Chapter 472

Lin Xiao and the three of them are healing together at this time. Suddenly they feel a lot of strong breath again. Just when they are on guard, they relax again. Then they show a surprise expression.

"It's Huang er. They're back. Ha ha! Come on, let's go out and meet them Lin Xiao immediately got up and took them out.

Soon after, outside the door of the Lin family, Lin Huang and others appeared here. This time, Qin muxue, Qiao linger and Xin Wuchen all came.

"Ha ha! No trace, you're back. Come here and let dad have a good look! " After seeing Xin Wuchen, Xin Chengye was very excited and almost burst into tears.

"Dad! My child is back. Are you OK, dad? " Xin Wuhen comes quickly, comes to Xin Chengye and looks at Xin Chengye with great joy.

"Ha ha, well, your father and son will be talking about the past later. There are still distinguished guests in the Lin family today." The reason why Lin Xiao said he had a distinguished guest is that he saw Qin muxue and Qiao linger.

Qiao ling'er had known Lin Xiao before, but Qin Mu Xue had never seen her. She just knew that Lin Huang had such a confidant. Now she finally met her.

"Huang'er, just come back. Come inside!" Lin Xiao quickly invites Lin Huang and others in.

In the assembly hall of the Lin family, Lin Huang and others are all here at this time. There are several people in the Xin family, including Xin Wuchen's younger brother Xin Mingming. The two brothers are talking about the past!

"Huang'er, why did you come back so soon this time?" Before Lin Xiao had time to ask Qin muxue and others, he quickly asked this question.

"Uncle, I'll talk about it later. Let me introduce it to you first. This is Qin muxue, the divine body of the Qin family. This is Qiao ling'er, the young master of Qizhen Pavilion. I don't have to say much about it! And this is Lin Xie, my brother as well! " Lin Huang mainly introduced the three of them.

The rest of the people, Lin Xiao and others, all know that they have been in contact with each other a few days ago, mainly because they don't know Qin muxue and Lin Xie.

"I've seen you all!" Qin muxue and Lin Xie immediately say hello to everyone.

"Ha ha! Good, good! Good! This is Qin muxue of the Qin family. I've heard your name for a long time. That's very good! " Lin Xiao laughs, because Lin Xiao can see that these women seem to have a palpitation for Lin Huang.

"Uncle, I'm flattered!" Qin muxue's face is slightly red. She has the feeling that her daughter-in-law sees her father-in-law.

"Lin Xie, you are Huang er's younger brother, the young master of my Lin family. From today on, everyone who sees Lin Xie's sword must call him young master. Do you remember?" Lin Xiao's words are mainly for his disciples.

"Yes! Hello, young master Many young disciples salute Lin Xie and Lin Jian.

"Everyone, please get up quickly. Since we are a family, we should not be so outspoken!" After all, Lin Jian wanted to be familiar with the Lin family, so he spoke first.

As for Lin Xie, he seemed to be dull again and stood beside Lin Huang with a simple and honest face.

"Well, huang'er, now can you tell us something about the East China Sea?" Lin Xiao is still concerned about the situation in the East China Sea.

"Uncle, I'll tell you what's going on over there~ When we got to the East China Sea, we met Youming. That guy hurt Tian'er. Fortunately, we met Wuhen, or Tian'er would be in danger! " Fang Ye is very excited and has come forward.

"My God? Who is heaven People are confused. How can there be another day?

"Er ER! I forgot to introduce you just now. This is Tian'er, the eldest disciple of my son's collection! My God, come here and meet my master Lin Huang calls Lin Tian over.

"Disciple Lin Tian has met all the teachers!" Lin Tian has a good attitude and salutes everyone.

"Good, good! I've been crossing the void since I was young. In time, I'll be a monster again Lin Xiao and others are very happy to see Lin Tian.

Lin Huang didn't tell Lin Xiao that Lin Tian was a divine talisman. After all, Lin Tian is still young now. Although his cultivation is OK, I'm afraid it's not enough in the next war!

"Later, the boss appeared and directly hurt Youming. The group of people were so angry that they didn't dare to fight with us! Next, "Fang ye said excitedly.

"Later, we all went to the fairy ladder. Fortunately, our achievements were barely enough, basically more than 250!" Fang Ye was also modest.

"What? Your lowest is more than 250 steps? This means that the future achievements of each of you will be unlimited! How wonderful After hearing this news, Lin Xiao three people are pleased to look at them.

