Chapter 85 Father’s Cruel Tendecies

Name:Alpha's Cruel Addiction Author:
Chapter 85 Father's Cruel Tendecies

An enormous pile of dead and slain goblins lay on the ground, their guts spilled all over the place, but their mana stones were preserved. Killorn and the men had been careful to not make the same mistakes again. Killorn had come with his best fighters, those who had been loyal to them for the longest time. n)/o(-v.-E/.L.)b./I..n

Beetle rushed forward with the keys to the bunker, but was baffled and alarmed to see the lady was on the first level, instead of the underground sections. What the hell was going on? He understood why the humans were here too, but that didn't explain the presence of the lady.

What had that vampire servant been doing!

"Everyone, please feel free to leave!" Beetle hurriedly rushed all of the human girls out of here. "Escort them, lads!"

Beetle instructed half of the lads, for he saw his Alpha was too occupied with the traitorous witch and their foolish Luna.

When the last of the girls were taken out of here, Killorn finally felt his patience snap.

"Ophelia," Killorn growled, even though there were still a few lingering people left in here.

"Alright, alright, everyone wait outside!" Beetle insisted whilst shoving the other men away from the scene of the crime, to give the lovebirds and Layla some privacy. The men didn't complain as they crossed the corners and waited.

Ophelia slowly lowered her hand, her heart caught in her chest. She could barely hear over their relieved crying, for her heartbeats were pumping too fast. She was frightened and nervous. Killorn scrutinized her from head to toe.

"And Layla," Killorn seethed, his attention snapping to Layla.

"What were you going to do to our Luna?" Killorn gritted down, descending the staircase slowly. His movements were deliberate and menacing.

Instantly, the two women backed down the stairs. He was coming closer, his enormous sword not helping his image.

"Is that blood I smell?" Killorn growled, his eyes burning bright with danger. The lantern lights were snuffed out, drenching all of them in darkness. Shadows crossed over his frightening expression, one that made people flee for their lives.

"My wife's blood? To be more exact, your Luna's" Killorn spat out the last part in a heavy emphasis. "You know the rules, Layla."

"Alpha, I—"

"I-I am at f-fault!" Ophelia suddenly said, bringing the magician behind her. She puffed out her chest and dashed for her husband, catching him by surprise. She took him by his leather-gloved hands. She flinched upon touching the goblin blood, but still persisted.

Ophelia pressed herself closer to him. "I-I told her t-to."

"They couldn't have come at a better timing," Beetle relented. "You're traveling to the Mavez Dukedom again in the mornings right?"

Killorn frowned with a nod, as he had been sneaking back to the Mavez Dukedom as the sun rose, so that he could continue overseeing the training of his people by the time he arrived at the center. Once he had spent his time there, he'd rush back to the empire to oversee meetings. By carriage ride, the empire was far from the Dukedom, but on horseback for a powerful stallionlike Eggshell, it was a mere two or three hour journey one-way depending on the weather.

Killorn turned to the old magician. "Research into the cause of their intelligence and population, Reagan."

"Yes, well I'd need my best pupil to aid me on that work," Reagan complained whilst giving the boy he's raised with a pointed look. "It is hard to analyze by myself. As you know, I am old—"

"Hah!" Beetle barked with laughter. "I couldn't tell."

Reagan stomped his cane down onto Beetle's boots. Beetle flinched and glanced away, hiding the agonized expression on his face.

"Why can't we just ask for more scholars and magicians to be sent to us?" Beetle finally said. "A spike in monster population is alarming, especially in the north where our Winter should've deterred them into hibernation. Who knows if, by now, the monsters are making their way to the Empire, where it is warmer?"

"For once, you say something useful." Killorn pressed his lips together.

Beetle huffed. "We'll employ werewolves that the late Duke once sponsored in the university. He was a cruel man, but a learned one, and saw the usefulness in paying the prestigious academy's tuition for certain werewolves that were better with their brains than brawns."

Killorn's brows shot up. He had forgotten that part.

"We'll summon more researchers from the Empire's finest university—werewolves and sponsored alike," Killorn commanded, turning to Beetle.

"I swear if that irritating secretary of yours doesn't return soon," Beetle grumbled under her breath. She hated seeing Beetle, who was one of their strongest warriors, waste his potential on assistant work.

"If you hadn't pulled that prank on him, he would," Killorn barked at her.

"Then it's a good thing he'll be fully recovered and returning in two days," Beetle shamefully mumbled.

Beetle turned to his Alpha, but blinked. He was already gone. Reagan approached the fallen goblins to continue his investigation.

"Let them out," Beetle instructed the group of men. "And make sure to get their testimony on exactly why our Luna was not with them!"

"Yes, sir!" they said, taking his keys and rushing forward to let the vampires out of the underground bunker.

Meanwhile, Beetle stared out the shelter's doors. He saw Killorn was already storming down the hallways with a destination in mind.

Beetle swallowed. He could only pray for Ophelia. Killorn was not a patient man—he had his father's cruel tendencies.