"What is this?"

Hong Yu was shocked. He couldn't believe his eyes. A wooden statue puppet was urged by his unborn mother to become a three-year-old giant. He already had a bad feeling at this time.

A puppet that can be "as big or as small as you want" is by no means an ordinary shackle level master can resist. In particular, Hong Yu observed that the statue is green, lustrous as meat, and covered with dark gold texture. It can be inferred that this puppet is definitely a Bone Demon he encountered in the demon skeleton temple, Even compared with the two evil god puppets urged by the barbarian God envoy, it is more difficult to succeed at night.

"Gaga! Boy, I'm not afraid to tell you that this treasure is a treasure given by a terrorist behind me. Vacuum and I worked for him. Vacuum got a roll of vacuum fingerprints, and I got this lifeless puppet. This treasure is a peach heart intercepted from a millennium old peach tree that survived several lightning strikes in ancient times, which was also intercepted by experts in the martial arts realm This treasure is made by sacrificing and refining. It inherits the nature of heaven and earth and contains the power of the birth and death of thunder. It is difficult for any divine weapon to hurt. What's more, it is carried by me in the depths of my cult temple. It is worshipped by believers every day. The idea of belief is intertwined. It has long been transformed into a divine object. Once driven, it is like a great God Tibet level expert. It condenses its Qi into a soldier and hurts people thousands of steps. "

Mother-in-law Jiugui looked at the terrible puppet sacrificed by herself, as if she were looking at the same exquisite art. She was very excited. She rarely talked with Hong Yu. Obviously, she felt that once this magic weapon came out, she would calm the situation immediately. Hong Yu had no possibility of resistance.

"This puppet has such a history? It has grown for thousands of years and survived several lightning strikes. I'm afraid this kind of tree is not far from the birth of wisdom and becoming a demon." Hong Yu stared at the huge statue puppet in front of each other. Rao was as unmoved as a mountain and couldn't help but move his face.

Peach trees are originally psychic trees. There is a popular saying that peach wood swords carved from the heart of peach trees can be hung at home to dispel evil spirits and ward off evil spirits. Since there is such a saying, there must be a reason. In addition, anything that lives for a long time will produce demons. An old tree that has not withered for thousands of years and has survived several lightning strikes may not become a demon, It is almost like a treasure of heaven and earth. It is contaminated with aura and has a long life. Even a leaf and a fruit may have magical effects.

According to legend, there are many gods invented by the people out of thin air, which do not really exist, but word of mouth, they build temples, shape golden statues, and are influenced by incense belief. Over time, they will really make the statues produce wisdom, which has many unimaginable great powers.

Therefore, it is not unreasonable for the imperial court to control the world's incense and crack down on adultery, but it is really necessary. First, it is to prevent other ambitious people from rebelling and making trouble under the name of gods. Second, it is also afraid of people who love leisure and hate work and are greedy for evil. They serve evil hypocrites who believe in zixuwu, so that they can really be born and disturb the world.

I'm afraid it's really a big deal that this inanimate puppet was refined by an expert, and then burned by cult believers and stained with the power of belief ideas.

"Can't let it really urge this puppet!"

Hong Yu made up his mind almost instantly. The 21 Jinge particles in his body transmitted the power from a constant source to his whole body, and the martial god in his hand stood up and threw it with great force.

Master the throwing of war and suppress the demons!


It was like a crossbow bed with a length of several tens of feet was urged, and the strong arrows with thick and thin arms flew out. The cold light was puffed and bright. There were sparks in the air, which was the hot friction between the body and the air. It can be seen that under his throw, the momentum was fierce and iron blood.

This move, almost all his essence, Qi, God and the power of 21 ancient Jinge, broke out a peerless shot!

This is almost his strongest combat power at present!

Wu Sheng's mother was originally a master of the eight shackles level, but also a leader of the cult, and she had more terrorist treasures in her hands. If she was allowed to preempt and take advantage, she would be surrounded by thousands of troops, captured, squeezed out all the secrets, and then contributed to the fate of the evil god of hell.

Originally, Hong Yu didn't compete fairly with the other party. The priority now is to deal with the army as much as possible, delay and slow down the pace, so that the people in the town can move as soon as possible. As for the killing of experts and leaders in the army, they are all done easily. There is no need to lose their lives.

The Long Ge shot in an instant and burst out thousands of milli lights. It is extremely holy. It is like a small sun. Light and heat will be sprinkled to get rid of all darkness. Everything shrouded by light will be pierced, and all corrupt and evil will be nailed by this Ge!