"Later, on the top of the fairy mountain, that's what the two elders said." Fang Yejiang also said all the next things.

"You mean they won't interfere in the determination of these places? Isn't it necessary for us to fight ourselves in the end of time? " Lin Zheng understood Fang Ye's meaning.

"Hoo! In this way, it's going to be a big fight! They are really good Lin Xiao also breathed.

"Yes, they mean to choose the best from them and cultivate them!" Lin Huang finally spoke at this time.

"Huang Er, what do you think?" Lin Xiao asked Lin Huang what he thought of Lin Huang.

Even Xin Chengye and others are looking at Lin Huang, not to mention Lin Waner and others.

"We are still going to enter Penglai Pavilion, and it's time for us to go out and settle some grudges. This time we will come back, I'm afraid it will be very difficult for us to have a chance to come back in the future!" Lin Huang said bitterly.

"Yes, I don't know when I'll meet you next time, but huang'er, uncle, we support you. Go to heaven and find your father and mother. You can get together, too. We're in heaven, and you don't have to worry!" Lin Xiao's eyes were moist.

"Huang'er, you can just go. The land is too small to trap you dragons. Your stage is in heaven or even at a higher level!" Lin Zheng also spoke.

Thinking about Lin Huang, they are going to stay away from the end of the world. They have worries and hopes. After all, Lin Huang's cultivation is still very weak.

Although they seem to be very powerful in the end of the world, they will start from scratch, and they will be at the bottom of the world!

But they also know that Lin Yao has already gone to heaven. They are also worried about Lin Yao's safety, so they also want Lin Huang and others to find Lin Yao and reunite with his family!

"Well, we are at home now, and we have a month or two to leave! Uncle, someone should have come to make trouble these days! " Lin Huang can see that each of them is injured.

"Ah! Yes, on the second day after you left, there was a monk named duantianya, who led more than ten monks to tongtianjing and 20 monks to taixujing. He wanted to step down my Lin family. Thanks to your means, otherwise our Lin family would be in a bad situation this time! " Lin Xiao finished these things in one breath.

"It seems that they really can't help it. They have so many monks coming to the heaven?" Lin Huang is very curious about this.

Duantianya, even if they have some appeal, they don't have much. And now almost everyone in the end of the world knows that Shenjie's house hasn't started against Shadian yet!

"Yes, we just know that even the elder of Tianjian sect has come, and has broken through to the realm of heaven. But don't worry, several of them have been promoted by secret methods, and now they have been all killed by us!" Lin is adding.

"The elder of Tianjian sect also appeared? It seems that it's time to understand the grudge between them and me! Third uncle, they are promoted by secret method. So, they should have a lot of monks in the heaven Lin Huang drew inferences from one instance and soon thought of them.

"That's what we think. It's not only the Tianjian sect, but also the Youming palace. It's said that the Youming palace provides them with secrets. That is to say, compared with the Tianjian sect, the Youming palace has at least twice as many monks in the whole heaven!" Xin Chengye also worried.

"Well, no matter what, we have to end our grudges with them, otherwise we are really worried!" Lin Huang doesn't want to keep so many disasters.

While Lin Huang and others were still deliberating, wars had already taken place in many parts of the whole continent.

China is the most fierce, Youming palace even combined with Tianjian sect and Shadian to form a new force and began to seize the territory.

Moreover, wherever they went, they either took refuge or were slaughtered. All those who resisted were killed by them.

"Have you heard that the Alliance for breaking wasteland has come to the capital of God. Even the Crystal Palace is accepted by them. It's one of the five palaces. It's forced to be like this by the Alliance for breaking wasteland!"

"Yes, it's said that the main opponents of this alliance are Lin Huang and others, but the biggest obstacles in God are sanzong and Shenjie mansion, so it's very difficult for them to occupy China!"

"Shenjie's house doesn't know when to take action against them. If Shenjie's house is willing to come forward, it's estimated that they don't dare to jump out!"

"No, the wasteland breaking alliance has come. Our star moon city is about to be broken!"

The broken wasteland alliance is a new alliance composed of Youming palace, Crystal Palace, Tianjian sect and Shadian, among which the leading one is Youming palace.

In addition to Shenzhou, at the junction of Youzhou and Qinzhou, the battle between Youjia and Qinjia will also usher in a decisive battle. After the end of the trip to the East China Sea, the two forces will begin to prepare for a real decisive battle!

The most fierce collision broke out in all places except Jianzhou and Manzhou. An unprecedented war has begun!