Chapter 132 A Prisoner

Name:Alpha's Cruel Addiction Author:
Chapter 132 A Prisoner

Updated from novelb(i)n.c(o)m

Ophelia had always questioned how this could impact humanity and all of the supernatural races. Was the world worth saving? Were the people that scorned and took advantage of her worth keeping alive? When Ophelia visited the makeshift hospital, she knew they were worth the risk. All these people did their best to protect her. To protect this pack. The people who welcomed her into their homes with open arms, though hesitant, were still warm and sincere. Ophelia gathered her skirts, nervously searching the castle for Killorn. She was worried about his reaction to their newfound information. He would never agree with her decision. He'd never tolerate anything that'd put her in harm's way. He was a reasonable man in war, but when it came to her? He saw no logic.

"Maribelle!" Ophelia perked up at the familiar sight of the tall and proud woman.

Maribelle turned, finishing her conversation with one of the packmen. She rushed over with a bright grin on her face. "Do you smell what's for dinner? I bet it's my favorite stew! You must eat beside me today, I can show you how to best eat it."

Ophelia laughed at Maribelle's excitement. Out of all the things to talk about, food was her priority. Something about Maribelle always seemed to cheer Ophelia up. Maribelle linked their arms together, taking them straight to the dining hall.

"W-where is Killorn?" Ophelia asked, unable to see him all day. "In a meeting," Maribelle huffed. "I saw the royal family's raven flying towards his window. I bet there's urgent news."

Ophelia stopped. She could hear loud chatter and laughter creep from the dining hall doors. People were beginning to get their supper, but her husband was still preoccupied. That was fine, for he always made sure his people were fed before he was. But that wasn't the most startling news. The royal family was communicating with Killorn?

"I know that look," Maribelle mused. "I was just going to suggest the perfect plan!"

Ophelia nervously smiled. "W-was it that obvious?"

Maribelle snorted. "Great minds think alike. So, let's go!"

"G-go where?" Ophelia feigned ignorance.

Maribelle snickered, revealing a large, mischievous smile that reached her shimmering eyes. Under the flicker of the lanterns and torches, she appeared even more wicked. "To eavesdrop on the conversation, of course!" she whispered, whisking the two of them upstairs.

Ophelia was burdened with their actions, but excited by the idea of a secret between them. She didn't have a lot of friends growing up. The idea of inside jokes and secrets fluttered through her chest. Her steps grew light, her heart skipping the closer they got to his study. She felt like the heroine in her favorite books, daring and adventurous.

"Uhm, I'm right here, you know."


Ophelia tensed, wondering how he was able to come here. What was happening? She didn't even know he was present. "It's not my choice," Everest sighed, his presence proud as usual, but with a hint of defeat and irritation. "The King will issue that degree soon. And he will order a hunt to get back his possession."

"And I'll behead anyone that sets foot on Mavez lands," Killorn wagered. "Take your pick. I do not care."

"You still don't understand!" Everest growled, throwing his hands up. "Your display at the empire has sparked a civil war! Murdering your own and then ripping the heads off of vampire lords, how have you not realized what you've done?"

Ophelia gulped.

"And not to mention Ophelia!" Everest shouted, losing his patience. "A mere human girl killing vampires and werewolves? Do you know what people are calling? There are protests inside the capitol! They're demanding her death. Many households have come together to put an astronomical bounty on her head. It won't be long before they come knocking at your doors. And trust me, no one in this entire Dukedom will be able to protect her more than the royal family can."

Silence engulfed the entire hallway and room.

Everest was nowhere near done. "Word has already traveled far and wide about Ophelia's magic. Many are preparing to attack your castle. They won't give her a merciful death. And if it is not death they grant her, then it is torture. Foreign delegates arrived at the castle doors this morning. Ophelia will either be kidnapped, tortured, drained, or murdered."

Killorn laughed. The cruelest of sounds. Devoid of life and warmth. Twisted was his expression, haunted was his gaze. He bore the expression of a man ready to take on the world for a single woman. Ready to slay and slaughter anyone who'd cross his path.

"There is only one way to end this madness," Everest reasoned. "Hand her to us. We will plead on her behalf. We will tell the people that the royal family can control her. She will never run amok again, she—"

"She will be a prisoner within your walls," Killorn finished.

"She will be safe," Everest corrected. "And she should be consulted in this matter." Ophelia threw the doors open, revealing her furious expression. How dare they decide her fate for her?