Chapter 129 - Tail Between His Legs

Jack gave a flattering smile to Channing on his question. There was something that told me Channing was trying to close the matters regard John Walter's case today and, of course, his brother jack Walter had given me enough trouble because of this case. "I have no problem with Selene. I wish her well on her new term as the Beta." Jack turned to me, passing a fake smile. 

I couldn't help but narrow my eyes at him. He was the one who had given me the most trouble here and there was no saying that he won't give me any more of it. 

Channing continued to stare at Jack while Jack gave a confused look. Before Jack could open his mouth again, Channing spoke, "Why was Selene not given the documents when she was the acting Beta?" Jack quickly glanced my way, almost sending a glare, but Channing continued, "Selene did not say anything to me, I have my ears around. I won't be the Alpha if I didn't even know what around in the broad daylight in this village."

Jack chuckled tensely, "What are you saying, Alpha if I knew Selene was the acting Beta then I would have given her everything she requested. She did not show any card or something to prove it."

My eyes narrowed at Jack as I went on to deny his claim when Channing stepped ahead to talk in a stern voice, "It is Beta Selene Jack, use the right honorifics." 

Jack gulped down, looking at the way Channing was intimidating right. "Yes, Alpha Channing," he said while skipping to address me as the Beta. This was not missed by Channing, but instead of pointing it out, Channing started a different topic. Before that, his eyes were going to the shade of yellow and his muscles struggled against his shirt. 

Channing towered over Jack and spoke in a low gravelly voice, "I know exactly how you kept Selene in the prison while she was just a suspect. 'Chief Jack' you seem to be using my absence too much to leisure around with authority."

Jack shook his head, but not a single word left his lips. Seems Channing was right about Jack only knowing how to bark and not bite. 

Channing placed his hand over Jack's shoulder and there was an underlying threat that his eyes carried. Jack cowered, seeing how Channing now bared his jagged, growing canines. "I-I was j-just being cauti-ti-tious," Jack stammered under Channing's piercing gaze. 

"Next time," Channing commanded, "remember to take my permission when it comes to taking such decisions about my pack members."

Jack nodded, "A-Absolutely, it was just Selene... Beta Selene was new back then, so to be cautious-"

"Jack," Channing cut Jack off and he stopped speaking as if his lips were glued. Channing took a step back, so I was visible to Jack right now and Channing said sternly, "Next time, remember to treat the Beta with respect and make sure Selene gets everything she asks for."

"Yes Alpha Channing," Jack hurried his words. 

Channing went back to his normal self and talked with a passive expression, "very well then, I hope you serve the Beta well. Go ahead, I think your dear force must be waiting for you." Channing moved his head to ask Jack to leave. 

Jack gave quick bows out of nervousness, "Alpha Channing, Beta Selene. I will see you around."

"Have a good day Chief," I said with a polite smile and I knew it felt taunting to him. But Jack did not wait there for even a second more and turned on his heels to prance away. The first impression I had of Jack was a sturdy and arrogant Chief but this was a scary cat. 

Back when I had met Jack in the hospital, I had immediately understood he was someone who liked to show off his powers in ways of quick judgements. 

Now that I have seen him like this, running away with his tail between his feet, I saw how his arrogance was only supported by the position he held as the Chief of the police and nothing more. Although it worried me that Jack might abuse his power, later on, to get back at me or Channing. I wouldn't be surprised if Jack hired someone to come after me. He was the brother of John Walter, after all. 

After Jack had left, I was there with Channing, alone on the ground. His eyes momentarily moved to my neck and back to my face. "Let's get you branded tomorrow officially and meet the elders."

"Okay," I replied. There was not much that came to my mind right now. 

Things were awkward between me and Channing, and if there was a third person here, they would have easily noticed the tension even when both of us were trying to keep it contained. There were a few things I wanted to ask from Channing and a few things that I needed to clear, but where to start was the question. 

Channing looked into my eyes and, rubbing the back of his head, said, "We should leave, then. Everything is done here."

I nodded with a soft hum. I could see he was already accepting my retreat from him and it wasn't nice to see, but it was better than hurting later. Channing saw how I wanted to say something, but as if he did not want to hear it, he turned to leave. 

"Channing," I called him and he stopped in his track. He did not turn around to look at me but waited with his back facing towards me for me to continue. 

I took a deep breath, watching his resistance right now. Of course, he was bound to put resistance and pull a wall between us. It was good that he was accepting it at this stage and not pushing things to progress ahead. But I should rather simple things out first and also be clear about what Fang had talked about Channing's ex, then carry some personal judgemental doubts. 

I slowly walked to stand only a step away from him, "Come to my house, I think we should... talk things clear then create a mess."


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