Chapter 140 Fat Lips

Name:Alpha's Cruel Addiction Author:

140 Fat Lips

When picking between life and death, Ophelia chose the easiest route. She could stay with Killorn and risk his legacy, his people, and his home. She could go with the Overlords for a swift death. Or, she could go with Everest and live, but at what cost?

"Let me freshen up for dinner," Ophelia bidded Killorn whose grip barely loosened on her fingertips. He paused by the doorway with a slight frown, his dubious gaze flickering to Janette and then, his beautiful wife.

"But you look ravishing," Killorn deadpanned. "As beautiful as always."

"T-to you," Ophelia mused, slipping into their bedroom, accompanied closely by Janette. "To everyone," Killorn corrected, closing the door behind him and cutting the conversation. He had business to attend, no doubts, Everest.

"I was unable to locate Nyx, my lady," Janette muttered in disappointment. "I've tried to find him all morning and night, but he is nowhere to be seen."

"H-he was quite frightened by our unexpected guest," Ophelia worriedly said whilst letting out a sigh of disappointment just as Janette approached her. "It's alright, Janette, I-I'll just put on some rouge and lipstick. Please, if you could, can you try finding Nyx again?"

Janette dutifully nodded her head and exited the room without protest, understanding the lady had grown quite close with the creature.

Ophelia's fingers trembled, as she did what she promised to Janette. Then, she quickly departed the bedroom. She reached the library and quickly uncapped the ink bottle to write out a message. She could feel her heart pounding in her ears and the rush of blood pumping in her veins. She was so nervous, her vision grew shaky when she finished the message. She had never done this before—sneaking around behind her husband's back, but it must be done.

Killorn was too stubborn. Ophelia was too determined.

"I-I'm sorry," Ophelia offered her silent apology in the emptiness of the library before folding the ripped parchment into as tiny of a piece as possible. She tucked it into her palms before clasping it in front of her stomach.

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The closer Ophelia got to the dining room, the more terrified she became. Every small noise made her jump, worried that her plan was evident to everyone. On the other end of the hallways was where the soldiers and Mavez men often had their meal. Their amusement and joy rang throughout the hallways, bouncing off the walls. Killorn never liked her inside of the public dining spot, deeming it too chaotic for her delicate figure.

Even so, Ophelia walked closer, and pressed her ears upon the doors. She could hear Killorn and his men.

"You're not eating with us, Alpha?" Someone called out.

"With what food left on the table after you wolfed it down?" came a humored response. Killorn. She could recognize her husband's powerful voice anywhere.

Laughter quickly broke out at Killorn's comments, as the tables shook with what seemed like the slam of beers before being dunked.

Ophelia quickly pulled herself away before she could be caught eavesdropping. Obeying Killorn for the last time tonight, Ophelia exhaled and went to the private dining room for the masters and guests of her house. When she entered the silent and still dining hall, she felt every hair on the back of her neck stand.

Lupinum was just taking a seat, his eyes following her every move. He smirked in acknowledgment as if he saw right through her. But that would be impossible. She shakingly touched her hair, glancing around for Maribelle.

"Right here!" Maribelle greeted, waving her hand, but seated directly in front of her was Everest on the long rectangular table.

"Yes, my sweet wife?" Killorn inquired, returning his attention to her tiny body seated upon their bed. She stared down at her palms for a split second. She was stunning. An ethereal beauty amidst the soft flicker of the fireplace, casting lonely shadows on her breathless features.

"I-I'll tell you later," Ophelia decided, lifting her head and smiling warmly upon him.

Killorn's chest tightened, his heart stopping momentarily. If she'd let him, he'd worship her with more devotion than a man on his knees before a holy temple. She was everything he wanted and needed in this world. Just her alone. He closed the distance between them and took her face in between his palms. Her breath hitched as he bent and pressed a chaste kiss on her forehead.

"You're so beautiful, Ophelia," Killorn whispered as if it pained him to say it. His quiet confession sent her eyes glistening and her lips trembling. She slipped her fingers around his scarred and cut knuckles, exhaling softly.

Ophelia leaned up and captured his mouth, catching him by surprise. He responded softly, slowly, cherishing every moment with her. She rarely initiated, but whenever she did, his heart threatened to burst out of her chest. He touched her with great care to not harm her. He was soft and hard, resembling a steel sword wrapped in silk. He ran his hand through her hair gingerly, tipping her head back.

The doors closed behind them softly.

Ophelia quickly pulled apart from him, face flushed red upon realizing the servants had left. She touched her lips, still tingly and warm. "L-let's bathe, Killorn."

"I love you most, Ophelia," Killorn whispered, as if it was a secret that everyone knew, but them. He snaked his arms around her body, pecking her fondly on the lips before uttering words that'd fill her chest completely.


"Always and forever, Ophelia." Killorn released a soft chuckle, offering her a hand that she quickly took. "Let me help you," he said, taking her into the bathing room and undressing her. Bit by bit, like she was a Christmas present he was afraid of ruining if he tore too harshly. Killorn settled into the piping-hot bathtub first, the water spilling over the edges. He chuckled at her averted gaze. They'd been married for this long, and she was still shy. Ophelia caught him off-guard as she abruptly embraced him in the bathtub. Her naked skin pressed against his heated ones. "Well, this is a lovely surprise," Killorn murmured, sliding his hand down her back, tracing the stiffness of her spine. Eventually, she melted against him, her arms tight around his neck as she rested against him.

"I-I just want to be held like this tonight," Ophelia said, her lips brushing against his neck. His grip tightened. Despite the roughness of his muscles wrapped around him like tree trunks, his embrace was always soft. He let out a soft chuckle, kissing the top of her head. She closed her eyes, savoring his lowered guard and vulnerability.

"Anything you wish, Ophelia." Killorn curled his fingers around the ends of her dripping wet hair. He swiveled strands between his fingertips, almost mesmerized by the silvery strands that nearly blended into the water. "Killorn...?"

"Yes, my sweet?"

"I love you."

For a split second, the world stopped. The snow outside soothed into nothingness. The noise downstairs silenced. The room almost lit up, and the water ceased to exist between their barely joined bodies.

"You mean it?" Killorn asked, his voice low and shaky.

"Of course."

Killorn grinned, pulling back to peer upon her reddened cheeks. She stared up at him hesitatingly as he let out a soft laughter. Instantly, he peppered her face with kisses that sent her giggling and squirming his grip. He kissed her forehead, her eyelids, her cheeks, her nose, her chin, and everywhere she'd let him.

"T-that tickles!" Ophelia gasped out, pushing against his face, despite her ear-to-ear smile. She peered upon her majestic husband, with his dark hair, and golden pupils that reminded her of the sun.

"I love you most, Ophelia," Killorn whispered, as if it was a secret that everyone knew, but them. He snaked his arms around her body, pecking her fondly on the lips before uttering words that'd fill her chest completely.

"Always and forever, Ophelia."