beast has purified a trace of dragon blood. "Xi xiangnu said: "If you guessed right, the alien Marshal Moka should have brought this thing from the wilderness in order to arrange a huge Feng Shui array with the remains of the twelve demons, hook the" dragon Qi "in the corners of the demons, fill the temples, move the magnetic poles of heaven and earth, gather the aura for a hundred miles, and improve the physical qualifications of our alien soldiers, Make it practice thousands of miles a day, far more than ordinary people. "

"I see. Can this skeleton be used for me?" asked Hong Yu. He couldn't wait: "I don't know how many rich families have no way to use such a treasure. If it falls into my hand, they must make the best use of it."

"If someone else gets this thing, I will definitely suggest him to decorate the residence and use it to town the residence, and then build a huge gathering spirit array to change the geomantic omen of the residence. After four or five generations of accumulation and precipitation, it can become a geomantic treasure land of outstanding people.

However, if this thing falls into your Highness's hands, it won't be needed at all. You can use this thing with Lingjing to refine and feed the big snake armor, so as to make it evolve into a more precious and magical "poison Cobra armor"! Even if all this skeleton can be refined into a set of "poison Cobra armor", it will be a hundred times more profitable! "

The elephant washing slave pointed to the big armor wrapped around him, and his tone was a little inexplicably excited: "It is said that even if ordinary people wear poison Cobra armor, they can also play the combat power of the four God reservoirs and the gas God reservoir. If they wear it, they can give invisible and colorless Gang Qi and attach the strong poison of the triangular devil. Only when they reach the six God reservoirs and the Fu Gang God reservoir level master, whose viscera are transformed by gang Qi and can swallow gold fossils, can they refine and avoid this poison attack."

"Really? That's a rare treasure, but it can't be carried out at present. I'm afraid something will happen." Hong Yu hesitated and loaded the big box into the small world again.

"Yes, your highness, I have a deep communication with you this time. I think you are also fully familiar with many specific changes in practice from shackle level to shenzang level. Next, you really shouldn't delay here. You should go out again and face the complex situation, otherwise it will change later." Xi xiangnu also suddenly realized that three days had passed since he practiced in the mountains. There were some subtle changes in the surrounding environment, which could not escape his eyes.

"Yes! This exchange really benefited me a lot!" Hong Yu stood up and was ready to go. "In fact, compared with the intrigues everywhere outside, I prefer to live in the mountains for a long time and practice martial arts quietly."

Three days later, his experience increased. Even his mind had a full and mellow feeling of washing away the fine dust. It was not far from his cultivation to improve again.

But he can't stay still. Neither time nor the situation allow him. Now is the precursor of the imperial court's brutal expedition. The time is critical. It may be possible to rest in the mountains for a few days. However, if he doesn't appear again and again, he may not be used by those who want to take advantage of him. He is plagued with trouble and impeachment.

"Let's go!"

They set off and returned to the rest place of the team again. Thousands of elites led by Feng Huizhou and Sancai sisters were practicing the military array. Everyone roared and roared. Every move looked like a dragon and a tiger. It was obvious that their martial arts had made little progress.

In particular, five people, including Feng Huizhou, mother-in-law of nine ghosts and three color sisters, have made great progress. The authority of Lingwu realm experts is getting heavier and heavier. The spirit of earth evil in the body orifices and acupoints breathes out the spirit, just like bright stars. Unexpectedly, each one is a trend to make another breakthrough.

"Princess Yu, shall we start now?"

"That's right!" Hong Yu nodded and ordered. These soldiers obeyed their orders. They had to follow behind them and hurried on their way. It was silent. It was obvious that military discipline was gradually becoming, and they walked out of the mountains soon.

This is to Liangzhou city.

In Longjun County, there was a big explosion in the cult temple, and the top villains of different races have been eliminated. However, there are still many remaining evils of the two races of barbarian apes, and even other foreign marshals and gods envoys of the two races of barbarian apes exist. In particular, there are "human traitors" such as Hong Futian in the imperial court.

If it's just this, it's all right. The key is that Hong Yu inquired into Hong Futian's collusion with the alien, plundered the people, put them into Manxian bags and transported them in large quantities, so that the alien soldiers could kill and have fun. In addition, Mr. Jian seems to have a dirty deal with Hong Futian, so we have to prevent these three forces from uniting to harm the people and betray the country for personal gain.

He must rush to Liangzhou city to meet Li muyue. They reflect the situation face to face and discuss countermeasures. Otherwise, the matter will be difficult to end and the poison will be far-reaching. This is not what he wants to see.

Getting rid of evil is the real truth!

Hong Yu, with his men and horses, marched very fast. He was not hindered by any terrain. He climbed mountains and crossed rivers. In less than half a day, he reached the vicinity of Liangzhou city.