Chapter 71

Name:Amelia the Level Zero Hero Author:
Chapter 71

Chapter 71

Three figures eyed me from across the dining table. I sat there, arms-crossed as their gazes bore into me. I glanced to the side, glaring at a purple-skinned man waiting with a chicken in his four arms. He gave me an apologetic smile, and I rolled my eyes. I turned back to Nolan, Nicole, and Garron.

“You’re... an otherworlder?” Nolan asked with round eyes.

“I am,” I said simply. There was no point lying about it now.

The [Farmer] shook his head and gestured at Xakor. “So you’re from another world, just like him.”


“Like the [Hero King].”

“Yeah,” I repeated myself.

“I...” Nolan trailed off.

But Nicole nudged her husband, whispering. “What about Zil?”

“Right.” He nodded as he rubbed his chin. “Like the [Mystic Cr—”

“Yeah,” I cut him off casually. “I am from another world. I am not a native of Vacuos.”

“And where are you from?” Nicole asked, leaning forward.

“Earth,” I said with a shrug.

“That’s—” She opened her mouth. Then she caught herself. She tapped a finger on her chin in thought. “I’ll be honest, I don’t even know why I asked that question. I have never heard of it before.”

“Of course not,” I snorted. I leant back in my chair with an expectant look. “Anyways, is that all?”

Nolan furrowed his brows. Nicole pursed her lips. They exchanged a glance, and it was evident that they couple still had plenty more to ask. But before they could speak, the third figure sighed.

“This makes a lot of sense...” Garron rubbed his temples. “The food— the clothes— it was all so obvious, I can’t believe I didn’t even realize it before!”

“None of us did,” Nolan muttered. “I just thought she was an eccentric S-rank adventurer...”

Nicole shook her head. “I knew Amelia wasn’t an S-rank adventurer. But to think there’s a fourth otherworlder...?”

“Wait,” Garron said with a frown. “I knew that too, but how did you know that?”

“Through a Skill.” Nicole shrugged.

“Was I the only one who was left completely in the dark?” Nolan said as he glanced around the room. His gaze slowly landed on the blonde girl waiting to the side. His daughter scratched her cheek.

“Well, I knew about everything all along.” Noele spoke as she scratched the back of her head. “Amelia told me that she was an otherworlder during our very first meeting.”

Garron and her parents stared at her. She shifted uncomfortably— their overbearing gazes made her look away. I just scoffed at her.

“It wasn’t our first meeting,” I said, waving a hand dismissively. “And I only told you I was from another world because you kept pestering me to train you.”

Noele nodded slowly. “That is true— but I still found out about it first.” She grinned.

“That’s not something to be proud of. I’m pretty loose-lipped, honestly.” I sat up and looked back towards Xakor. “Although... it seems the other otherworlders out there are even worse at keeping secrets.”

The ragnarian bowed his head at me. “Xrr... I do apologize again, Amelia. I never could keep my status a secret myself, and I did not consider your own personal circumstances.” He gestured at his skin, then at his four arms, before raising his head.

I sighed. “It’s whatever. What’s done is done. I’d still prefer to keep it discreet, but I don’t mind that they know about it now.”

I looked back towards Nolan, Nicole, and Garron. They nodded between each other. They looked like they still had questions, and I let them interrogate me for a few more minutes.

“How did you even end up here in Vacuos?” Nicole asked, frowning.

“Oh, but I don’t really need anything...” I murmured.

Xakor peered at me curiously, but Noele was the one to speak up. She sidled up next to me, holding my gaze.

“Xakor the Patron of the Culinary Sciences is offering you his help, Amelia!” the blonde girl exclaimed. “You can’t just turn him down!”

“Why not?” I tilted my head back at her.

“Because it’s a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!” she sputtered. Biting her lower lip, she glanced at Xakor before whispering. “Look— it would just be rude to say no. If you can’t think of anything, you can always just ask for money. That’s fine, right?”

I stared at Noele. She blinked at me, and I slowly shook my head.

“I don’t need money,” I said simply.

The blonde girl paused. “What?” She tried to work her jaw. “But that’s— you're...”

I gave her a blunt look, and she steeled herself. Noele took a step back and pointed accusingly at me.

“Who are you? What have you done to Amelia?”

I snorted. “I already have enough gold to retire. I’m not interested in hoarding all the riches in the world like some lazy Elder Dragon.”

“But—” Noele protested.

But I spoke over her. “I was only interested in making money because I thought it would give me a purpose— that it would make me feel fulfilled. But it does nothing for me.”

I closed my eyes, remembering how I’d get a brief hit of dopamine whenever I got paid. But nothing else. I still felt empty inside.

“So I’m not interested in getting rich,” I continued. “And if Xakor really wants to help me out...”

I glanced towards the ragnarian. He waited patiently as I conversed with the blonde girl. I thought about what I wanted. And I opened my mouth.

“He can help me—” I started.

And the front door barged open. My gaze snapped to the side, and Noele reached for her sword.

“What’s going on?”

A figure stumbled into the house, clutching at his bleeding arm. “Help! Someone help!” he yelled.

Noele, Garron, and I rushed to meet this figure as he collapsed at the front door. He was badly hurt— like he had rammed straight into a boulder. He wheezed as Noele knelt at his side.

“Are you alright? What happened?” she asked, before glancing back at Garron. “We need a healing potion!”

“Right—” He reached into his Bag of Holding as Nicole, Xakor, and Bucky rushed out of the kitchen. Nolan was a step behind, and he recognized the stranger.

“Jerome? Is that you?” Nolan said.

And Jerome just raised his head, staring up with wide eyes. “Please, we need your help! Wolfwater— it’s under attack!” he exclaimed.

My brows snapped together, and Noele’s eyes grew wide.

“What...?” she said. “But by who?”

“N-not who...” Jerome mustered up. “But what.”


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