Chapter 115 You Take Me So Well

Name:Alpha's Cruel Addiction Author:
Chapter 115 You Take Me So Well

[Warning: The following contains mature content.]

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Ophelia burned all the way to her chest. She couldn't even look at him. Embarrassment shrouded her, even when a knock came at the door. She glued her eyes to the floor in the hopes of hiding her reddened ears. He met Cora with a slight grin as multiple maids carried in a wooden bathtub and buckets of hot water into the room.

Ophelia could feel their curious glances, and she kept her head down, amidst Killorn's smooth chuckle. Music to her ears. Her stomach fluttered when the doors shut. She squeezed her eyes shut when Killorn's clothes hit the floor. "Don't make me come and undress you like a child, Ophelia."

Ophelia nervously approached the bathtub. Killorn had already sunk into the heated water. Flower petals floated to the surface, the image making her giggle. His brute body and powerful thighs folded were a sharp contrast to the white and red roses. "What's so funny?" Killorn revealed a lopsided smile. The fireplace flickered, stroking his honey-kissed skin. He was a vision to behold, of pure testosterone and power. His body appeared to be sculpted from marble, with broad shoulders, and rippling muscles.

"N-nothing." Ophelia turned and lowered herself enough for him to undo the ribbons on her spine. She shivered against his dripping wet touch. Soon, her clothes rested on the floor, just near his. Back turned to her husband, she stepped into the water. Her entire body reacted against the unexpected relaxation. Ophelia groaned in pleasure, dropping her head back, just as an arm dug into her waist. Her heart jumped to her throat when she made eye contacteye-contact with him. Fire burned within his dark pupils, as his hand lowered. N♡vεlB¡n: Where Every Word Sparks Wonder.

"Gods, you're gorgeous," Killorn cursed, landing an open-mouth kiss on her throat. Her hips writhed as his member sprang into action on her lower body. He couldn't help himself, the tip twitching with need.

"W-what about bath—ah!" Killorn slid a finger inside. Instantly, he was met with a greater heat than the water. Then, he pushed another, and soon, three were upon her greedy entrance. She clenched and unclenched, tightly gripping the edge of the bathtub. He stretched her briefly before sliding in and out. Slowly. Teasing. Coaxing. "Killorn..." Ophelia bit her bottom lip, her eyes shutting automatically. She could feel herself drowning against his feverish fingers. He pumped, his middle finger pressing against a spot. "N-no!"

Ophelia's entire spine arched as he continued probing the pleasure point. Her thighs clamped together in protest, but he never listened. The thick, unexpected intrusion sent her crying out again, her voice bouncing in the large room. Breath clogged in her throat, she couldn't think. "You like that, my sweet?" Killorn demanded, his mouth pressed to her ear. Unable to respond, she moaned, clenching tight around his fingers.

"You want more, don't you?" Killorn quickened, just as an entire shudder threatened to take over her. Her toes curled, legs widening, begging for more. Blinding pleasure rose from within Ophelia, as he continued to rub her inner walls, in the exact spot that had her convulsing. Water sloshed out of the bathtub as she leaned forward, but palmed her breasts, pulling and keeping her in place. His thumb roughly rubbed against her nipple, sending her flinching and mind blank.

"Please," Ophelia begged, a wild thrill filling her. He stroked her again, and again. She was so close to her release, sucking and sharply exhaling air. "Please, Killorn."

Ophelia found herself grinding against his calloused hand, taking what she wanted from him. Abruptly, she saw stars, her release slamming through her core. She came apart with a sob, her insides spasming around him. Red spread across her pale breasts, her hair sticking to her body. She gasped and blinked rapidly, not expecting her own reaction. How long had it last been? Her skin hummed with pleasure.

Killorn released an ungodly amount of curses. She was practically milking him for everything he got, her garden tight around him. "It feels so good," Ophelia slipped, and he released a low, guttal noise. Killorn was in control. Almost always. He held the reins of her release, and soon, she was a writhing mess again. "Oh my goodness," Ophelia gasped out, fire in her blood, as his hands rubbed her in circles. She couldn't stop herself. "K-Killorn!" she cried out, head thrown back, hips arching, and climaxing for the second time. Ophelia only felt a second of relief, before being slammed with pleasure. Killorn didn't stop. She sobbed in protest, for the sensation was extremely overwhelming. She was drowning in pleasure. She desperately tried to detach from him, but he refused.

"Be good for me, my sweet wife," Killorn commanded, his wet hair tickling her neck.

"B-but—" Ophelia couldn't finish her sentence as his body buckled briefly. He was close as well. She was going to lose her sanity at this point. Her thighs were already burning, and he was leaving behind marks at this point.

Killorn pumped into her, thrusting deep and furious. Ophelia was completely bewitched as she quivered all over. Not again. Her entrance contracted repeatedly, as an outburst of desire seized her again. She gasped, just as Killorn railed into her for the final time.

"F*ck, Ophelia!" Killron roared, the sound bouncing in the steamy bedroom.

The water turned cloudy as heat shot straight into her. Ophelia closed her eyes tightly, his hip jerking against hers. She panted, each exhale seemingly in pain. He continued three more times before their breath mingled.

"You were amazing," Killorn coaxed, pressing a tender kiss to the tip of her head. Ophelia thought he'd relax and loosen his grip. But instead, his limbs dug into hers, even when she went limp with exhaustion. She felt like the energy was drained from her, and when her legs gave out, a reluctant sound left her mouth. She had just sunk deeper against him. The tip twitched. She froze.

Ophelia knew the slightest of movements would tempt him. She was a prey pinned by a predator's gaze. Killorn ran his mouth against her neck in a slow, greedy path. His hands began to explore her body again, finding places to squeeze and mark as his. "Was I too rough?" Killorn already knew the answer, his caress gouging her unsteady state. It was his fault for not touching her for so long. The truth gnawed at his chest—even if he took her dawn and dusk, every single day, it still wouldn't be enough. He wanted more.

Killorn turned her around and hungrily kissed her. She melted against him, from lack of strength. He tugged at the ends of her hair, causing her to flinch, before he massaged her scalp. "W-when are you ever gentle?" Ophelia pouted, and that only scratched his itch.

Killorn grinned. "Yet, you take me so well anyway. What a good little wife you are."

Ophelia's heart skipped. The words should've felt shameful, but only sent her giddy. She leaned closer. His eyes flashed with warning, but she simply kissed him again. From inside of her, she felt him growing and waking back up. "Just one more round," Ophelia whispered.

"One more round," Killorn agreed, grabbing a hold of her hips.

And they both knew that was a lie.