Episode 007 First Drop

The pebble is purple and gives off a distinctly different color than the ordinary stones that have fallen around it.

"Is this a magic stone ..."

The reason why I understand it is, of course, that I have searched in advance on the internet.

When a monster is defeated, it becomes particles of light and disappears without leaving a corpse. At the same time, a specific object - called an item - is dropped. It's a so-called drop phenomenon, it seems that magic stones will always drop, but if you're lucky, it will also drop items unique to that monster.

This was my first drop, but I didn't seem to have any luck.

Magic stones, in the past it was only known that they contained an unknown energy, but now they are used as energy resources all over the world. Demand is high because it can generate electric power very cleanly, and the Union will buy it no matter how many you bring back.

Of course, the value of such a small thing is insignificant.

The larger the magic stone, the more energy it contains, and the difference in the amount of energy between the magic stone dropped from the F-rank monster and the magic stone dropped from the E-rank monster is ten times as much.

Needless to say, the difference in energy is the difference in value and is reflected in the price.

Of course, magic stones are valuable, but many rare items that are dropped other than magic stones are more valuable than magic stones.

For example, a boar-type monster called a 'Hard Boar' drops meat called Boar Meat, and you can sell that meat for about 500 yen per 100 grams. It seems that one to three kilograms of meat is dropped at a time, so three kilograms goes for 15,000 yen. On the other hand, the 'Hard Boar' is an E-rank monster and its magic stone is about 100 yen.

The difference in value is 150 times. I think it's a rare drop.

However, the meat I mentioned in the example is a drop with a rather small difference. When it comes to precious ores, gems, weapons, armor, and recovery items, the price jumps even further, and even now, its value continues to rise and there is no upper limit.

In particular, medicines that cure all illnesses can be sold at a price that makes you very rich in an instant. It can be said that it is a valuable item that many people would kill for. Once you get such a thing, a new and unbacked explorer like me would sell it to the Union immediately, or stay quiet until you have the power, tactics, and backing to repel any human approaching. You have no choice but to keep it hidden.

Considering the rist of getting caught, I think it's a good idea to sell it immediately.

There are so many valuable items in rare drops.

There are even some explorers who have risen to a certain degree, but even those who defeat a lot of monsters with a slightly lower rank and aim for rare drops. Because of that, it seems that conflicts between the appropriate rank and the higher ranks often occur.

In such a case, it seems that an investigator who reports directly to the union will mediate.

Money is directly linked to life, so I understand the desire to make more profits. But I don't think I'll make any money by having trouble with other explorers.

By the way, all the explorers who report directly to the Union are B-rank or higher, and they are made up of fairly strong people, so there are few people who oppose them. Speaking of B-rank, it is an area that can be said to be outside the realm of humanity, and they have the power to jump tens of meters and destroy buildings.

I think it's stupid to go against such people, and it's a battle madness with the screw in their head blown away.

"Well ... I'll defeat Gummics until the level goes up!!"

I was depressed for a while, but after standing up, picking up the magic stone and putting it in a drawstring bag, I resumed my search to defeat more Gummics.