Episode 182: Aki's battle (Third Party Perspective)

"Oh, did everyone come?"

When Sakura Takaaki, the only male friend of Fuhito, reaches the F-rank dungeon, all of Takaaki's other party members are also present. Another party is waiting just like them. Of course, everyone is armed, and even Takaaki is already armed with the Exchange Ring he received from Fuhito.

"Ah, I was pushed by my Senpai."

"Yes, yes."

"I was asleep."

"It's ruining my vacation."

"I'm tired from leveling up too much."

Since everyone was enjoying the holidays, the atmosphere is one of dissatisfaction.

"What's the status of the stampede?"

"Right now, the Senpais who had a day off today are holding them near the entrance. They're dealing with the monsters that escaped from there."

"Got it."

When Takaaki checks the current situation while looking at who is fighting in front, one of his party members answers.

As far as dungeon related people, it is just the explorer students who happened to be returning today, and the people who were originally monitoring the dungeon, besides that, there are about a few dozen people with explorer aptitude who are involved in the training of explorers staying in the school.

Most of them are in a state of being forced to hold down the F-rank and E-rank dungeons. The dungeon officials who were orginally in the F-rank dungeon went to support the capture of the E-rank dungeon, and there were only underage senior explorers here.

"However, the monsters that appear are D-rank, so you have to be careful."

"Eh!? Are you serious."

That's because the monsters overflowing from this F-rank dungeon are D-rank monsters, and the monsters overflowing from the E-rank dungeon are C-rank monsters.

A D-rank monster can be dealt with by a second-year or third-year student. So they are handling the F-rank dungeon, while the other people went to handle the D-rank dungeon.

Of course, they have contacted the Emergency Response Department, the Union, and explorers who graduated from this Academy, but it would still take some time before they arrive. Until then, it is necessary to suppress it with the people here.

Takaaki, who was thinking that they would be annihilated while resting on a shift system, is astonished by the truth told by his companions.

"Ahh, it seems that a 'Dungeon Rebirth' is probably happening."

"We have to brace ourselves for that."

Speaking of D-rank monsters, they are monsters of a level that an explorer who has become a full-fledged person can finally defeat alone. It is the area that this Academy aims to reach at the very least.

Takaaki and the others have only been in school for less than two months. To be honest, it is difficult for them to deal with E-rank monsters by themselves, but due to the recent repeated leveling up, they are able to deal with D-rank monsters as a party unit.

However, when it comes to D-rank monsters, they can't let their guards down at all, so Takaaki clenches his fists and braces himself.

"Don't worry about it too much from now on. Right now, the Senpais are keeping it under control, so there's no problem. Even if a few leak out. Besides, there's another party besides us. If there's two parties, we can suppress it for several tens of minutes."

"R, right. That's right."

Seeing Takaaki nervous after grasping the situation, one of his party members calms him down.

"They're coming over here!!"

"You guys be careful!!"

After Takaaki calms down, the monsters come to Takaaki and his friends.

"Well, let's do it together!!"

"It has to be like that!!"

The members answer with a smile to Takaaki, who has regained his usual condition.

"Hahahahaa. Somehow or another. Then, let's go."


Following Takaaki's command, they form a formation and rush to the source of the leaked monsters.


A beast type monster comes in front of Takaaki and his friends. It looks like a buffal and is as tall as Takaaki and the others.

As soon as the monster notices Takaaki and the others, it rushes towards them.

"Stop its blow!!"

"Leave it to me!!"

The member with the role of a tank comes forward and blocks the monster's charge with a large shield as tall as he is.



Due to the excessive power, the tank leaks out an anguished expression, but somehow he manages to hold back the monster without being knocked away.

As expected of the monster, the full-force rush is received from the front, causing a slight concussion and making him stagger backwards.

"Attack power increase!! Defense power increase!!"

"Let's go!!"


Without overlooking the opportunity, a magician who specializes in magic that raises and lowers abilities casts support magic on all party members. After confirming that, Takaaki and the other members of his team jump out from next to the tank and surround the Buffalo.(TN:Shouldn't you buff tank's defense BEFORE he blocks? >.<)




Each of them attacks, adn Takaaki also attacks with his weapon, a halberd, which is a combination of a battleaxe and a spear.




Their increased attack power easily cuts through the hard-skinned buffalo flesh.


Undaunted by the attack, the monster roars and shakes its head.

"Everyone back away!! Fireball!!"

In addition, an attack-type mage party member shoots out a basketball-sized flame bullet from the tip of his staff that is longer than his height. The members who see it jump backwards away from the monster.


The magic is powerful compared to its size, and as soon as it hits the monster's head, a roaring sound resounds like a bomb exploding.

Smoke billows up, and the monster can't be seen except for its feet, but it doesn't show any sign of movement.

"How is it?"

"I don't know. Let's attack a little."


When the members check with Takaaki, Takaaki shakes his head and then attacks it.

"~~ !?"

Slowly approaching, the moment he is about to attack, the monster appears from under the smoke. The head was exploded, and it shows a tragic figure, and it gradually tilts and disappears at the same time as it falls to the ground, and the magic stone rolls on the ground.

"Phew. Looks like it was fine."


The members are happy that they are able to turn it into a magic stone without any problems. However, it's an opponent where they have to do their best. They can't relax.

"Hey, are you okay!!"

After that, they hear a voice behind them while cleaning up the leaked monsters for a while. When they turn around after dealing with the monster, it seems that the explorers who had been contacted have come.

"We're saved ..."

"Oh, yeah ..."

"Tired ..."

"I want to sleep ..."

"I want to play games ..."

"I want to watch anime ..."

When they see those figures, they all exhale a sigh of relief.