"Your Majesty the Heavenly Emperor has reached the realm of martial god, even catching up with the master of martial god who threw his sword at hell in ancient times!" Hong Yu lied to a realm.

As soon as these words came out, they immediately exploded in the ears of Brahma dome.

"How could it be?" Brahma dome's eyes were tongue tied and round. He was obviously frightened and muttered to himself: "It's impossible, it's impossible. There have been 72 martial gods throughout the ages, but the master of martial gods is actually known as the king of the gods and the master of the world. Since ancient times, there has been only one in countless times. After death, it can't appear in the present world or even in the future. If someone practices to the master level, I'm afraid that all 72 martial gods will be reborn and should bow down When the Buddha is reborn, he can only lead his horse and stirrup... "

According to the legend, a warrior who can evolve his own Tao pattern method into a warrior at the boundary of Wu and Tao can achieve the territory of Emperor Wu. Above Emperor Wu, he can evolve the boundary of Wu and Tao into a figure in the God kingdom of Dongtian, that is the God of Wu!

There are also strong and weak points between martial gods. There are even many realm divisions, but they are not described in legends or recorded in historical books, because that realm is abstruse and profound, and Tao is difficult to describe. You can only experience it personally, but can't explain it in words.

Hell is known as a million evil gods. In fact, all of them are just "false gods". Their strength is only one or two points higher than that of Emperor Wu. Therefore, in ancient times, there were only 72 evil gods every 10000 years. They could suppress hell and exile those evil gods into hell, never seeing the sun.

However, the power of millions of "false gods" is equally terrible. 72 martial gods can only suppress and expel them, but can not inflict a devastating blow on them. Therefore, in all dynasties, one or two evil gods will escape from hell and come to the world to make waves.

Until a martial god was born, transcending the realm of "God" and claiming to be the master, he held the golden dagger of the avenue, threw the dagger in the kingdom of God, crossed the endless void, and even nailed through hell. Countless evil gods were killed. The golden dagger of the avenue was turned into a town seal, completely sealing the hell.

The power of the God of martial arts is endless. It can even compare with the great power of heaven and earth and shake the world, far exceeding the 72 God of martial arts. Even in ancient legends, the ancestor of Buddhism, the primitive Buddha, is just a little boy holding a horse and stirrup around the God of martial arts.

It can be said that for countless times, no one can remember the title of 72 martial god one by one, but no one knows that the martial god dominates!

Because he is the strongest known through the ages, history will only remember the strongest! Others are destined to be a foil!

Now there is a problem with the sealing of the town transformed by Da Dao Jinge. The evil gods in hell are ready to move, have contact with the barbarians again, and can even come to reward the Oracle, but no evil god dares to come to the world.

The evil gods worshipped by the barbarians are afraid of someone. Although they often make small moves, they dare not really come down. They are afraid that when they come, they will be the beginning of destruction.

Hong Yu estimated that if Hongwu Heavenly Emperor did not dominate the realm, he might not be far away, because only he was the imperial court and the strongest in the world and the mainland, and only he could reach that realm, so that evil gods in hell were afraid to act.

"Well, these are too far away from us and are not what we worry about at all." Hong Yu woke up Brahma dome from shock: "It's better for us to talk about what's going on now. In fact, you and I don't have any deep hatred. Even though you are my mother and a fellow believer, you want to catch me and torture my secret. That's your sinister intention. However, I don't want to embarrass you. I don't kill you or hurt you. I can even let you go, as long as you can remember what I'm thinking For mother's sake, just let you go. But before that, tell me the method of sacrificing and refining the fear of leaving the Buddha sword, so that the sword will not remain in your hand and pose a threat to me in the future. "

"How do I know if what you said is true or false? If I tell you how to use this sword, you will immediately repent and hurt the killer?"

The Vatican dome laughed coldly: "Don't say you're so noble. Whether you say let me go or not, it's just a sentence 'read the feelings of Brahma heaven', which shows your hypocrisy and shamelessness. Don't you really know how your mother died? Even if it wasn't the dog emperor of Hong Wu, there must be countless connections. I hate you for your greed for wealth and recognition of an enemy as a father. You don't feel ashamed, but think you think Rong.

I have no right to decide your thoughts and actions. Everyone has their own aspirations. If you are willing to be a thief and be a father, and watch your mother's injustice and no revenge, no one can stop you. However, what can you do even if you catch me and detain me now? There are more than a million secret followers of Buddhism. Many of them will come to rescue me. Then you will face a million followers of Buddhism In fact, you are under siege now. Not only the ape God envoy wants to kill you, but also the cult has joined forces with the hundred Bone Demon sect to take action against you. Even in the imperial court, Hong Futian, Hong Longxiang, Wei Zheng and Duke Mu want to get rid of you quickly! "

"Don't try to provoke and incite me, my mother's hatred. Naturally, I know that none of the people who did it in those days can escape. If I can prove that Hongwu emperor was involved in this matter, he can't escape. However, I will naturally control the matter and won't make the imperial court turbulent and the people uneasy, because I'm different from you from other continents. Country , the country is in the front and the family is in the back. Emperor Hongwu is no less affectionate, but just being kind to the people and opening up the world is enough to let the people all over the world forgive most of his crimes. "

Hong Yu was indifferent to this man's words of bewitchment. Now he has practiced hundreds of millions of Jinge magic skills, and his spirit has been sublimated day by day. Gradually, there is a spiritual understanding that the world is the public and everyone is the same. No one wants to shake his idea and spirit: "as for the method of sacrificing and refining the Buddha sword, it doesn't matter whether you tell me or not, because I already have some eyebrows."