This move was originally a taboo method among hundreds of millions of golden daggers. The peerless killing move was taken from the allusion of "dominating throwing dagger and suppressing hell". The dominator stands in the supreme kingdom of God, holds the golden dagger in his hand, throws it hard, crosses hundreds of millions of empty planes, and even penetrates hell, directly nailing and killing millions of hell demons.

Hong Yu used this move to kill many experts. All of them are one move to kill the enemy. Now he has smelted the 21st golden dagger particle. His martial arts are greatly improved and several times higher than in the past. It is even more powerful to urge this move to kill the enemy. When this blow comes out, it seems that heaven and earth collapse and void collapse appear in the Ge, and a bright flame shines in from the boundless darkness, Wipe out all demon visions.

Changge's burst of light enveloped the unborn mother like a needle, a sword and an infinite flame. It wrapped her tightly, making it ineffective in any means. The strong wind was torn apart by Changge like a mountain and sea, and fiercely ran to her chest.

"What kind of martial arts is this? How can you, a two shackle level martial artist, have so many magical skills?" the unborn mother was shocked, and the ugly face with chicken skin became more and more gloomy and deep. While talking, she quickly retreated into the cavalry array, and pulled out dozens of cult disciples in front of her, which was worthy of Hong Yu's startling blow.

"How dare you take your own people to die? It's really an old devil. He runs rampant and has no human nature at all. Unfortunately, if I can conceive the master furnace, the furnace cover will open and the sea of lava will turn over, even if hundreds of thousands of heretics are blocked in front of her, it will be useless and will be completely nailed to death under the Ge!" Hong Yu was cold in his heart, Knowing that the other party has seen his concern, he doesn't return to the danger. Instead, he wants to hide in the crowd and urge wusheng to kill himself. But he was not willing. His body was like a swimming fish. He recalled the martial god's Ge again, rushed into the army, quickly approached the location of the unborn mother, killed several barbarians between the left and right, and threw the Long Ge in his hand again!

Such a thunderbolt attack like maggots attached to bones almost broke out in full strength. For a moment, the dead old mother dodged in the crowd and was in a mess.

In terms of physical strength, there are six small realms apart. The unborn mother of eight chains doesn't know how many times longer than the martial arts of Hong Yu's two chains. However, Hong Yu has hundreds of millions of Jinge magic skills. Twenty-one Jinge particles in his body can almost infinitely explode divine power. He has great strength and even surpasses shenzang level. Although shenzang level masters don't need to fight close, Waving his hand to condense Qi into Gang, picking leaves and flying flowers, and condensing Qi into soldiers can kill people, but Hong Yu's current state is still very terrible.

Hong Yu knew what was going on, but his unborn mother was more and more frightened. In a hurry, he lost one after another and was in a mess.

In this way, Hong Yu is also happy. He wants to delay time. On the one hand, he can fight with his unborn mother to increase his fighting experience, and on the other hand, he can kill more foreign armies.

He has seen that the unborn mother may use all kinds of means. The evil door is strange, but if she plays close to her body and goes shirtless, she is very loose. In the face of her endless moves, she can only keep evil believers in front of her.

"Damn it! Damn it! This boy is evil. It seems that he saw the disadvantages of my close combat and wanted to kill me alive." wusheng's mother was very oppressed. She escaped from Hong Yuchang Ge repeatedly and had no power to parry. She relied on human life to resist, let alone fight back.


Changge cut through his body, but wusheng's mother stopped retreating. Instead, she gritted her teeth, stood up and took the initiative to let Changge run through his body!

But this is not that she wants to commit suicide, but to take the opportunity to breathe. With serious injury, she also wants to urge the wusheng attached God puppet to explode her power!

"Peach God does not die, no life is attached to God!"

Wusheng's old mother screamed repeatedly and pinched the Dharma formula in her hand. A dark circle behind her head sent out bursts of ghosts crying and howling. The light beat like a dark flame, which reflected the strange evil of her whole body. In addition, the huge blood hole penetrated by Hong yuchangge on her chest looked ferocious and ferocious, as if it was a demon stepping out of hell.

Then I saw that she was crazy, her whole body was sprayed with rolling black gas, flew out together with the aperture behind her head, and shuttled back and forth towards the immortal puppet.


The earth trembled suddenly. It seemed that there was an earthquake. The earth and mountains shook. Many barbarian cavalry could not stand stably and fell off their horses. The monkeys of the firegun team were in a commotion, squeaking and scratching their heads and ears, as if something terrible was going to happen.

