Chapter 745

"Look, it's already the 19th floor. I don't want to live any more. How can I live in the same era with this pervert?" When a Tianjiao saw the forest wasteland on the 19th floor, he had no temper.

"Hum, if you dare to compete with me, you will really find abuse!" At this time, Fang ye came out!

Fang ye made great progress this time. He not only consolidated his accomplishments, but also further strengthened his strength.

After fangye, Xin Wuchen, yuwentian and others came out one after another. This time, they made a complete sensation in Tianjiao's house. Everyone saw that they were absolutely secretive.

"My God, they seem to have a holy power?" At this time, a heavenly pride exclaimed.

Everyone is watching Fang ye and his party. Except for a few top talents who are still breaking through the barrier, others have come out. To everyone's surprise, those who have the lowest accomplishments are also at the peak of nirvana.

"They must have got a unique chance to make such great progress!"

"Well, you can see it. I'm really envious. It's a pity that even if I follow them now, they don't necessarily want me!"

"Ha ha, do you want to follow Lin Huang? People may not be able to take a fancy to you! "

On the 19th floor, Lin Huang's eyes narrowed slightly, and the nine mirrors in front of him turned out to be a combination of nine palaces. However, all this was useless for Lin Huang at this time.

"Nine palace Rune array? Hum, I have nine star Rune array of Daogong, but I don't need ten Rune arrays to deal with you! Devour the field Without saying a word, Lin Huang began to break through.

After entering the 19th floor, Lin Huang found a strange thing, that is, the power of the law that he devoured before disappeared!

"Is it true that the laws I devour now are illusory? Only when the outside world is engaged in actual combat is what is engulfed real? " Lin Huang murmured to himself, feeling a little depressed.

The rune array composed of the mirror images of the later period of Jiudao is very powerful. At this time, Lin Huang flies into the air and overlooks the Jiugong Rune array below.

Lin Huang displays the Taoist palace nine star array. As soon as the Taoist palace nine star array comes out, the nine palace array composed of the nine mirror images below is suddenly broken. In the face of the real Taoist palace nine star array, the nine palace array composed of the mirror images is just a joke!

It didn't take long for Lin Huang to break through the nine palace Rune array. Next, Lin Huang plans to solve these images one by one.

After the 17th and 18th floors, the strength of these images stayed in the later stage of the holy kingdom. As for the peak image, one did not appear, which surprised Lin Huang a little.

To Lin Huang's feeling, maybe there will be an answer after the 20th floor. After all, from now on, the power of the nine palace Rune array composed of nine mirrors is much stronger than that of a peak mirror.

The law space instantly envelops a mirror image, and Lin Huang's mind moves to kill a mirror image.

The next step is faster. Without a complete symbol matrix, there is no difference between these mirrors and those on the 17th and 18th floors, just one more number.

Lin Huang soon solved the battle and came to the 20th floor. What surprised Lin Huang was that there were still ten mirrors at this time. However, one of them was the peak mirror, and the remaining nine were the later mirror!

On this level, the overall difficulty has increased several times, and there is also one point, ten mirrors. The peak image is located in front of us, as if it were a commander in chief, and the remaining nine mirrors were arranged behind, after listening and dispatching.

"That's interesting. Let's fight!" The field of forest wasteland opened in an instant, like a big mouth, swallowing the ten mirrors.

At this time, the ten mirror images moved, the peak mirror images retreated, and the nine mirror images formed the nine palace Rune array again. They started their fields one after another and rolled towards the forest wasteland.

Lin Huang is fearless in the face of danger. He can easily crack it just now, not to mention now!

Lin Huang stepped forward, and his whole body was full of momentum. On his right hand, a series of runes suddenly appeared. It was a symbol of destruction!

In many runes, Lin Huang used the most destruction rune, which was not only unique in attack power, but also used to it.

The nine Rune seals attack the nine mirror images respectively, and Lin Huang flies into the air, crosses the nine palace Rune array, and blows at the top mirror image.

At this time, the peak image immediately unfolds the field, and a white light suddenly shoots out from the image. Then the image itself quickly attacks the forest wasteland with the white light.

"Bang!" The field of white light and forest waste collided and made a loud noise. The field of forest waste was broken!

Lin huangwa spits out a mouthful of golden blood. This is the first time that his field is broken after integrating several fields. What is the white light just now?

Without waiting for the thought of the forest wasteland, the peak image has come to the front of the forest wasteland, and it is another blow to the forest wasteland.

"Well, since you want to die, I will send you on the road! The seal of destruction Lin Huang stretched out his right hand, and the destruction runes poured out all over the world.

"Ah! Bang Lin Huang's eyes were cold, and he bullied himself. This time, Lin Huang ran the death seal and patted the forehead of the mirror.

The seal of death is like a magnet. It is tightly attached to the forehead of the peak. Then the momentum of the mirror image of the peak drops quickly. In a short time, at the beginning of the holy Kingdom, Lin Huang suddenly pinches his hand, and the mirror image of the peak bursts!

After solving the peak image, the other nine images are no longer the threat of forest shortage. Forest shortage will soon kill these images!

Next, the forest wasteland broke through, and soon reached the 25th floor. Up to now, all of them are the peak images.

And these images seem to have white light, which can smash their own fields.

"Xiaoling, what are those white lights?" The forest wasteland looks cold. You should be careful to deal with these white lights.

"Ha ha, boss, you can see these white lights as a compressed version of a field. Expand the field to the limit, and then begin to compress to the extreme. This kind of white light will be formed. Once you encounter other fields, it will explode. Your field is broken like this. Be careful!" Xiaoling gave the result very quickly.

Lin Huang is not in a hurry to start. These mirrors still have something like this, but no one can stop him, even the top mirror!

"My goal this time is to fight against the mirror image of the supreme realm!" Lin Huang's eyes were firm, and he slowly stepped forward.

One day later, Lin Huang came to the 29th floor. This achievement has already caused a sensation in Tianjiao mansion. At this time, all the elders in the main hall of Tianjiao mansion looked in the direction of Tongtian tower.

"It's a great waste. Just after stepping into the holy Kingdom, the combat power has soared to such a high level!" An elder couldn't help praising him.

"Yes, this session of Tianjiao mansion is a little interesting!"

"Eh, at the 30th floor, will he be the opponent of the supreme mirror next?"

On the 30th floor of Tongtian tower, Lin Huang felt different because there was only one mirror in front of him, the supreme mirror!

"Image of the supreme? Ha ha, it's you who are waiting, fight! Fight! Fight Lin Huang's fighting spirit is high, and he runs all his strength to kill the mirror image of the supreme realm!

"Under the sage, there are ants, and under the supreme, there are dogs! Cut As soon as the mirror image of the supreme realm is started, the whole 30th floor begins to tremble!

The supreme power cannot be profaned! No offense!