Chapter 389: The current situation of the mobile game market (five)

In the lounge, Chen Mo is writing some detailed settings about "The Land of the Earth".

Although this is a mobile game, some rules of the state war are still more complicated, because there may be dozens of hundreds of players in the same battle at the same time, the rules must be very clear to be no problem.

Moreover, the battle system of "The Land of the Earth" is also very complicated. There are more than 400 tactics (skills). The entire tactical system is not necessarily useful for novices to play for months, so there are also A certain amount of work.

Just thinking about it, Zheng Hongyu knocked on the door.

"The store manager, I heard that the tourism committee is collecting games from the Three Kingdoms? I am clear to the Three Kingdoms, the store manager, you said what kind of three-nation game, I am responsible for the plot, and it is guaranteed." Zheng Hongyi is still a little small. excitement.

Chen Mo looked at him: "You are very good at the Three Kingdoms? Have you seen any books?"

Zheng Hongyu said: "The Three Kingdoms" and "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms"! Have seen it!"

"Oh." Chen Mo asked, "That, the "Three Kingdoms Note" of Yu Songzhi, as well as "Yu Ji", "Jin Shu", "Wei Shu", "Wei Lue", "Three Kingdoms Records", "Zi Zhi Tong Jian" "Three Kingdoms Collection", "Han Jin Chunqiu"... Have you seen it?"

Zheng Hong forced: "...this, no, haven't seen it. Have you seen the manager?"

Chen Mo shook his head: "I have not seen it."

Zheng Hongwei: "..."

What the hell, I haven’t seen you say awkward!

Chen Mo smiled and said: "Nothing, this game does not need a plot, so you don't need to write it."

"Ah?" Zheng Hongyi said, "Don't tell the story, how to carry forward the culture of the Three Kingdoms? Even if it is a rpg, how can we have a main task?"

Chen Mo shook his head: "Don't tell the story. This game is a mobile game, the gameplay is special, don't worry."

"Okay." Zheng Hongyi looked very disappointed. "Then, the store manager, come on, if you need help, you can always find me."

"Good." Chen Mo nodded.

Zheng Hongyi thought for a moment and said: "The store manager, you should not want to take the three-nation theme to do the gold hand tour?"

Chen Mo said: "It can also be regarded as a gold hand tour."

Zheng Hongyu reminded: "That, the manager, I have a lot of mouths. At present, there are a lot of gold hand games on the market. If you still play the same card game as "Yin Yang Shi", I am afraid there is no competitiveness..."

Chen Mo nodded: "Do not worry, I have a few in my heart."

"Well, the store manager, you have a bit of oil." Zheng Hongyu said, "I am responsible for shouting 666."


For the current status of the mobile game market, it can be said that the game is a gold medal.

"Yin Yang Shi" has been in operation for more than two years, and Chen Mo has also carried out some version updates. Although it is still in the top ten of the best-selling market in the mobile game market, it has already shown its decline.

After all, the life of a card game is limited, not to mention the "Yin Yang Shi", a very painful game. It can still be maintained in the top ten of the bestsellers, but only because there are not so many competing products in the parallel world.

At present, the domestic mobile game market is in a relatively chaotic state.

When "Yin and Yang" appeared, it was indeed a harvest in the rival market. But after all, card games are not a game that can be ruled for a long time. The gameplay is relatively simple, and most people will be tired after playing for a few months at most. .

However, the game that can replace "Yin and Yang" has not yet appeared.

However, the appearance of "Yin Yang Shi" has indeed inspired some mobile game designers, that is, the potential of the mobile game market is very large, and players can accept heavy games.

The mobile game market is currently in a state of chaos, rpg games, card games and casual puzzle games are good, there are several rpg games on the best-selling list.

However, a phenomenal game that caused a sensation like "Yin and Yang" was not available for the time being.

Many designers are lazy to change the PC-side tour, transplant it to the mobile game, or follow the trend to make a card game. This has led to a lot of shoddy games in these mobile games, and lack of more distinctive boutique games.

The rudeness here is not to say that the quality of the game, mainly the gameplay, is micro-innovation, without special revolutionary changes.

As for the card game, all kinds of gameplay are basically overdrawn. After the "Yin and Yang Master", although there are several good quality card players, but the players have been tired after all.

It’s getting harder and harder to make money now by playing card games.

Everyone is looking forward to a better gameplay.


On October 12th, the second round of the s1 finals group stage began.

The game continued, and the schedule was even more brutal. Every day from the 12th to the 15th, a group competition was played, which directly determined the fate of these teams.

The second round of the group match was basically the same as the first round. This data may only be surpassed in the semi-finals or even the finals.

In the end, the team of the four teams was settled.

The situation of group a, group b and group c is relatively clear.

Group a is the nrg and fg outlets, group b is the if and sot outlets, and group c is the vsg and mad outlets.

Among them, nrg because the team within the team is weak, with a full victory record, the final record of 6-0; b group, the second round if lost to sot, the final play again defeated sot to the group's first qualifying; , vsg from Europe and mad from South Korea, vsg is still slightly stronger.

What is more surprising is the situation of group d. Originally, the strength of mg is stronger than that of e-motus in South Korea. However, in the second round of the group stage, the strength of e-motus suddenly improved significantly, and two routines were released continuously. In the second round of the group stage, the 3-0 record was completed, and the team was directly killed to the second group, and the mg was squeezed out.

In this way, the quarter-finals are two domestic teams, three South Korean teams, two European teams and one North American team.

The next quarter-finals draw, according to the principle of evading the same group, that is, the team that the group has played, the quarter-finals will not be separated.

The final grouping results are nrg-mad, vsg-fg, if-emotus, wbg-sot.

This grouping result is no different for nrg and if, because the two teams are all in the group's first name. This final is the team that wants to win the championship. The two Chinese teams are divided into two groups. It won't be encountered in advance, which is already a good grouping.

However, what makes the domestic team more confused is why the Korean e-motus team suddenly became so strong? If it is luck to win by winning the game, the 3-0 record in the second round of the group match can not be explained simply by luck.

After analyzing the video of e-motus, the domestic team found that the discipline and team level of this team seemed to have a significant improvement, and the control of the field of vision was also significantly better than the first round.

Later, after some clues, the domestic team finally found out that the Korean team had been secretly training after the first round of group matches, and all the teams gathered together for training.

This kind of training is not just about training each other. The two strong teams, sot and mad, have unselfishly shared all kinds of hidden routines and some experiences to the other two Korean teams, especially e-motus, which has greatly benefited!