Chapter 134

After solving this group of friars, the three of them began to adjust their breath again.

"Boss, we have killed four groups of monks. We just don't know how many monks have come to abyss town this time!" Fang ye asked at this time.

"Ha ha, with our counter killing this time, it's estimated that many monks will retreat after they know it! And we come into the abyss of death and want to go out. I'm afraid we need to find another way! " At this time, Lin Huang also fell into meditation.

After several days of anti killing, there were dozens of monks without 100 monks killed by Lin Huang. The most terrible time was that there were three monks in the secluded area. Finally, with the help of Xiao lovely, they killed those monks completely!

"Hey, boss, I feel that my strength has increased a lot. If I break through the metaphysical realm now, I'm afraid I will break through to the later stage." Fang ye also seems to be very dissatisfied with the said.

"You can break through to the late stage now. I'm dizzy. I just reached the late stage a few days ago. It seems that the road of xuanlingjing still needs a long time to go!" Lin Huang himself knows his own situation!

"Why don't we go inside and have a look! There may be some chance! " Fang ye said at this time.

"Good! But do you have the power to fight against death? " Lin Huang is very worried.

"Well, as long as it's not too strong a force of death, I can still resist it!" Fang Ye is a little embarrassed to say.

"I'm pretty much the same, but the internal power of death is not enough. It's too strong!" Li Mengyi is also unable to resist the internal force of death!

"That's a problem, let me see!"

"Boss, don't you have already arrived at the talisman of Samsung? You can try to condense the talisman seal. If you have the help of the talisman seal of life and death, they will reduce a lot of pressure and burden!" Xiaoling spoke at this time.

"Oh? Really? " Lin Huang's eyes brightened and his face looked excited!

"Boss, what's the matter? What's the gain?" Fang Ye looked at Lin Huang's eyes and asked excitedly.

"Hey, wait for me. I'll see if I can make some runes. Then there will be resistance of life and death runes. Won't that relieve your pressure?" Lin Huang said mysteriously.

"Oh? It would be better if there was a death mark! Hey, hey, the boss has a way! " Fang Ye stretched out his thumb and said.

"Xiaoling, what should I do next?" Lin Huang communicates with Xiaoling in his heart.

"If you want to make Fuyin, you must have a carrier, that is, a carrier that can bear Fuyin. You can see your fire Fuyin and water Fuyin. They use such materials as carriers!"

"With the carrier, the talisman can portray his own talisman power on it and seal it! Low order Rune seal is still relatively simple! " Xiaoling explained.

"So what carrier do I need to make the death seal? Do you have such materials? " Lin Huang asked.

"Yes, it's actually very simple. This is the abyss of death. There are many dead bones of monsters here. You just need to use their bones and draw on them! But it's better to use high-level monsters. In this way, the power of death seal will be greater! " Xiao Ling is still very careful to explain to Lin Huang.

Next, they searched for a long time before they found a monster in the virtual spirit. This monster was the one who came into the abyss of death before. Because it was very close to the core area, there were only a few monks who could walk here!

However, the demon Dan of this monster has already rotted under the erosion of the power of death!

"Ha ha, I finally found it. In this way, I can make death seal soon!" Lin Huang is very excited to put away the bones of this monster!

Next, Lin Huang sat on a rock, and some information about making death seal flashed through his mind!

After a long time, Lin Huang began to release the power of the death seal to the skeleton, and then seal it with the array!

At the beginning of many times, Lin Huang failed. After several days, Lin Huang finally succeeded in depicting the first death symbol!

Next is a day of continuous efforts, Lin Huang can make the rune seal has reached the level of Xuan!

It's a huge leap from the ordinary level to the mysterious level. Generally, only the four-star talisman can succeed, and Lin Huang can achieve it with the help of his huge soul power!

"Ha ha! With these death marks, I believe it can bring you a lot of convenience, which can be used to attack and resist the power of death here! " Lin Huang made many Fuyin, and then gave them to Fang ye and his wife!

As the death abyss is filled with the power of death everywhere, the vegetation here is also stained with a breath of death!

