Infants with mental retardation, even when they grow up, may not be very smart. According to this type of people, most of their attributes will change in some aspects.

For example, mental power. Although these children look stupid, their mental power is indeed superior to that of ordinary people, that is, the so-called normal people.

For this kind of people, that is to say, because they are mentally ill, they are finally sent to a mental hospital, but their thoughts are flying in the sky, and they can even see something that ordinary people can't see.

So for each person's inborn attribute point, it's not exactly the same. It can also be said that it's inborn attribute point.

These attribute points will also involve a growth value problem. In the future growth process, the attribute value will also change due to the influence of the day after tomorrow, because of the nutrition involved by external factors and so on.

For example, children who start to exercise or martial arts from childhood have much higher strength value than ordinary people.

Those who study hard or have good nutrition will gradually increase their intelligence value and finally become a smart person.

Let's not talk about the problem of these attribute values. At this time, this equipment made by Lu Shan is totally some attribute values added to the original attribute values owned by individuals. Of course, these attribute values can also be integrated with their own attribute values to play a certain role.

Generally, the average adult attribute value is about 10, or a certain attribute value is too high, or a certain attribute value is too low, but in general, it will not deviate from a category. The adult attribute value is 100 points in total.

That is to say, in the peak period of an adult, his attribute value is 100 points in total, but these 100 points are basically occupied by all kinds of attributes. If one of his attribute points is on the high side, one of them must be on the low side.

For example, a smart man with high intelligence is indeed very smart, but compared with a swordsman and a gun man, maybe the man who practices martial arts is not smart, but his physical strength is far higher than that of the smart man.

This is a problem of balanced distribution. If there is such an extra piece of equipment now, you can make up for the missing attributes, which is a kind of anti sky existence.

Lu Shan can't imagine that if he made this equipment and sold it, the people who knew the purpose of it would buy it even if they lost their money.

I want to be the richest man in the world and have so many ways to make money. Now it's not hard to think about it.

To get back to the point, after recalling the question about attribute value, Lu Shan directly points to confirm.

At this time, there is a prompt on the panel of upgraded treasure box immediately: whether to randomly assign 5 free attribute points to jadeite jade?

At this time, two more options appear on the panel, yes or no.

Lu Shan ordered it directly. The emerald jade flashed a white light, and the sound of the system came to his mind immediately:

"Ding Attribute allocation succeeded, get 5 intelligence attributes! "

"Ding Congratulations to the host for completing the task of craftsmen's occupation concealment. The progress is 1 / 10. "

Lu Shan has a wry smile on his face. In fact, what he wants most is strength or physical strength. However, intelligence is also good, which can make people more intelligent.

That is to say, Lushan's intelligence has reached 67 points, which is about 4 times that of ordinary people. It can reach the ability of never forgetting, and any problem can be figured out as soon as you think about it.

At the same time, at the bottom of the upgrade box panel, it shows his remaining attribute points at this time: 69 points.

Considering that the attribute points of oneself are relatively high now, ordinary people are not their opponents, and it is impossible to hurt themselves.

So I decided to finish this task first, but what makes Lushan sad is that he can't add attributes to it repeatedly.

Because at this time, the upgrade treasure and the button below have turned gray. Just as Lu Shan was thinking about what was going on, he suddenly found that there was a line of small characters below.

It says: attribute can be enhanced 0 / 1 times.

The meaning of this figure is very clear in his mind, that is to say, this glass jade can only strengthen the attribute once.

In order to determine the idea in your heart, you put an emerald jade card in the center of the upgraded treasure box. At this time, the small character below shows that the attribute can be enhanced by 1 / 1 of the times.

This makes Lushan a little depressed. What can 5 attribute values do?

I'm afraid that's the only way he thinks about it. If we change to ordinary people, if we have 5 more attribute points, it will naturally be much more powerful than ordinary people.

You need to know that the limit of common people's attribute points is 100. If you add 5 attributes, it's 105 attributes.

It's just that at present, Lushan doesn't know whether equipment like this can have the effect of superposition when it is installed on ordinary people? It seems that we can only know after we try.

This time, Lushan put Laokeng glass emerald and jade brand in the center of the upgraded treasure box. When he saw the line below clearly, he was also delighted.

Number of times attribute value can be strengthened: 2 / 2

that is to say, this equipment can strengthen attribute value twice, so that 10 attributes can be achieved. It seems that the factor of the number of times attribute value can be strengthened is mainly related to its own equipment material.

In order to verify the idea in my mind, I put a very common equipment in the middle of the upgrade box, and the attribute value enhancement times shown below the result is 0 / 0.

That is to say, this equipment can't be used as the carrier of attribute value enhancement at all. After making this clear, I immediately have some ideas.

Yi Xueer can't sleep at this time. She is dressed in a white Pajama, like a lotus flower out of the mud, sitting on the sofa in the living room.

Just then the doorbell rang.

She was a more cautious girl. She saw that Lu Shan was standing at the door through the small hole in the door, which opened the door gently.

When Lu Shan saw Yi Xueer wearing this Pajama, he immediately felt a heat in his nose, but he didn't know it at this time.

"What's the matter with you? Why is your nose bleeding Come in and I'll help you! "

Yi Xueer said anxiously on her face.

"Ah? Oh... Good! "

At this time, Lushan only felt the confusion of the whole brain, even the thought of speaking was not clear. Subconsciously, he wiped his nose with his hand, and found that his nose was bleeding.

"By Why am I so unpromising! Calm down... Be calm! "

Lu Shan scolded himself in his heart and followed Yi Xueer into the room.

After a while, Yi Xueer has blocked up two nostrils of Lushan.

Lu Shan's eyes dodged a little, and he didn't dare to look at each other at all. He was afraid that he would spit blood directly if he continued to look at each other. Then it would be ugly.

"What's the matter with you? Such a big man can't take care of himself! "

Yi Xueer did not look at Lu Shan's words and poured him a cup of boiled water.

"Oh I came to you for something. Can you put that Give me that jade card and I'll give it back to you tomorrow morning. "

Lushan didn't dare to stay here for too long. He was really afraid that he could not control himself. He could only say it directly.

"That's it All right! "

Yi Xueer didn't ask Lu Shan why she wanted the jade card, but she took it off her neck. At this time, the jade card still has a light fragrance.