The immortal puppet, who was three feet tall and green all over, suddenly opened his eyes. His eyes suddenly shot two bloody lights. It seemed that he had come back to life. His whole body was wrapped with rolling evil spirit, and his mouth sent out chattering and strange laughter, like the cry of a night owl, which made people feel creepy.

Then, the giant puppet moved, and his body flashed, which was more flexible than the seven or eight shackle level martial arts masters. It almost turned into an electric light. Almost in an instant, it appeared in front of Hong Yu, and took a big palm in the air, forming an air vortex, flying and twisting the light.

Hong Yu only felt that he had lost any light source in front of him, and his whole body was dark. It was as if he had been slapped into hell and wrapped in boundless darkness. He wanted to jump out of millions of demons and ghosts and tear him apart, so that he could never see the light.

"It's worthy of being an old devil for many years. Even if I fight hard, I also want to urge the killing move. It's extremely vicious!" Hong Yu thought thousands of times and already knew the other party's purpose, but in the face of this palm, he still felt helpless and decadent.

This palm is really terrible. It goes beyond the shackles of shackle level masters. Only the strong shenzang level can urge it, and only puppets and first-class babies can do such a thing.

"The dust is finally settled this time. Once this person dies, I can get many treasures from him. It's not in vain for my mother. I endured a move and was seriously injured." wusheng's mother was so happy that she almost saw the hope of victory and saw the scene that her lifeless puppet slapped Hong Yu to death.

But before she was happy, she only saw a flash of green light in front of her eyes. At the next moment, her lifeless God attached puppet had disappeared without a trace. Even if the spirit was communicating frantically, it was a stone sinking into the sea.

"What the hell is going on?"

Wusheng's mother was furious and her face was ferocious. The treasure was almost all her details, especially a shocking secret, which must not be lost.

"It's dangerous! Fortunately, I have a small heaven and earth to stop fighting." Hong Yuyan was sweating and realized that it was dangerous. When he was dying, he felt that the whole person was surrounded by infinite darkness and almost desperate.

Fortunately, at the last moment, the blessing reached the soul, made the most correct choice, and collected the puppet into the small world of Zhige Fu.

A few times ago, he had the experience of fearing to stay Buddha's sword and Bone Demon puppet. He was already familiar with the road and almost realized it.

Anyway, the Zhige talisman has great mysterious power. Even the legendary figure "demon skeleton God" thousands of years ago was almost killed in the face of this treasure. No matter how powerful it is, it can't turn out the sky.

"Where's my baby?" wusheng's mother sweated in a cold sweat, and the whole person was going crazy: "what magic method did you use? Did you have a baby similar to the ancient 'falling treasure Charm', take it silently, and wash it and erase the spiritual brand?"

"Falling treasure talisman? It's ridiculous!" Hong Yu answered the question. He knew that the other party was plundered by himself. His mind had been flawed, and even guessed wildly.

He knows the falling treasure talisman. In the myth, the hundred saints' war in medieval times almost broke the whole continent. A mysterious Taoist appeared with an invincible treasure called falling treasure money. He knocked down all the treasures in the hands of the hundred saints and prevented the catastrophe.

It is said that money can bring down all the treasures in the world. No matter what exists, you have to face mutiny when you see it.

Later, the world refined the "lost treasure talisman" based on the lost treasure money. Although it has no effect of one percent or even one thousandth of the original power, it can only be used once, but it also cherishes its value. The refining method was lost in ancient times.

This kind of treasure that has left a startling stroke in the history of mythology, Hong Yu is like thunder through his ears. It's impossible not to know.

However, Zhige talisman is the mother of all talismans. It is said that the baby born according to the will of heaven and earth can not be compared with it, even falling treasure and money, because it contains the secret of becoming a god!

Wusheng's mother was still stunned. The whole person was distracted. She was almost broken by a series of actions by Hong Yu and had no will to fight.

"Good opportunity!" Hong Yu cheered to himself. He observed the change of the other party and knew it was an opportunity to eliminate all evil. He was willing to miss the good opportunity. Almost in his mind, he raised his long Ge and drew a track out of thin air, as if he had opened the door of hell and lifted the top cover of a huge furnace. He only heard that his body dominated the embryo of the furnace, The sea of lava rolled and the suction was steep. It was huge and terrible. It almost tore and pulled the unborn old mother in front of her.


He was about to stab again and kill the devil completely, so he only heard a long roar, not a man, but an ape!

Countless ape Musketeers kneel down!