Chapter 102 To Share Her

Name:Alpha's Cruel Addiction Author:
Chapter 102 To Share Her

Ophelia stood outside for the longest time until her skin became ice, and her bones frozen solid. She wanted to gather her thoughts, but it was impossible. Her cheeks were still burning from the confrontation and her heart was rapid. Eventually, she forced herself inside, only to hear the mocking laughter.

"Did you hear? The Alpha of the strongest pack in the nation has a stammering Luna."

"Yes, I saw it too! How embarrassing. I hear from my husband that Alpha Mavez is possessive of his wife, even in court meetings! They say she's the Direct Descendent, but he refuses to share her!"

"How audacious, especially considering what she made him do. I mean, just thinking about those pitiful maids crawling on the scorching hot pavement gives me goosebumps."

Ophelia's ears began to ring. Their words floated around her, shrouding her in a cloud of panic and anxiety. "Shh, isn't that her? Oh my, you think she heard us?"

Mocking snickers filled the air when Ophelia met their gaze, but all she was was evil and the face of the devil. She was frightened and tried turning the corner, but now heard men begin to speak of her.

"If my wife walked in here, clinging onto me, but wearing some other man's gift, I'd have her beat and stripped on the spot. What a whore."

Ophelia's breath was caught in her throat. She staggered and had to grab a nearby curtain for relief, but the comments and words didn't stop.

"Not to mention, she's human. The audacity of those greedy creatures. She has one of the best of our kind on her arms, but dares to look in the other way? Where is her loyalty?"

Ophelia tried to run, but their words put her right into place.

"And to think we'd once been envious that Alpha Mavez has the Direct Descendant to himself. With the way she behaves, all his absolute commands in the war meetings must be going to waste. He might as well just hand her over to us."

Ophelia had never felt more disgusted with herself. All this time, Killorn was working hard to keep her safe. Was that where he had been all this time in the empire? Working himself to the bone for her? Yet, she dared to question his motives. Unable to cope with herself, she began to head out, but froze at a familiar sound.

"And what gives you the right to criticize her?" a soft and sweet voice beguiled.

Ophelia was disorientated and out of breath from holding it in for this long.

"Princess Elena? Surely, you're not taking her side—"

"The only side I'd never take is men that gossip like women and women that gossip like wenches," Elena scoffed, her frigid words slicing them deep.

The last thing Ophelia remembered of the ball was Elena putting everyone in their places. All Elena had to do was say a few words and she had turned the tides.

Elena commanded grown men and women twice her size and age. They respected her—all of them. And Elena didn't even have to cry to a man for help. All she had to do was open her mouth. That was it.

How nice would it be if Ophelia could do the same? If only she could speak her mind... if only, she didn't have a stutter.

- - - - -

"Reagan, perhaps I could try and convince Killorn. He can't object the order of a Prince, can he?" Everest muttered to the old wizard when he began to see Killorn storming in his direction. He straightened in time to slip away, but Killorn's furious growl blocked him.

"Everest!" Killorn hissed, walking up to the second Prince of the Empire without a care in the world.

"Hmph, at this rate, I will be overseeing two kids fighting a toy on the playground," Reagan grumbled whilst shoving Everest away.

"Brother," Elena sharply said as she sashayed to their side. "You've cornered a damsel in distress."

"Not now," Everest coldly said to her. "I have it handled."

"You have a distraught damsel in your grasp, let me escort her," Elena offered whilst taking Ophelia by the wrist. Without much trouble, Ophelia went to her side, willingly.

Elena glanced and saw the woman was still shaken up by whatever conversation took place on the balcony. She wished she could've gotten a closer glimpse. Oh well. "Where would you like to go, Ophelia?" Elena asked in her bewitching tone whilst offering an understanding smile towards a woman who barely registered what was going on. Did Ophelia's mind break from just a few taunts? Was she that weak and brittle? What was her upbringing like? It obviously was unlike the proud women that House Eves bred. No, this one was kept hidden from society—a fact Elena had used to her advantage. She remembered the rumors that House Eves had a sickly woman who barely debuted in high society.


"Anything," Elena whispered. "Anywhere." "I-I would l-like..." Ophelia finally glanced over her shoulders, confusion on her face. Ophelia had looked directly at Everest. Immediately, the siblings glanced at each other. Elena began to escort Ophelia out of the room, careful to stay away from Killorn's watchful eyes. Even though Ophelia was a vision in red, even when she drew attention from every man in the room, the only one that mattered to her was not even looking her way. No, he was too engaged in a conversation that seemingly protected his wife on the surface, but only hurt her further. A few minutes after Ophelia departed, Everest also left. He slipped away in secret, a knowing expression on his face. By the time Everest made it into the dark and dimly lit room, with Elena keeping watch by the windows, he knew he had Ophelia right where she wanted him.

Ophelia had regained her clarity—even for a moment. "There you two are," Everest mused whilst he shut the doors and locked them. He saw Elena stiffen at the soft click, but her attention was glued to the scenery outside.

Everest closed the distance between him and Ophelia. He grabbed her hand and bowed over it.

"My little lady—"

"Your secret," Ophelia interrupted without a care in the world.

Well, this certainly was not what Everest expected. He thought she'd throw herself into his arms for comfort, for he had been there for her when her husband never could.

"Yes, what of it, my little lady?" Everest patiently asked her.

"Your promise," Ophelia emphasized. "Y-you'd heal my stutter. D-do you mean it?"

Elena sharply turned, almost in disbelief. She blanched, her expression fuming. This man, he didn't! He actually told a human girl his abilities as a Pure-Blood vampire?!

"Ah," Everest mused. Everest revealed a slow and sensual smile. So she had reached that point of her life.

"Yes," Everest said in the voice of a businessman. When he saw she didn't pull away, his grip still loose on her pale and thin wrist, he knew he had won.

Soon, Ophelia Eves Mavez would just be Ophelia Eves. With time, it'd be Her Highness, Princess Ophelia. And then, afterward... Mama.

"W-will it r-really work?" Ophelia asked.

"Of course."

"W-will my husband l-love me i-if I change?"

Everest's victory was short-lived. He was livid at the thought of her changing herself for the sake of a man. To think Killorn's father was a tyrant, Everest supposed the apple didn't fall far from the tree. Killorn did not abuse his wife with his hands as his father did to his mother... No, it was much worse.

"I... do not know," Everest confessed.

Ophelia glanced at her hands for a moment, and then, she quietly nodded, succumbing to her fate.

"E-even if that's the c-case, Your Highness," Ophelia whispered. "P-please cure my stutter."