"Who's making noise?" the cultists came over, fought openly, and entered the bamboo fence cage.

"No... no, my Lord, I'm dazzled..." the people who screamed and reported were terrified. They wanted to tell the truth, but they didn't dare, because the shadow flashed just now, he also doubted whether he was dazzled.

Many people were awakened and trembled. Cults were like butchers, and they were like lambs to be slaughtered. Would butchers return empty handed when they entered the pigsty?

"Hmm? So you're trying to confuse the public with lies. Do you want to confuse our sight, and then take the opportunity to make trouble?" a cult leader approached and looked at the people. Suddenly he smiled grimly and waved his hand: "pull it down, refine the internal organs and sacrifice the head to the gods."


Two or three cultists immediately began to drag the people out of their cages like dead dogs.


When the scream came, the people around turned pale and trembled. They dared to be angry but dared not speak. They could only hide their heads deep between their arms.

"Ha ha, these mortals are actually leeks and pigs. After cutting one crop after another and killing one end after another, let's go." the cult leader laughed wildly, took up his hands and led a group of cults away.

Watching the dark and evil figure leave, the people breathed a sigh of relief, their eyes hated and gnashed their teeth.

"Bah! Demons, a group of demons, do many evil things. Naturally, they will clean up one day." a man spat and whispered angrily.

"This is not the way to go on. We are imprisoned here. We are driven by cattle and sheep during the day and people are worried at night. If we are careless, we will either beat or scold. We are more likely to be beheaded and cut open, and it is impossible to drop a whole body." at this time, a young man stood up and shouted: "You have also heard what those evil believers said. In the eyes of their cult, we are actually leeks and pigs. There is no human at all. If the court doesn't come to save us, we can only save ourselves. Anyway, I've had enough. Why don't you cheer up with me and call on others to resist the cult together? Even if we die, we should stand and die with dignity!"

The young man seems to have martial arts skills. Although he is imprisoned in a cage, he is very energetic. His eyes are bright. His words reveal his true feelings and attack people's hearts. It makes people feel passionate and can't help but follow him to go to justice generously.

But there were few people on one side, most of them watching coldly, and some even pretended to sleep with their eyes closed. Obviously, they didn't want to wade into the muddy water and die with him.

"Keep your voice down. If you are heard, you will be finished. They are all murderous demons." an honest middle-aged man pulled his robe sleeve and looked at the evil believers patrolling around. He was relieved when he found that there was no movement.

"That's it. I'd rather die standing than live kneeling. These evil believers are no different from animals." The young man clenched his teeth and felt more sadness in his eyes. He thought that he would cheer up and immediately realize that countless people would fight out of the encirclement of the cult with him, but now everything made him feel desperate. The people's hearts were too cold. No one wanted to make a head bird, or the cruel and cruel image of the cult, which had long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. No one dared to resist, only Can wait to die silently.

"Well said, I'd rather die standing than kneeling. If people all over the world think so, is there anything wrong with the cult?" suddenly, the void twisted and the air ripple. Hong Yu stepped out of the world and approached the young man: "However, the sky is not high, and people's hearts are the highest. You are too idealistic. These people have been enslaved for a long time and have been numb. How can you awaken the blood in their hearts?"

Hong Yu had just descended from the cliff into the valley, but the people found him hiding. When the evil cult arrived, it quietly hid in the small world of Zhige Fu and disappeared. The evil cult had not found anything at all.

He was about to leave the cage and secretly continue to explore the cult temple, but he heard the young man's remarks. Only then did he cherish his talents and show up to meet each other.

In his eyes, this person is a creative talent. When he is trapped in the cage of the devil's cave and is in a precarious situation, he not only has no despair, but is full of fighting spirit and does not give in. This is very rare, and even surpasses most people in the world!