Most of the vegetation here tends to be feminine, and only such creatures can survive in the abyss of death!

"Ha ha, boss, with these runes, the pressure is really reduced. Now I feel that if I meet a monk in tongyoujing in this area, I won't be forced to be so miserable!" Fang Ye tried the effect of death seal at this time, which is very good!

"Ha ha, that's good. Be careful. It's close to the real core area. No one knows what's inside the abyss of death, so be careful!" Lin Huang warned at this time.

At this time, there was a huge Rune border in front of them. At the other end of the border, there was a more powerful force of death, as if there were no living creatures in it!

"The power of death is so strong. It's really terrible. No wonder it's called the cemetery of the virtual spirit realm!" Feeling the amazing power of death from the inside, the three of them were shocked!

"Fortunately, there's the seal of the boss's death, otherwise, I dare not come here!" Although fangye is powerful, it is not omnipotent. Since it is called the graveyard of the virtual divine realm, there must be its truth!

"Let's go in and have a look. If we really can't, we'll come out and see if we can find a place to break through. I feel that if I suppress cultivation again, I can really break through to the top!" Lin Huang also attaches great importance to his cultivation!

"I hope, but I still need to fight. Only through constant fighting can I break through quickly! I feel like I'm just about to break through! " Fang Ye is really amazing!

"Ha ha, let's go!"

The forest wasteland opened a gap, and all three of them entered the interior of the abyss of death. This is the real inner core area, which can't be compared with the outer one!

"Boss, the terrain here should be lower and lower. I don't know how deep the abyss of death is?" Fang ye can see that after coming to the internal area, the power of death in the air is more strong!

"It doesn't seem to be so calm here. I feel something moving in front of me. Is there any life in the core area of the death abyss?" Lin Huang and several of them came forward quickly. They didn't dare to move on just now. They only moved in the most marginal area!

If there is any danger, you can escape to the surrounding area immediately, and you won't get lost!

The abyss of death is so huge that no one knows how deep the abyss of death is, because none of those masters who enter the core area come out!

"Jie Jie!" A harsh voice came, only to see not far away from them, a blood red eyes staring at the three!

"What is this? Oh, my God, these eyes are terrible Staring at by this unknown monster, Lin Huang felt cold hands and feet!

"Jie Jie, delicious, come on, Jie Jie" the blood red eyes four times very fast, almost in the blink of an eye has arrived in front of them!

When they really see clearly, they feel a burst of fear!

This monster has a pair of blood red eyes and a huge mouth, but it has no entity, but it seems that the spirit of this monster is also condensing into entity!

"Death evil spirit? I didn't expect that there were still death spirits in it! " Xiaoling said at this time, but listen to Xiaoling's tone seems to be very surprised!

"What is the evil spirit of death?" Barren forest a little afraid of looking at the eyes of the only death evil spirit!

The evil spirits of death did not attack immediately, but revolved around the forest wasteland. Sometimes they made a strange but penetrating cry!

"The evil spirit of death is a kind of evil wisdom born from the body of some friars above the virtual God after their death for countless years. This wisdom constantly devours other wisdom and grows slowly. Then their spirit body will be even bigger! The more powerful they are, the more substantial the spirit will be! " Xiao Ling explains to Lin Huang.

"What kind of strength does this dead evil spirit have in front of us?" Lin Huang stares at the dead evil spirit.

"The summit of Tongyou! This kind of death evil spirit is very difficult to deal with, and material attack has no effect, because they have no entity, so the only way to hurt them is to use the power of the soul! There are too few monks with strong soul power in the world, so some death spirits can grow up to the level of those great powers! " Xiaoling said a lot at one go!

"Hiss! It's horrible! The birth of death evil spirit is so strange For the first time, the soul heard of the evil spirit of death!

"We have to pay attention to this. It's a death evil spirit. It's a trace of wisdom born after the death of many powerful people. Later, it slowly engulfed other wisdom before it grew to the present level!" The soul explained to them.

"No! Is there such a strange thing in the world? " Fang Ye was shocked.

"And this dead evil spirit has the lowest strength and is at the peak of Tongyou!" Lin Huang is also a little bitter said.