"Impossible!" Brahma immediately retorted, disdaining: "This sword is made from the sacrifice of my Buddhist Bodhisattva. It contains 36 prohibitions on the heavens. Each prohibition has the spiritual imprint left by the Bodhisattva. Unless you have a higher cultivation than the Bodhisattva, you can remove the imprints in the 36 prohibitions on the heavens one by one. However, it is impossible. With your cultivation, you can only break one or two prohibitions at most, which is not harmful at all. As long as the Bodhisattva thinks If you move, the sword will naturally fly away. Before that, you will also be killed. "

"What's impossible? You said you wanted to capture me, but in fact, you couldn't stop me from slapping. You were stunned directly. If you want to believe it or not, it's up to you." Hong Yu retorted directly, but he didn't talk wildly, but really looked at the way to practice this sword.

He could feel that he was afraid of leaving the Buddha sword into the small world. After being washed by Linglu, he immediately became honest. Even the sword awned and lay obediently in the Linglu puddle, like an ordinary sword.

With a slight thought in his head, Hong Yu knew that it was probably all kinds of miraculous effects of Linglu.

But this is only to suppress the sword, and he can't use it. If he wants to completely turn the sword into his own thing, he needs to study and practice the 36 weekly prohibitions of the sword one by one before he can collect it.

"You!" Vatican dome heard the speech and couldn't help but stop talking. His face was purple and his lungs were going to explode.

He almost cried. A martial artist who broke free from the three shackles would be stunned by Hong Yu, a mole ant who only condensed the evil spirit. This is a disgrace of his life. Even if he became a Buddha in the future, it is difficult to erase the shadow of this matter. If it is spread, he may become a laughing stock in the world.

"In this way, I won't make fun of you about it. I'll even keep a secret for you and promise not to spread a word. Even I won't embarrass you. You just need to tell me the whereabouts of the ape God envoy and the hundred bones sect leader, and I can let you go and never break my promise." Hong Yu asked tentatively.

"Hmm? It turned out that you had this idea. Ape tianzhang was inquiring about your news and wanted to kill you, but you didn't want to wait to die, so you found me, pushed and sideswiped, wanted to take out the news from my mouth, and then took the initiative to attack?" fan qiongtian turned his eyes, thought a little and saw Hong Yu's real purpose, sneering: "I really know some news, but I won't tell you. What can you do to me? Anyway, the dispute between ape and barbarian and the imperial court has nothing to do with me."

"Oh? Really not?" Hong Yu was not hypocritical. He immediately grabbed his skirt with his five fingers. The whole person was raised like a chicken: "in that case, I'll give you to the imperial court. Anyway, Buddhism is also a heresy in other mainland China. It's no less credit to offer you than subduing the devil of the cult."

When Hong Yu lifted him up, Brahma dome suddenly struggled and tried to resist. He immediately found that Hong Yu's palm was like a huge iron pliers, firmly clamping himself down. No matter how he resisted, it could not play any role.

When he heard what Hong Yu said, he was as listless as a vented ball, and his face showed more fear.

Vatican dome is not afraid of death, but it is more terrible than death and falling into the hands of the imperial court.

If he falls into the hands of the imperial court, he must be treated as a demon. First soak the dung cellar for three days, then peel and fill the grass, melt the flesh and blood into city bricks, trample on by everyone, put the skin bag at the city gate, and everyone spits!

"How's it going? How are you thinking?" Hong Yu noticed the other party's change, and the conversation immediately turned again: "don't worry, as long as you tell the collection of ape tianzhang and Baigu sect leader, I can let you go right away. I don't have to lie to you."

"I heard that the leader of the hundred bones clan settled in a deserted temple hundreds of miles southeast of the evil cult grotto, and the ape couldn't know it. The man's cultivation was too terrible, he came and went without a trace, and his spirit was strong, and no one could spy on his whereabouts." fan qiongtian struggled in his heart and was unwilling, but he thought of such sensational means as soaking dung cellar, peeling and filling grass, and immediately softened: "I already said, can you let me go?"

"Junjie is a man who knows the current affairs. You're very good! You can let you go, but not now. If I let you go now, the first thing you should do is to contact Buddhist experts to siege and kill me and recapture the fear of leaving the Buddha sword. Although I have great compassion, I'm not a pedantic fool, so I have to wrong you to stay with me for a few days." Hong Yu said to himself.

"Back off, despicable, Hong Yu, you sinister villain..." Vatican qiongtian scolded loudly, as if thousands of horses were galloping in his heart and his spirit was agitated, but before he finished scolding, he heard a strong wind roaring, 'PA' a crisp sound, severe pain hit, and immediately turned around again.

"I was stunned by slapping again!" this was the last clear consciousness in his brain.