"Are you... Are you human? Are you a ghost?" the young man was stunned and watched Hong Yu suddenly appear from the air. This method was close to ghosts and gods, far beyond his cognition. He was as frightened as a ghost. He even couldn't speak clearly. His legs almost softened and collapsed to the ground.

"Ghosts? Ghosts that can condense into entities, I'm afraid they are the ghost king who is equivalent to the strong person in the martial arts realm and has mastered the impermanent power of gathering and dispersing. When the ghost King meets a stranger, I'm afraid the first thing is to devour and chew. Do you still have life to stand here and talk to me?"

Hong Yu thought for a moment and didn't hide his true identity: "you don't have to be afraid. I'm the princess Yu of the imperial court. I'm ordered to sneak into the evil cave of the cult to explore the enemy's situation. If I'm here, I'll protect you from worry."

"So you're not a ghost? I'm relieved! I didn't expect that the imperial court had time to take care of US civilians in the face of such a vicious cult. Are you a big man in the imperial court? When can the Imperial Army arrive here and rescue us?" the young man calmed down and suppressed his shock, but looked at Hong Yu curiously.

"No, the cult is powerful, and the spring expedition is imminent. Of course, the imperial court has no defect in taking care of you. If you want to wait for the army to rescue you, I'm afraid the people here have already been killed by the cult." Hong Yu shook his head: "However, you can save yourself. Just like what you just did, cheer up and shout. The people imprisoned in the valley are ten times as many as the evil believers. If they are in chaos together, they may not have no chance to escape. With my help, you can even go deep into the cult temple to attract the attention of the main experts of the cult. There will be 89% hope of success."

"Hehe, cheer up? It's just a joke. As you said just now, these people are numb and willing to be enslaved. I'm only a martial artist in the martial arts realm. How can I cheer up? If I stand out, I'm afraid the first one will be killed, and even the people in the same cage with me will be angry and sit down." The young man sighed and smiled miserably, no doubt desperate.

"Of course, you don't have such ability just because of your current cultivation. However, as I said earlier, heaven is not high, and people's heart is the highest. In fact, if there is a glimmer of hope in people's heart, no one will wait to die. What you have to do is to let them see hope. With hope, they are naturally willing to stir up the situation and create opportunities with you." Hong Yu's eyes were firm and Jing mang hit the young man directly: "what's your name?"

"Hope? It's precarious. I can't eat enough. I'm in danger of dying at any time. What about hope?" the young man asked, puzzled, but seemed to be influenced by Hong Yu's eyes. Finally, he didn't give up and summoned up the courage to speak again: "My name is Feng Huizhou. I'm from Huizhou. I came to Liangzhou for a trip. The cult riots broke out. I was caught by the cult. I'm afraid every day. I can't die. My parents are still waiting for me to go home. I know you're a big man and the king of Yu. There must be a way to save me. Please teach me!"


Then he knelt down in front of Hong Yu, his head like pounding garlic.

"Save you? I said earlier that if I was there, you would be safe! You don't have to do this to avoid attracting the attention of the cult." Hong Yu quietly lifted Feng Huizhou up and looked straight into his eyes: "I want to save not only you, but also all the people here, but I can't support alone. Are you willing to help me?"

"Yes!" Feng Huizhou nodded, his eyes firm and incomparable: "as long as Princess Yu can save me, I will be in front of and behind in the future."

"This is a loyal liver pill. If you take it, you can improve your accomplishments and become a man of tigers and wolves. Your accomplishments are comparable to those of an expert in the perfect martial arts. There will be no small changes in your mental temperament, which is enough to convince everyone. I want to enter the cult temple to kill people and set fire. At that time, there will be chaos in the cult. Take advantage of the chaos, cheer up and let the people escape." Hong Yu's mind moved. A loyal liver pill appeared in his hand and threw it to the other party: "I remember your words. If you ignore the people and protect yourself, even if I run to the ends of the earth, I will kill you."

"Yes!" Feng Huizhou took the pill and swallowed it without hesitation, which changed almost instantly.